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Organizing Your Writing A look at formal writing. PART 1 - Topic.

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1 Organizing Your Writing A look at formal writing. PART 1 - Topic

2 If it is UNDERLINED – Write it down.

3 Hints and Tips Although these strategies are based on a formal writing style, they are also good to follow in most forms of writing.

4 Topic Choosing a topic is sometimes the hardest part of writing. When writing an essay, try to pick a topic you are passionate about, or have a strong opinion on. HINT: Always take a minute to brainstorm as many topics as you can – then look at those and pick out a few that you think may work.

5 BRAINSTORM A lot of students have heard this word, but have NO IDEA how to actually complete a GOOD brainstorm. What are some attributes of a good brainstorm?

6 1. Time yourself – give yourself 30 sec, one minute, or two minutes to complete the task. 2. EVERYTHING goes – let your imagination run wild. Think of EVERYTHING you can to fit into the subject you are brainstorming – the silly or “out there” ideas could lead to really good ones in the long run. 3. Pick and Choose – choose the worst ideas and put a line through them, then choose the best ideas and circle them 4. Mini Web – now complete a little web of ideas for two or three of your choices to see if there is enough information available to write a good paper.

7 Let’s Brainstorm Get into groups of 3 NOW! I am going to give you 1 minute to brainstorm your topic. Ready… Things you can do in the snow. MODES OF TRANSPORTATION

8 Pick A Topic You will be writing a Persuasive Essay in which you will be persuading someone to change their opinion on an issue – or at least consider yours. REMEMBER: Find a subject you are passionate about, but it not too complicated – you may have to do some research if you do not know enough.

9 Topic Ideas When looking at a topic make sure you have at least 2 supporting points, and 1 opposition point that you could potentially talk about. For example: Changing the dress code, Outdoor activity isn’t all it is cracked up to be, School is extremely important in life, etc.

10 You will have a few minutes to pick a topic Remember: 1.Brainstorm 2.Pick and Choose 3.Mini web – is there enough to write a paper?

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