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18.3: A TIME OF CHANGE. Terms Inflation: a sharp rise in the price of goods Deport: to force a person who is not a citizen to leave the country by government.

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Presentation on theme: "18.3: A TIME OF CHANGE. Terms Inflation: a sharp rise in the price of goods Deport: to force a person who is not a citizen to leave the country by government."— Presentation transcript:


2 Terms Inflation: a sharp rise in the price of goods Deport: to force a person who is not a citizen to leave the country by government order

3 Discussion Should returning veterans be able to get their jobs back? 1920s still had problems – Many Americans were without jobs – Prices were rising – Fear of immigrants led to violence – Violence against African Americans continued in the South

4 Economic Problems Veterans returned home after WWI – Jobs were already filled Factories also did not need as many workers – No more need for military supplies – Other problems People were eager to spend money – businesses could not keep up with demand Prices began to rise (fewer goods) Bad feelings between owners and workers – Workers wanted wages to keep up with inflation

5 Growing Fears Economy was growing worse – Feared workers who went on strike – Strikers? Under control of Communists Communists – had taken control of Russia in 1917 – Government should control all businesses and property – Was there going to be a Communist takeover in the US? 6,000 people were arrested in 1920

6 Growing Fears Arrested? Communist (true or false…) – Hundreds were deported Immigrant hatred: – Were taking jobs from Americans – People called for laws limited immigration 1921: only 357,000 immigrants permitted per year The door to the US was almost shut

7 The Great Migration 1910-1930: African Americans moved North – Settled in cities: New York, Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia – Left because: Unfair working conditions – Sharecroppers had to pay for the right to farm lands Farming was difficult – Floods / long spells of dry weather Segregation laws – Separate schools, restaurants, restrooms, drinking fountains

8 The Great Migration Hoped for a better life in the North – Higher pay in factory jobs Still made less than white workers Violence: – Ku Klux Klan – terrorist group Spread fear among African Americans Men in hoods attacked in the South, Midwest, West – Fought back: Formed groups to increase racial pride – Churches, social clubs, businesses

9 To Do Pg. 345 – critical thinking – Sacco and Vanzetti Pg. 347 (1-3) Exercise 77

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