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World Geography 8 Name __________________ Chapter 18 Homework North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia Today Section 1: North Africa EGYPT (label.

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Presentation on theme: "World Geography 8 Name __________________ Chapter 18 Homework North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia Today Section 1: North Africa EGYPT (label."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Geography 8 Name __________________ Chapter 18 Homework North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia Today Section 1: North Africa EGYPT (label on the map above) 1.Where is the best farmland in Egypt? 2.What do all farmers in Egypt depend on to control flooding of the Nile? 3.Name two benefits of the Aswan High Dam: 4.What is Egypt’s main energy resource? 5.Name two of the larger cities found in Egypt: (label on the map above) 6.What important waterway was built by Europeans and Egyptians in the 1800’s? (label on the map) LIBYA and the MAGHREB 7.What countries make up the Maghreb? 8.What does Maghreb mean in Arabic? LIBYA (label on the map above) 9.Climate: Year of Independence: Modern Cities: Government: Natural Resource: Leader of Government: Ethnic Groups: Major Religion: *last year marked the end of Qaddafi Language: rule- do you know what occurred?

2 TUNISIA (label on the map) 10. Ethnic Groups: Major crops: Language: Major industries: Religion: Year of independence: Capital: Type of government: Climate: ALGERIA(label on the map) 11.Climate: Religion: Physical features: Year of Independence: Capital: Type of government: Natural Resources: Ethnic Groups: MOROCCO(label on the map) 12.Major crops: book does not tell you the following, see if you know! Natural resource: Language: Ethnic groups: Religion: Year of Independence: Type of government: 13.Explain the status of Western Sahara:

3 Section 2: Southwest Asia THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN TURKEY (label on the map above) 14.Climate: Language: Major crops: Capital: Major industries: Major city: Religion: SYRIA(label on the map above) 15.Physical features: Capital: Major crops: What is the capital known for? Year of independence: You hear about Syria in the news today. Do you know why? LEBANON (label on the map above) 16. Major crops: Cultural blends: Capital: Year of independence: Language: Conflicts: JORDAN (label on the map above) 17.Physical features: Major crops: Religion: Capital: Year of independence: Major industries: Type of government: Ethnic group:

4 ISRAEL (label on the map ) 18.Capital: Major industries: Religion/Ethnic Groups: Major crops: Major cities: 19. What two groups of people have been in conflict since 1948? 20.Define kibbutz: 21.Define moshav: 22.What are the two areas that make up the Palestinian Territories? (label on the map below) THE ARABIAN PENINSULA SAUDI ARABIA (label on the map) 23.Climate: Religion: Capital: Holy Cities: Natural Resource: PERSIAN GULF COUNTRIES (label on the map) 24. These countries are planning for a time when oil runs out. What have they developed? Qatar: Bahrain: Dubai, UAE: OMAN (label on the map) 25. Natural Resource: Israel

5 YEMEN (label on the map) 26. Capital: Economic Activity: IRAQ, IRAN, and AFGHANISTAN IRAQ (label on the map ) 27.Major rivers: Ethnic groups: Major crops: Year temporary Iraqi govt. established: Major export: Capital: 28. Define embargo: 29.What country did Iraq invade in 1990; leading to the Persian Gulf War ? IRAN (label on the map) 30. Dominant Religion: Government: Dominant Ethnic Group: Natural Resource: Capital: Industry: Major crops: AFGHANISTAN (label on the map) 31.Dominant physical feature: Economic Activities: Capital: Major crops: Ethnic Groups: THE CENTRAL ASIAN REPUBLICS KAZAKHSTAN 32. Important Industry: Natural resources: Ethnic group(s): UZBEKISTAN 33.Ethnic group: Newly discovered resources: Capital: Cities on the Silk Road: Major cash crop: 34. What body of water is shrinking due to the irrigation of Uzbekistan's cotton crop? TURKMENSITAN: 35.Dominant physical feature: Natural resources: Ethnic group: Capital: Section 3: Central Asia

6 KYRGYSTAN: 36.Major crops: Ethnic group(s): Natural resources: TAJIKISTAN : 37. Dominant physical feature: Capital: Major crops: Ethnic Group(s): Major industries THE CAUCASUS REPUBLICS 38.Name the countries that make up the Caucasus Republics: GEORGIA: 39.Mineral resources: Major Industries: Capital: Ethnic Group: ARMENIA: 40. Ethnic group: Capital: Religion: Year of independence: 41.Define genocide: 42.Define enclave: AZERBAIJAN: 43. Ethnic group: Religion: Capital: Major crops: Natural Resources:

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