1 Briefing on Hong Kong Education System Presented by KF YEUNG Education Bureau, HKSAR in 2007 Canadian Education Fair on 12 October 2007.

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1 1 Briefing on Hong Kong Education System Presented by KF YEUNG Education Bureau, HKSAR in 2007 Canadian Education Fair on 12 October 2007

2 2 Demands on Education Comprehensive rather than selective education Comprehensive rather than selective education Generic skills and attitudes Generic skills and attitudes Enriched learning experiences Enriched learning experiences Lifelong learning skills and motivation Lifelong learning skills and motivation

3 3 Core Values and Beliefs 1. Every child has the capacity to learn – set high expectations 2. Accept responsibility for students’ learning – focus on learning outcome 3. Lifelong learning and continuing improvement – aim for excellence

4 4 New Academic System (3+3+4) All students study at S6 Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, Liberal Studies, generic skills & values career-oriented studies, broader post-school pathways core subjects, elective subjects & other learning experiences

5 5 New Academic System (3+3+4) / cont’d one examination wider school-based assessment HK Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) & Senior Secondary Student Learning Profile

6 6 International Trends International Baccalaureate (IB) 6 subjects chosen from 6 learning areas extended essay and theory of knowledge creativity, action, service (prerequisites for award) “3+3+4” 6 or 7 subjects (core and elective subjects) Liberal Studies (including Independent Study) Other learning experiences Back to Content Page

7 7 A Comparison of the Current and the New Academic Structures New Structure (“3+3+4”) New public examination leading to HK Diploma of Secondary Education Current Structure (“3+2+2+3”) 4-Year Undergraduate Degree 3-Year Undergraduate Degree Secondary 7 HKALE HKCEE Secondary 6 Secondary 5 Secondary 4 Secondary 3 Secondary 2 Secondary 1 Senior Secondary 3 Senior Secondary 2 Senior Secondary 1 Secondary 3 Secondary 2 Secondary 1 Back to Content Page

8 8 Benefits of Change All students study through to S6 One public examination Breadth and depth of senior secondary education (diversification) meeting challenge of knowledge- based society of Hong Kong increasing learning time and space and enhancing learning effectiveness developing the full potential of students with different aptitudes and interests Smoother pathways for further study and work providing opportunities for young people to engage in study and/or work, post-school Back to Content Page

9 9 Smoother articulation of SS to different pathways Smoother articulation of SS to different pathways for lifelong learning and success in life for lifelong learning and success in life Year 2 Senior Sec 1 Senior Sec 2 4-Year Undergraduate Degree Employment Sub-degree Senior Sec 3 Career-oriented Studies Awards Project Yi Jin Continuing Education for Higher Degrees/Further Qualifications Junior Secondary Back to Content Page

10 10 Broadened admission criteria Agreement that admission criteria should not unnecessarily restrict student choice in senior secondary education LS as requirement for entry HUCOM Working Group established and will provide early advice (during 2005) University and Post-secondary Interface Principles established: Back to Content Page

11 11 Guiding Principles for curriculum design  Balance between breadth (overall design & LS) & depth (Xs)  Balance between theoretical & applied learning (Xs & COC, Core & elective parts in each subjects)  Flexible & diversified – time allocation, timetabling  Learning how to learn & inquiry-based learning  Smoother articulation to multiple pathways(varied combinations of elective subjects & COC)  Greater coherence (LS to complement Xs subjects, KLAs in basic education) Back to Content Page

12 12 1.To be biliterate and trilingual 2.To acquire a broad knowledge base, and be able to understand contemporary issues that may impact on their daily life at personal, community, national and global levels 3.To be an informed and responsible citizen 4.To be a critical, reflective and independent thinker 5.To acquire IT & other skills for being a lifelong learner 6.To understand one’s career/academic aspirations and develop positive attitudes towards work and learning 7.To lead a healthy life style with active participation in aesthetic and physical activities Seven learning goals for SS Curriculum Back to Content Page

13 13 15 - 35% 45 - 55% Career-oriented studies such as COC courses (alternative(s) to elective subjects) Other learning experiences (moral & civic education, community service, aesthetic & physical activities, career-related experiences) 2 or 3 elective subjects (chosen from a range of 20 elective subjects) Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics & Liberal Studies as core subjects for ALL students Student programme-Whole person development & Diversification 20 - 30% Back to Content Page

14 14 Value & Attitude Generic Skill New Senior Secondary & Basic Education Curriculum Framework 4 Core Subjects: Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, Liberal Studies (45-55%) 2-3 Elective Subjects out of 20 subjects or out of courses in career- oriented studies (20-30%) Other Learning Experiences including moral and civic education, community service, aesthetic and physical experiences and work-related experiences (e.g. job attachment) (15-35%) P1- S3 NSS General Studies Moral and Civic Education Intellectual Development Community Service Physical & Aesthetic Development Career-related Experiences

15 15 Timeline First cohort of students to SS1 2009 First HKDSE Examination2012 First cohort of students from 4-year degree programme 2016

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