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PHYSICAL SCIENCE VOCABULARY WEEK 10. 1) HYDROGEN Symbol – H Atomic Number – 1 Combines with oxygen to form water.

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Presentation on theme: "PHYSICAL SCIENCE VOCABULARY WEEK 10. 1) HYDROGEN Symbol – H Atomic Number – 1 Combines with oxygen to form water."— Presentation transcript:


2 1) HYDROGEN Symbol – H Atomic Number – 1 Combines with oxygen to form water

3 2) HELIUM Symbol – He Atomic number – 2 Was used to make the first gas lasers

4 3) LITHIUM Symbol – Li Atomic number – 3 Used to make small batteries for cameras, calculators and pacemakers

5 4) BERYLLIUM Symbol – Be Atomic number – 4 Found naturally in gems; gives emeralds their color

6 5) BORON Symbol – B Atomic number – 5 Used to make heat resistant glass like Pyrex.

7 6) CARBON Symbol – C Atomic number – 6 Makes diamonds

8 7) NITROGEN Symbol – N Atomic number – 7 Makes up 78% of air.

9 8) OXYGEN Symbol – O Atomic number – 8 Used as liquid rocket fuel.

10 9) FLUORINE Symbol – F Atomic number – 9 Used in spray cans.

11 10) NEON Symbol – Ne Atomic number – 10 Used in lights because it glows orange or red

12 1) SODIUM Symbol – Na Atomic Number – 11 Sodium is used to transfer heat out of nuclear reactors.

13 2) MAGNESIUM Symbol – Mg Atomic Number – 12 Magnesium is used in fireworks and flares because it gives off a bright white light when it burns.

14 3) ALUMINUM Symbol – Al Atomic Number – 13 Aluminum is used in airplane wings.

15 4) SILICON Symbol – Si Atomic Number – 14 Silicon makes up flint, which Native Americans used for tools and weapons.

16 5) PHOSPHORUS Symbol – P Atomic number - 15 Phosphorus is used to make things glow.

17 6) SULFUR Symbol – S Atomic Number – 16 Sulfur is used in gunpowder.

18 7) CHLORINE Symbol – Cl Atomic Number – 17 Chlorine was used in World War I as a poison gas.

19 8) ARGON Symbol – Ar Atomic Number – 18 Argon is the gas used to fill light bulbs and fluorescent bulbs.

20 9) POTASSIUM Symbol – K Atomic Number – 19 Potassium is used to make explosives.

21 10) CALCIUM Symbol – Ca Atomic Number – 20 Calcium is a major component in marble.


23 1) PURE SUBSTANCE Made from one type of atom or one type of molecule only

24 2) COMPOUND Made of more than one type of atom bonded together; pure

25 3) MIXTURE Two or more elements or compounds combined physically; not pure

26 4) IRON Atomic Number – 26 Symbol – Fe Iron is used to make magnets.

27 5) NICKEL Atomic Number – 28 Symbol – Ni Nickel only makes up 25% of a nickel.

28 6) COPPER Atomic Number – 29 Symbol – Cu Pennies are only coated in copper.

29 7) SILVER Atomic number – 47 Symbol – Ag Silver compounds are used to ‘seed’ clouds and make rain.

30 8) GOLD Atomic number – 79 Symbol – Au Gold, silver and copper are all in the same group, 11.


32 9) MERCURY Atomic number – 80 Symbol – Hg Mercury is the only metal that is a liquid at room temperature.

33 10) LEAD Atomic number – 82 Symbol – Pb Oxides of lead are used to make crystal.


35 1) COVALENT BOND A chemical bond formed by the sharing of one or more electrons, especially pairs of electrons, between atoms.

36 2) IONIC BOND A chemical bond between two ions with opposite charges, characteristic of salts. Also called electrovalent bond.

37 3) VALENCE ELECTRON An electron in an outer shell of an atom that can participate in forming chemical bonds with other atoms.

38 4) CHEMICAL BOND Any of several forces, especially the ionic bond, covalent bond, and metallic bond, by which atoms or ions are bound in a molecule or crystal.

39 5) CHEMICAL REACTION a process that involves changes in the structure and energy content of atoms, molecules, or ions

40 6) CHEMICAL FORMULA a representation of a substance using symbols for its elements parts

41 7) CHEMICAL EQUATION a representation of a chemical reaction using symbols of the elements to indicate the amount of substance of each reactant and product

42 8) REACTANT A substance participating in a chemical reaction, especially a directly reacting substance present at the initiation of the reaction.

43 9) PRODUCT A substance resulting from a chemical reaction.

44 10) LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS a fundamental principle of physics that matter cannot be created or destroyed


46 1) ELEMENT Pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substance by any ordinary chemical means

47 2) COMPOUND A pure substance that forms when two or more elements join chemically

48 3) MIXTURE A type of matter that forms when two or more substance combine without joining together chemically

49 4) HETEROGENEOUS MIXTURE A combination of substances in which different components are easily observed

50 5) HOMOGENEOUS MIXTURE A combination of substances in which the appearance and properties are the same throughout

51 6) COEFFICIENT A number written before a chemical formula which shows how many molecules of a compound are present

52 7) SUBSCRIPT A small number written to the right and slightly below a chemical symbol to tell the number of atoms of that element in the substance

53 8) PHYSICAL CHANGE Altering the physical properties of a substance without changing the identity of the substance

54 9) CHEMICAL CHANGE Occurs when a substance is changed into a new substance with different properties

55 10) ATOMIC MASS The number of protons plus the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom


57 1) ENERGY The ability to do work or cause changes to occur

58 2) WORK Application of a force to an object to move it a certain distance in the direction of the force

59 3) MECHANICAL ENERGY The energy associated with the motion of an object

60 4) THERMAL ENERGY Total amount of energy in all of the particle contained in a sample of matter

61 5) HEAT The transfer of thermal energy between two objects at different temperatures

62 6) CHEMICAL ENERGY The energy that is stored in chemical bonds

63 7) ELECTRICAL ENERGY The energy that results from the flow of moving charges

64 8) ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY Energy resulting from the motion of the charged particles within atoms

65 9) SOUND ENERGY Energy given off by a vibrating object

66 10) NUCLEAR ENERGY The energy stored in the nucleus of an atom as a result of strong nuclear forces


68 1) KINETIC ENERGY Energy resulting from the motion of an object

69 2) POTENTIAL ENERGY Stored energy

70 3) LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY States that while energy may be changed from one form to another, energy is neither created nor destroyed

71 4) FRICTION A force that opposes the motion of an object

72 5) SCIENTIFIC QUESTION A precise question that can be answered through observation, measurement, testing or analysis

73 6) SCIENTIFIC METHOD A series of organized steps that guide the investigative process

74 7) HYPOTHESIS A possible answer to a scientific question

75 8) EXPERIMENT A procedure designed to test a hypothesis

76 9) VARIABLE Any factor that can affect the results of an experiment

77 10) CONTROL GROUP Experimental setup that represents the norm and shows what would happen in the absence of any changes regarding the independent variable.

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