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Can Nanotechnology Provide the Innovations for a Second Green Revolution in Indian Agriculture? R.Kalpana Sastry*, N.H.Rao**, Richard Cahoon* and Terry.

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Presentation on theme: "Can Nanotechnology Provide the Innovations for a Second Green Revolution in Indian Agriculture? R.Kalpana Sastry*, N.H.Rao**, Richard Cahoon* and Terry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can Nanotechnology Provide the Innovations for a Second Green Revolution in Indian Agriculture? R.Kalpana Sastry*, N.H.Rao**, Richard Cahoon* and Terry Tucker* * Cornell University, NY; ** NAARM, India Contact: Method ResultsChanging Context From green revolution to decline in ag.growth 5-year moving average Source : Planning Commission, GOI, 2007 Source: Planning Commission, GOI, 2004 From self- sufficiency to concerns on food security “Is it a technology fatigue ?” Objective Preliminary assessment of potential of nanotechnology (NT) for sustainable agricultural growth in India NT in agriculture is an evolving field : Has potential to revolutionize agriculture and food systems (Roco, 2003; Kuzma and Verhage, 2006) To improve the conditions of the poor (Juma and Yee-Cheong, 2005) Investments in India over $25 million for next 5 years Need to conceptualize, prioritize and design NT research across various links in the agricultural production- consumption value chain Fig Source: Hartwich et al, 2003 Possible Themes and Research 1.Natural resource management: efficient use of soil, water, energy inputs 2.Value addition of ag-waste/bio-mass 3.Disease diagnosis 4.Delivery mechanism in plant-soil-animal system 5.Tracking biodiversity 6.Horticultural /food supply chain 7.Food processing/packaging 8.Value-addition of ethnic foods 9.Protocols for risk assessment/safety 10.Education 11.Awareness across society (ELSI) 12.Developing new genetic types/ breeds/cultivars Sector of agricultural supply chain ThemesNano-Research areas farm inputs agricultural production pre-harvest post harvest processing packaging transportation retail consumer post-consumption basic research for development of nanomaterials / devices plant/animal production plant/animal protection natural resource conservation pathogen/ contaminant detection veterinary medicine bioprocessing for food nanobased packaging nano-bio industrial products agricultural waste management nanoscale phenomena and processes: plant/animal cells; genomics/proteomics; biosafety; crop/ animal production processes; natural resources cycles nanomaterials: nano fertilizers and nanocides for efficient use of inputs soil erosion control; packaging nanodevices and systems: biosensors for precision agriculture; diagnostics; pathogen/contaminant detection smart delivery systems for genes/drugs/vaccines nanofiltration: nanobrushes for soil & water purification smart systems integration environment, social, ethical, health implications education Priority Research Areas ThemeApplication area Probable type of technology 1.Natural resource management EnergyCNT-based Hydrogen storage systems, quantum dots-based photovoltaic cells, film coatings for solar cells/panels, nano catalysts for hydrogen generation WaterNanosensors, polymers, clays, zeolites for contaminant detection Nanomembranes for purification, desalination, detoxification Nanomolecules for robust water tanks and to prevent seepage Nanosensors for water flow detection Nanozeolites for efficient release of water SoilNanozeolites for slow release of fertilizers particles for soil conservation, nanomagnets for removal of soil contaminants, soil health testing ThemeApplication area Probable type of technology 2.Value additionAgri-waste/ biomass Nanoparticles synthesis from cellulose- base agricultural byproducts Particles in strengthening natural fibre, enhancing aesthetics in cotton, jute and other fibre products Nanoparticles for liquid and gaseous fuels-based lighting and cooking technologies from crop residue, animal waste 3.Delivery mechanisms Disease and pest control, crop/animal production Encapsulated nanoparticles for pesticides including biopesticides, drugs, hormones, vaccines, gene, DNA, for crop, livestock, fish hatcheries, poultry 4.Disease diagnosis Early detection in crop/animal husbandry programmes Nanosensors for detection Quantum dots for diagnosis 5.Tracking use of biodiversity Use of germplasm, biodiversity Nanosensors for tracking use of elite lines, breeds, cultivars 6.Horticultural chain For processing of products in flower, fruit, processed food industry Nanosensors for tracking in cold chain Nanoemulsions for enhancing shelf-life ThemeApplication areaProbable type of technology/approach 7.Food (fresh and processed) sector Food processing, packaging, nutraceutical delivery, safety and sensing Development of nanoscale formulations of different traditional food products, for flavouring, refining catalytic devices in oils, dairy, meat, poultry products Nanocomposites, particles in packaging materials including traditional, indigenous material Liposomal nanovesicles, nanocapsules for better nutrient delivery, bioavailability 8.Protocols for risk assessment Regulation systems Data generation on testing and stds, toxicity assessment methodology 9.EducationResearchers, policy, industry, farmers, consumers Strong HRD programmes, global partnership 10.AwarenessBuilding entrepreneur networks in rural areas SME education and involvement, joint ventures, supply chains. clusters, public- private partnerships A Road Map for NT in Indian Agriculture Develop a database/knowledge base to assess applications in agriculture based on: Areas of research (across various links in agri- chain) Products Methods Timeline Potential for effective interface with current research trends Environmental, health and societal implications IP and biodiversity related issues Assess priorities Identify institutional strategies for: Research, educational, extension, governance and regulation Missed in early stage of ag-biotech development ! Conclusion Nanotechnology could provide the much needed trigger for a second green revolution in Indian agriculture if the following are emphasized: 1.Strategic approach to nanotechnology research and development across the agricultural value chain. 2.Environmentally and socially responsible development of the technology. 3.Anticipatory design of effective regulatory mechanisms and strong governance systems designed with involvement of all the stakeholders. 4.Ultimate acceptance by the stakeholders. Acknowledgments: SM Ilyas, NAARM; Lesley Yorke, Kavli Institute at Cornell for Nanoscale Science; Fulbright Scholar Program; IP/CALS, Cornell University

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