HIV/AIDS: A Global and Regional Perspective AIDS in Post 2015 Development Agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "HIV/AIDS: A Global and Regional Perspective AIDS in Post 2015 Development Agenda."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIV/AIDS: A Global and Regional Perspective AIDS in Post 2015 Development Agenda

2 Current Global HIV and AIDS Statistics Adults and children living with HIV Adults and children newly infected with HIV Adult prevalence (15 ‒ 49) [%] 201134 million [31.4 million – 35.9 million] 2.5 million [2.2 million – 2.8 million] 0.8% [0.7% – 0.8%] 200129.4 million [27.2 million – 32.1 million] 3.2 million [2.9 million – 3.4 million] 0.8% [0.7% – 0.9%] Prevalence among young people (15–24 years) [%], 2001 and 2011 AIDS-related deaths among adults and children, 2005 and 2011 WomenMen 20110.6% [0.4% – 0.6%] 0.3% [0.2% – 0.4%] 20111.7 million [1.5 million – 1.9 million] 20010.7% [0.6% – 0.9%] 0.4% [0.3% – 0.5%] 20052.3 million [2.1 million – 2.6 million] The ranges around the estimates in this table define the boundaries within which the actual numbers lie, based on the best available information. Source: UNAIDS estimates.

3 Global HIV trends, 1990-2011



6 Number of people newly infected with HIV, 2001–2011, by region

7 Percentage of pregnant women living with HIV receiving effective antiretroviral regimens for preventing mother-to-child transmission, by region, 2010 and 2011

8 Number of people receiving antiretroviral therapy in low- and middle-income countries, by region, 2002–2011

9 Treatment Gap

10 People living with HIV 4.9 million Women living with HIV 1.6 million New HIV Infections 370,000 Deaths 310,000 Children living with HIV 170,000 HIV in Asia and the Pacific, UNAIDS Report on the Global Epidemic 2012. 2011 “zoom-in” Rate of HIV transmission is slowing and AIDS related deaths remain stable

11 ZERO NEW INFECTIONS: Current business model will NOT get us to 2015 targets 290 000 Target 2015: 180 000 440 000 Asia and the Pacific

12 The dynamics of HIV in the MENA region The HIV epidemic has been on the rise since 2001. The rise in new infections has put MENA among the top two regions in the world with the fastest growing HIV epidemic. Approximately 500 000 people are living with HIV in the MENA region.

13 Increasing HIV prevalence, new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths in MENA region Between 2001 and 2011, the estimated number of people living with HIV in MENA increased from 210 000 to 300 000. Since 2001, the number of people newly infected with HIV in MENA has increased by more than 35%. Between 2005 and 2011, there was a significant increase (17%) in AIDS-related deaths in this region.

14 The dynamics of HIV in the MENA region AIDS-related mortality has also almost doubled in the past decade among both adults and children in the MENA region. This estimated increase among children reflects three problems: – An accelerating epidemic in the region overall – A rise in the total number of women living with HIV – The generally inadequate services provided to prevent new infections among children.

15 Low coverage of HIV treatment and PMTCT services in MENA region Coverage of HIV treatment remains low across the Middle East and North Africa, at 15%. However, between 2009 and 2011, the number of people accessing HIV treatment in the region nearly doubled, from 8700 to 17000. In 2011, an estimated 7% of HIV-positive pregnant women in the region received services to prevent mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV. – The Middle East and North Africa is the only region that has yet to see a reduction in the number of children newly infected with HIV.

16 Estimated HIV Prevalence (Adult and Children)

17 Estimated New Infections(Adult and Children)

18 Estimated Pediatric Infections

19 Estimated Deaths Due to AIDS

20 Member States Commit - 50% reduction of new HIV infections -15 million people on treatment -Zero discrimination Towards reaching MDG Goal by 2015 UN General Assembly High Level Meeting June 2011

21 MENA Priorities Reducing sexual transmission; Increasing treatment coverage; Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission

22 Projected annual number of deaths averted by 2015 increasing ART coverage to 50% and 80%

23 Investing in health Reduces inequality and discrimination Motivates and mobilizes people for a sustainable development Creates opportunities for experience exchange and knowledge transfer Provides a platform facilitating achieving other MDGs

24 AIDS is not over… Despite significant progress made at global level, universal access and the MDG 6 remain unfinished business; The trend of the epidemics and also our response to it, shows that it takes decades to materialize vision of three zeros.

25 but the End of AIDS has begun! Political commitment; Community mobilization; Adequate funding; Evidence-informed programmes.

26 Thank You

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