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Treaty of Paris a review

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1 Treaty of Paris a review

2 1763 – Treaty of Paris What did it do?
France Lost some of the Canadian possessions Most of her empire in India Lands east of the Mississippi River

3 1763 – Treaty of Paris What did it do?
Spain Got all French lands West of the Mississippi River New Orleans Lost Florida to Great Britain

4 1763 – Treaty of Paris What did it do?
Great Britain Got all French lands in Canada Exclusive rights to slave trade Commercial dominance in India

5 1763 – Treaty of Paris What did it do?
Effects on the American Colonies United them against a common enemy for the 1st time (French and Indians) Created a socializing experience for all colonials with participation (unity) Created bitter feeling towards the British that would only intensify Why???

6 1763 – Treaty of Paris What did it do?
Effects on Great Britain In increased her colonial empire Greatly increased her debt Britain's contempt for the Colonists created bitter feelings

7 1763 – Treaty of Paris What did it do?
Great Britain felt that a major reorganization of her American Empire was necessary!!!

8 British on the Frontier
After the French and Indian War, British stopped giving gifts to the Indians Squatters moved into Indian lands (Indian feared the British would support this) As a result many Indians (Pontiac – Ottawa) led attacks against the British in 1763 – Pontiac’s Rebellion Indians suffered food & ammunition shortages as well as a small pox outbreak Peace achieved in 1766

9 What Next??? Proclamation of 1763
In an effort to pacify the Indians, British passed the Proclamation of 1763 Respect Indian land rights and control colonial expansion


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