Understanding Yourself and Others Personality Profile.

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2 Understanding Yourself and Others Personality Profile

3 You will operate as one primary color for the most part, but high levels of stress and other environmental factors can shift your personality type for short intervals. As a rule of thumb, you should recognize your strong attributes and keep in mind the attributes that irritate people. Personality test asks a serious of questions to rate your likes and dislikes. The test will then rate your personality as either a blue, green, red or yellow personality type.

4 In most instances, your personality will: Influence relationships with your family, friends, classmates Contribute to your health and well being. Teachers can administer a personality test in class to help you discover you strengths and developmental needs. Opens up lines of communication and bring students together to have a higher appreciation for one another. Provides guidance to teachers of what teaching strategies will be the most effective for their students. What Does a Personality Test Do?

5 Personality Categories Yellow BlueGreen Red

6 RED Characteristics Task and result oriented Likes recognition Likes to be on the move, doesn’t like to be late Enjoys individual sports (golf, tennis, track, piano, individual dance, etc.) Likes expensive showy things Generally honest, but their moral compass might deviate during a competitive showdown. Tend to make good leaders. Love leadership roles and enjoy “managing” people (sometime perceived as bossy or having big egos). In the classroom setting, their hands will fly up when they know the answer. Generally They like to be leader of the pack. Car of choice: something flashy and expensive (e.g. sports car) If they were an adult and had to put a swing set together: would pay somebody to do it for them

7 YELLOW Characteristics People oriented, expressive, friendly, loves to talk, extravagant, optimistic, Enjoys team sports (volleyball, baseball, football, basketball, drill team, cheer team, etc.). The glue that holds groups together. They are generally outgoing and fun loving. Classroom talkers. Principal color in most groups. They like to run in packs. Car of choice: one that’s big enough to hold their friends If they were an adult and had to put a swing set together: would invite their friends over to build and have a barbeque

8 GREEN Characteristics Detail oriented, precise, controlled, Likes to do things right the first time, Like order. They generally have neat lockers and organized notebooks. They are often perceived as “neat freaks”. They make wonderful treasurers, secretaries, or committee chairs in clubs. They will keep your group organized. Car of choice: hybrid vehicle (energy efficient) If they were an adult and had to put a swing set together: would pull out the directions, carefully count and arrange the parts, then systematically build the swing set

9 BLUE Characteristics Creative, freethinking, sincere, loyal, caring, perceptive, Understanding, open ‐ minded, oftentimes enjoys nature, Many like the arts. Often perceived as quiet, sometimes shy individuals. Oftentimes they may be loners or have one or two other “blue” friends. They are very innovative, idea people. They tend to be quiet in a group and should be called upon to share their ideas. Blues don’t usually run with the pack. Car of choice: jeep, recreational vehicle, unusual car (off-road adventures) If they were an adult and had to put a swing set together: would design their own swing set

10 *Because most people are blends of two dominate colors, they will see overlaps of each color trait.

11 Brain Dominance Attributes Left vs. Right

12 Characteristics of Left Work alone Step by step Details One task at time Independent Prefers options Not easily distracted Does not mind criticism Likes to organize assignments Likes individual competition Analyze problems- then make decision

13 What they like to ask? Does spelling count? Should I skip lines? What are you really looking for? What comes first? Please check my work before I hand it in. Will this be on the test?

14 Characteristics of Right Read overall idea, skip details Need to understand Write whole essay before the outline Let someone else go first Team competition Hard to take criticism Working with others Likes reward or verbal praise Often answers “It depends” Work on different things at same time

15 What they like to ask? Why are we doing this? Not now! I’ll do it later I need a break Don’t touch things piled on my desk, I know where everything is. Let’s work on two projects Why can’t I skip around in the book?

16 “we are not all the same, we do not all have the same kinds of minds, and education works most effectively for most individuals if…human differences are taken seriously”

17 So What is a Learning Style? Preferred way you process information. Refers to individual differences in how we perceive, think, solve problems, learn, and relate to others

18 Auditory learners learn best by hearing information. Visual learners learn best by seeing information. Kinesthetic Learners absorb information best by doing, experiencing, touching, moving or being active in some way.

19 What is your preferred method of receiving information? –Auditory –Visual –Kinesthetic

20 5 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED from each Advisement Group !!! To Complete the Personality Survey To See What Personality Color You Are!!! Return to the Counseling Office What Color is Your Personality Challenge!!


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