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Materials people take from the environment to survive or satisfy needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Materials people take from the environment to survive or satisfy needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Materials people take from the environment to survive or satisfy needs

2 Resources Renewable - environment can replace resource at timely rate –Soil, water,sun Nonrenewable - environment can’t replace material once used –Fossil fuels (coal, oil, nat. gas), minerals (copper, gold)

3 1. Fossil Fuels - oil (Southwest Asia), natural gas (Northern Eurasia), coal (widely scattered) *At present rate, world’s supply of oil will run out in less than a century

4 2. Nuclear Energy Using fission to split uranium atoms releasing energy Dangerous form of energy (leaks, explosions, toxic waste) Refining uranium contributes to global warming

5 3. Water Power Using dams to capture energy from moving water (rivers, oceans) ---- Hoover Dam

6 4. Geothermal Energy Underground magma heating groundwater to produce steam (heat, electricity) –Iceland, Japan, Italy, New Zealand

7 5. Solar Energy Energy produced by sun Panels collect/ store radiation

8 Comprised of developed/ developing nations –Developed nations - industrialized nations (US, Japan, Singapore) –Developing nations - those lacking industry and modern technology (African countries, Yemen, Oman)

9 Primary - raw materials Secondary - manufacturing of raw materials (adding value to an item) Tertiary - service oriented sector (transportation, advertisement, government)

10 Gross National Product (GNP) Measuring total value of goods and services of country in one year Way of comparing wealth of countries –Per Capita GNP - GNP/total population

11 Gatherer/Herders - primitive culture based on ability to hunt animals/gather wild foods –Usually nomadic (travel from place to place---follow herds)

12 Societies only growing enough crops to feed themselves –Use very basic tools (human/animal power)

13 Raising crops/livestock to sell on market –Very modernized farming techniques –Rarely used to feed themselves rather for manufacturing

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