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CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation). Chickens.

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Presentation on theme: "CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation). Chickens."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation)


3 Chickens


5 Pigs

6 This is most likely not where last nights burger was raised….

7 But it may have had a little of this in it…

8 Some quick numbers…  10 million lbs of beef  50 million lbs of pork  90 million lbs of turkey  90 million lbs of chicken  That’s around 240 million lbs of meat produced in 1 year!  Which means that’s a lot of s***!

9 A system has been developed to achieve  Highest yield of product  At lowest cost to the manufacturer  But a higher cost to animals, the environment and consumers (though most of us don’t know it!)


11 Environmental Health Effects  Estimated in 2005 that livestock animals produce 3-20 more times the waste that the US popluation produced, which was between 1.2 – 1.4 billion tons  This waste contains pathogens such as E. Coli, hormones, antibiotics, animal blood, large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus, copper sulfate, and other chemicals and additives  Also the issue of dead animal disposal

12 Pathogens & Disease  Anthrax- Headache, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting  Tetanus - Violent muscle spasms, lockjaw, difficulty breathing  Giardiasis - Diarrhea,abdominalpain,nausea,vomiting, fever  Colibacilosis - Diarrhea, abdominal gas

13 Affecting Ground and Surface water  Runoff from waste after rains can affect drinking water  This runoff can also contaminate local streams, where ammonia robs the oxygen, killing the local aquatic life  Communities would need to be concerned about nitrite and nitrate poisioning, which can lead to birth defects, miscarriages, and even infant death

14 Air quality (and greenhouse gases)odors  Ammonia - Respiratory irritant  Hydrogen sulfide- Inflammation of the membranes of eyes and lungs, olfactory neuron loss  Methane - Greenhouse gas  Particulate substances- chronic bronchitis, organic dust toxic syndrome

15 Antibiotics  Antibiotic resistance!  70% of all drugs administered in the U.S. each year through animal feed  Nearly half of those drugs are the same exact drugs administered to humans

16 So what’s the solution?  Eat more veggies





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