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WNY Institutional Research Leaders Group October 24, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "WNY Institutional Research Leaders Group October 24, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 WNY Institutional Research Leaders Group October 24, 2014

2 Welcome Welcome from Steve Harvey, Executive Director, WNY Consortium of Higher Education Welcome to Trocaire Our Meeting Today

3 Agenda Introductions/Icebreaker Goals and objectives (and structure) of the group Pertinent IR issues in the field Professional Development Opportunities Wrap Up

4 Introductions Icebreaker Activity Please pair up with someone next to you. Ask his/her name, job title, main duties and what they want out of the group. You will introduce your partner to the larger group after talking for a few minutes. If needed, you can have groups of 3 people. Feel free to move your chairs so it’s easier to talk with one another.

5 Structure of the Group Formal/Informal? Chair/Co-chair, other officers? How long should appointments be? How should we elect officers? How often should we meet? Where should we meet? Communication between meetings? Listserv? Examples of other IR groups

6 Mission Statement What will be the purpose of the group? Volunteers for a mission statement sub- committee Sub-committee can survey members through email about what they want to gain from the group/what the purpose should be Can bring mission statement back to whole group for feedback and revisions

7 IR Issues Group Exercise Pair up with a partner Discuss your biggest challenges in the field (Make a list) How can this IR group help with these issues? Report back to the larger group

8 Professional Development How can we learn from each other? (presentations by members, group discussions, listserv discussions, external presenters) Meet during conferences? What topics would you like to discuss in future meetings?

9 Wrap Up What will you take away from this meeting today? Questions/Comments? Please do not forget to complete the meeting evaluation forms! Thank you for participating in our first IR Leaders Group!

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