Strategy Review. Categories We monitor all of our Progress measures to ensure we are on track. We rate each of these into 5 categories – Red - Will not.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategy Review. Categories We monitor all of our Progress measures to ensure we are on track. We rate each of these into 5 categories – Red - Will not."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategy Review

2 Categories We monitor all of our Progress measures to ensure we are on track. We rate each of these into 5 categories – Red - Will not make. – Orange - Significant Concerns – Yellow - Some Concern – Green - On track to make (no concerns) – White - Not enough data to make assessment. Measures are both objectively and Subjectively Assessed.

3 Expectations All Goals fall into 1 of 3 expectation categories: Starter weighted (25.2%) Completer weighted (14%) Linear(33.3%) These are assessed based on how when we expect the number to be met and what the number is depending on.


5 I-Best Average Credits Students who enrolled in I-BEST courses will complete an average of 40 credits (Strategy 1.1 PM 4) The average won’t be made because most of these students are associated with a short term (Pre-Employment Program). Many of our programs do not have 40 credits to complete. 23 n/a n/a AVG 40

6 PLA CREDIT APPLICATION 262 students will apply for credit via PLA; 10% of total program participants (Strategy 2.1 PM2) Unsure of way ahead to reach this Goal 5 5.3% 14% n/a

7 PLA Credits Awarded 2620 PLA credits will be awarded to students; 4% of all credits awarded (Strategy 2.1 PM3) Unsure of way ahead to reach this Goal 23 n/a n/a AVG 40

8 Sector Specific Degrees 458 students will attain sector specific degrees from Air Washington institutions; 66% of all students in any certificate or degree program (Strategy 3.1 PM2) Anticipate 157 – 356 total depending on enrollment and grad rate. Still unclear how many of our students will actually go after full degree. Expect on track lower than completers estimate because of program length. Shows up in 3 goals we are expected to meet( also Strat 3.3 PM4a,Question #7) 26 5.68% 14% 356

9 New Part Time/Full Time faculty hires 30 part-time/45 Full time faculty will be newly employed to teach aerospace program classes (Strategy 3.3 PM2) Current plan does not support these numbers 19/13 63/28% Front Loaded still unclear

10 Aircraft Assembly Programs 3 aircraft assembly programs will be offered by Air Washington schools (Strategy 3.3 PM5) Plan did not support 3 programs Is there more we can count here? 1 33% n/a1

11 Average Credits Awarded per year (40)The average number of credits earned in a one-year time period for students who earn any number of credits during that year. (Question 4) Will be a problem based on many programs don’t require 40 credits to complete? 22.52 n/a n/an/a Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees for entire program)

12 Students Earning Long Cert (395) Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year. Aggregate across all enrollees for entire program( Question 6) Can make if we have high retention. Expect this to be back end heavy due to length of program. 43 10.89% 14%604 (44% =266 students)

13 I-Best Students enrolled 240 students will be enrolled in IBEST courses (Strategy 1.1 PM3) Need to get better estimates from school to be comfortable with this number. Currently numbers significantly lower than required but more programs coming on line. 31 12.9% 25% unknown

14 New Assessment Completers Of students assessed using new methods 1037, or 44%, will complete their program of study(Strat 2.1 PM 1) Still need schools to provide new assessment guidelines. Waiting to see these numbers increase after new program implemented. Expect on track would be lower % because of delay in program development. 55 5.3% 25.2% n/a

15 Women/Vets/disable consecutive qtrs 80% of women, veterans, and individuals with disabilities will enroll in two consecutive quarters (2.2 PM 5) How many are even in programs where they can be counted as consecutive 1 Qtr programs will skew the numbers (Added hard number 846) No hard number but only a % (need to fix count to account for double entry 256) Using completer goal but actually in-between starters and completers 65 25% n/an/a

16 EASA Certified Instructors 5 instructors will be EASA-certified; 30% of A & P instructors (3.2 PM 2) Focus on 5 and not 30% of instructors Program not ready No timeline established. Unsure how many schools will get instructors certified (goal is at least 1 per school) 0 0% 33%n/a

17 EASA Eligible Students 70 students will complete the A & P program and be eligible for EASA certification(3.2 PM 3) Awaiting timeline to determine if plausible. Extra time will be required and unsure when this will begin. Unsure how many will want the extra cert 0 0% 14%n/a

18 AS9100 Newly Certified 15 firms will be newly AS9100 certified (Strat 3.5 PM 1) 3 of first 5 still working on cert (Class started with 5 2 dropped). 4 more classes planned but only 3 will contribute to completers. 0 0% n/an/a

19 Articulation Agreements (4 yr) 5 articulation agreements will be established with 4-year post- secondary institutions (Strat 3.4 PM 3) Tough to Identify which agreements are new( Need help from each school) Expect each articulation between consortium member and 4 year school counts as 1 0 n/a n/an/a

20 Articulation Agreements (Secondary Education) 10 articulation agreements will be established with secondary institutions (Strat 3.4 PM 2) Tough to Identify which agreements are new( Need help from each school) Expect each articulation between consortium member and school counts as 1 0 n/a n/an/a

21 Pre-Employment Salaries Students who complete pre-employment training will have average 6- month earnings of $13,426 ($12.90 hourly wage) at time of completion (Strat 1.1 PM 1) High number and no data to support initial data low. $12.90 /hr wage – 40 hr week – 26 weeks 0 n/a n/an/a

22 Women Participants 314, or 12%, of program participants will be women (Strat 2.2 PM 2) Currently on the projection but significantly larger number than baseline predicts. Looking for specific push from each school 79 25.1% 25.2% n/a

23 Vet Participants 601, or 23%, of program participants will be veterans (Strat 2.2 PM 3) goal high numbers lower than needed (Fall #'s will be a better indicator) 129 21.4% 25.2% n/a

24 Avg Instruction Rating Average instructor effectiveness will be rated as 6 out of 7 on student satisfaction survey (Strat 2.3 PM 3) goal high Weird scale Currently meeting metric (If you look at all and not average of the schools 5.84) 6.27 n/a n/an/a

25 Documentation of EASA approval Documentation of EASA approval of A & P curriculum (Strat 3.2 PM 1) Timeline unsure Will have better feel after technical assistance visit. n/a n/a n/an/a

26 Completers employed in related field 596 or 52% of program completers will enter employment related to their program. (Strat 3.4 PM 5) Tracking concerns Slightly behind timeline (Fall #'s will be a better indicator) 81 13.5% 14% n/a

27 To Early to Call

28 Feeling Good


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