CFM Study Session #1 Overview. Session #1- Overview What is a CFM Nine Competencies IFMA Resources CFM Exam CFM Study Web Site.

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1 CFM Study Session #1 Overview

2 Session #1- Overview What is a CFM Nine Competencies IFMA Resources CFM Exam CFM Study Web Site

3 What is a CFM? FM who has achieved a “Masters” level Most respected global credential in Facility Management Recognizes competency & high performance Identifies FMs who have the proven skills & knowledge acquired by experience and continuing education Demonstrated by qualifying for & successful completion of CFM Exam

4 Value Of CFM Certificate Industry recognition Association Support FM Expertise Credibility Salary Increase


6 Nine Competencies Leadership & Management Quality Assessment & Innovation Communications Operations & Maintenance Human & Environmental Factors Technology Real Estate Project Management Finance

7 Relationships Foundational skills- Supporting the Business  Real Estate  Finance  Project Management Managing the facility  Operations & Maintenance  Human & Environmental Factors  Technology Effectively leading the organization  Leadership & Management  Quality Assessment & Innovation  Communications

8 Critical Thinking Business issues The cost of ownership Life cycle costing Integration of services Design for operations & maintenance Responsibility Cost effectiveness Constant efficiency improvement In-house vs. outsourcing Quality of life

9 CFM Program Goals Assure professional competence Establish standards for professional practice Increase recognition for the profession Influence the future direction of the profession

10 CFM Exam 180 questions in random order Passing score based on correct answers

11 Leadership & Management The skills necessary to be a successful facility manager in today’s world are (choose 2)  Care taker  Policy writer  Business leadership  Operator  Public Relations

12 Operations & Maintenance What are the things you would look for to indicate whether a drop ceiling is part of a fire rated system (choose 2)?  Heavy gauge steel grid  2 X 2 ceiling tiles  Linear ceiling units  Lack of fire proofing above drop ceiling

13 Real Estate Usable area equals rentable area minus which of the following (Choose 3)  Building Core  Primary Circulation  Secondary Circulation  Service Areas

14 Human & Environmental Factors What are the most important reasons to have a minimum width in corridors? (Choose 2)  To conform to fire codes  To facilitate access to disabled occupants  To provide clearance for F&E moves  To separate stairs, restrooms & aisles from common space

15 Planning & Project Management What is the most valuable reason for conducting a post-occupancy survey?  Make the end user feel involved in the project  Provide feedback on how well the facility management team performed  Help improve the next project  Identify problem areas

16 Finance What information is most important in a charge-back system? (Choose 2)  Information needed to explain charges  Information on corporate standards and accounting principles  Information delineating causal relationships  Information that shows financial responsibility  Information that shows work responsibility

17 Quality Assessment & Innovation What process for forecasting assembly line space needs is most effective for a production or manufacturing facility?  Department growth  Production growth  Period growth  Employee growth

18 Communications Which of the following affect the degree of formality of a meeting? (Choose 3)  A highly structured agenda  The positions of the attendees  Having fewer rules of conduct  The surroundings  The use of technology in the meeting  The reason the meeting was scheduled

19 Technology The integration of comprehensive automated systems into FM processes has several benefits. Select the best benefits. (Choose 2)  Provide better data for budgeting & estimating purposes  Reduce utility costs  Overcome the issue of being a support function  Reduce labor costs

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