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Farm Services Center A meeting point for growers & Farm Service Providers April 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Farm Services Center A meeting point for growers & Farm Service Providers April 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Farm Services Center A meeting point for growers & Farm Service Providers April 2012

2 Agenda About GeoAgro Farm Services Center... Basic features Simple solutions for growers – Precision farming cycle Available Services & Solutions What are the benefits for Ag Services Providers? Seed, Fertilizer dealers, Coops Consultants networks Farmers organizations Farm Management companies Getting started

3 About GeoAgro... - Based in Tampa, FL, since 2001, and Argentina since 2004, GIS/Information Technology startup - Focus: Simplify information management in Agriculture - Approach based on: Facilitate agronomic processes (simple tools, processing satellite or ag equipment farm data, training) Localize solutions through agronomic partners Collaborative culture to integrate value chains - Main areas: Precision farming & Conservation Agriculture - Main Markets: USA, Argentina, South Africa, Venezuela, Uruguay, Paraguay, other markets in Latinamerica

4 Online meeting point where farm service providers and growers can: Organize all their farm’s information in a single place Automate processing, from satellites, ag equipment, GPS, or other sources Integrate and Analyze the farm info in simple maps & reports Connect farm teams - soil labs, consultants, applicators or other Ag contractors. => Ag Service providers can implement Agronomic Solutions f/growers => Establish solid, long term relationships What is the Farm Services Center?

5 Basic features... the building blocks Farm Services Center

6 1. It's simple to Organize Farm info... Secure Online access Simple online GIS tools to create new farms Available farms are organized in a dashboard

7 2. It's simple to process Farm data... From multiple sources Just click on Add Service – choose field(s)

8 3. It's simple to generate Reports & analyze info... Reports are automatically available Multi-year & multi-layer analysis

9 4. It's simple to share with the team... Just go to 'Members' …. and share your farm info

10 5. No training required to access info... Simple GIS view for growers, investors... Can easily keep track of the crop season

11 Simple solutions for growers Farm Services Center

12 Ag Service Providers using the FSC... YPF Agricultural Division, part of the argentinean petroleum company YPF, provides fertilizers and other services through a chain of hundreds of distributors. their goal was to incorporate precision farming practices to improve services for their clients, and facilitate fertilizer sales. ASP (Agro Servicios PampeanosASP (Agro Servicios Pampeanos), part of the Agrium group, is a a leading input supplier and implementation service provider (e.g.: custom apps), working with GeoaAgro to implement Precision Farming for their clients

13 Ag Service Providers using the FSC... ARAG Argentina,ARAG Argentina, subsidiary of the italian multi-national company Arag, provides spraying equipment, through a network of hundreds of distributors. Their goal was to enable clients to map, audit, and analyze the agrochemical or liquid fertilizers application data; and secondly, to train their distributor network. KWS SAAT AG is one of the world’s leading plant breeding companies incorporating both traditional and biotechnological growing methods. Its sugar beet and maize varieties are marketed in the U.S. through Betaseed Inc., and AgReliant. In Argentina, KWS is using Productivity maps to recommend corn seed hybrids and density.

14 Precision farming cycle...

15 Productivity Maps Provide an accurate picture of within field variability Based on multi-year remote sensing analysis Main input for directed sampling → Faster, less expensive than grid sampling

16 It incorporates the concept of “mgmt zones” to KWS Agronomic advise. Productivity maps are included as part of the seed service. KWS does a technical recommendation for seeding, taking into account variables such as hybrid selection and density, according to variability detected in the map. The client receives a printed report, and access to the FSC Example: Precision RAK

17 Georeferenced Field visits & crop monitoring Management zone characterization Crop Monitoring – Weeds / Pest & diseases / Plant counting / Crop status

18 These reports are applicable both to fixed or variable rate applications. Prescription / as-applied maps

19 Yield maps Leverage available yield data Simplify time consuming task of cleaning up data

20 Reports and analysis for profitable decisions Auditing harvest operations. Yield maps

21 On-farm research

22 Evaluate Response by hybrid & management zone Analysis

23 Post-season analysis by seed density Analysis

24 Available Services & Solutions

25 Services & Solutions → coming up Processing Services Ground Sensor Maps (Veris and others) Rescue-N Maps Yield estimation (pre-harvest) Proxy Yield Maps (post- harvest) Topo Maps Ag Solutions Smart Sampling & VRT Grid Sampling & VRT Saline Land Recovery Crop RS Monitoring Program (→ Training/Astrium partner) Forage monitoring

26 Rescue - N

27 Example: wheat field, Argentina, Dec. 2011. Diferences between real yields and estimated yields (45 days pre-harvest): 5% Yield Estimations (pre-harvest)

28 Grid Sampling & VRT

29 What are the benefits for Ag Services Providers? Seed, Fertilizer dealers, Coops Consultants networks Farmers organizations Farm Management companies Farm Services Center

30 1. High impact on seed/fertilizer optimization & yield increases 2.Traceability, auditing and efficiency in the use of application and harvest equipment 3.Efficient team work. 4.Enables measuring, gaining knowledge and continuous learning to improve decisions. → Real Value, Measurable Results....Measurable Results.... For the grower....

31 For the Ag Service Provider.... Differentiate your service - position your company as innovator. Build customer loyalty - helping them to improve bottom line, permanent assistance Win new clients - attracted by better returns, simple use of technology Manage your clients info – anticipate their needs Empower your technical team Time savings, team work, right info at right time... AND It can help business grow...

32 Simple steps to get started Farm Services Center

33 Keys for a successful implementation Clarify objectives: Update your team? Save time in data processing? Excuse for knocking the door? Sell more seed, fertilizer? Build customer loyalty? Access to key information during the season?what service/solution will be implemented? Define scope: What will be the Process, required data, reports? how many farms/fields/acres? Training requirements?

34 Implementation models / costs 1) Pay on demand (by grower): The company configures its solution based on the FSC The client pays for the solution, per request It can be customized with own branding Setup fee applies 2) Pre-pay (by Company) The Ag Services company pre-pays a discounted package of services It can be customized with own branding and access throug own site Setup fee is included in the package 2) Pre-pay (by distributor) The distributor pre-pays a discounted package of services It can be customized with own branding and access throug own site Setup fee is included in the package

35 Thank you! GeoAgro. It's easier. Visit us @

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