The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Write the notes on the slides with a pencil in the top right corner - - - - 

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1 The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

2 Write the notes on the slides with a pencil in the top right corner - - - - 

3 The Life of F. Scott Fitzgerald  Born: Sept 24, 1896  Named after ancestor (Francis Scott Key)  1913 - enrolled in Princeton University (didn’t graduate)  1917 – enlisted in army  Fell in love with Zelda Sayre  She agreed to marry him once he was a success  1920 – his book This Side of Paradise is published

4 The Life of F. Scott Fitzgerald (cont.)  The book is successful; Zelda agrees to marry him  Daughter – Frances  1925 – The Great Gatsby  Parties and alcoholism  Zelda’s breakdown and death  Died: 1940 (heart attack)

5 Great Gatsby Setting  Time period – 1920’s  Location – East Egg, West Egg, NYC

6 Prohibition  The Eighteenth Amendment (1919) to the Constitution forbade the manufacture, sale, import, or export of intoxicating liquors.  The Twenty-first Amendment (1933) repealed the Eighteenth Amendment. ALCOHOL

7 The Roaring Twenties Prohibition Speakeasies Bootlegging Organized Crime Jazz Age Dancing Flappers Women’s rights

8 1920  More people in the city than in the country  # of radios in homes – 2,000  Harlem Renaissance begins  League of Nations established  19 th Amendment – women granted the right to vote in the US

9 1921  Warren G. Harding is inaugurated as President of the United States of America  Knee length skirts become fashionable  The first Miss America pageant  First drive-in food place

10 1922  Flapper dress makes its debut  Speakeasies in NYC = 5,000

11 1923  Hollywood sign goes up  Americans see on avg. 1 movie/week  Charleston dance becomes popular  President Harding dies  Vice President Coolidge becomes President  15 million cars registered in the US

12 1924  # of radios in US homes – 2.5 million  1 st Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

13 1925  Fitzgerald publishes The Great Gatsby  Hitler publishes Mein Kampf  The first woman Governor of a U.S. state (Wyoming) is elected.  The Scopes Trial Evolution in schools debate First trial broadcast over the radio  Frisbie invented

14 1926  40 hour work week (used to be 84 hour)  1 in 6 Americans owns a car  1 st supermarket  Mae West – arrested for moving navel during play  US woman swims the English Channel  Deaths due to bad booze in NYC = 750

15 1927  Charles Lindbergh flies solo across the Atlantic Ocean  First talking movie (The Jazz Singer)  Telephone service is opened between New York City and London (AT&T)  Speakeasies in NYC = 30,000  Deaths due to bad booze in 1 hospital in NYC on New Year’s Eve = 41

16 1927 (continued)  Al “Scarface” Capone earnings $100 million – alcohol sales $30 million – protection business $25 million – gambling $10 million – vice and sundry rackets

17 1928  U.S. signs Briand-Kellogg Pact - outlawing war  Amelia Earhart flies across the Atlantic  Women compete for the first time in Olympic field events  Penicillin discovered  1 st televisions are sold - $75  Mickey Mouse in first cartoon  Divorce rate – 1 in 6 marriages

18 1929  Empire State Building construction begins  Speakeasies in NYC = 32,000 – 100,000  Speakeasies in Chicago = 10,000  Valentine’s Day Massacre “Bugs” Moran gang killed by Al Capone’s men  Car radio invented  Stock Market crash October 29 “Black Tuesday” $9 billion lost on that one day

19 Assignment  What would the US be without the following 1920’s events/inventions?  Pick one from the following list and write 50 words in your journal explaining your opinion.  Radio  Car radio  Television  Miss America Pageant  Prohibition  Fast food places  40 hour work week  Skyscrapers  Penicillin

20 Bibliography        04/20040402_b_main.asp 04/20040402_b_main.asp    mlb/yankees/frommer42.htm mlb/yankees/frommer42.htm  1s23bonds.html 1s23bonds.html

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