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Neuro-ophthalmology sjtu ophthalmology 樊莹.

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1 Neuro-ophthalmology sjtu ophthalmology 樊莹

2 Neuro-ophthalmology an important sensory end organ
intimatedly related to the brain cranial nerves: 50% II、III、IV、V、VI、VII cranial nerve fiber: 38% intracranial diseases: 65% vision loss blindness die diagnosis including etiology and location

3 optic neuropathy

4 structure of retina

5 nerve fiber layer

6 sensory visual pathway


8 anatomy of the optic nerve
from optic disc to optic chiasm length:45~50mm including:intraglobe mm intraorbit 25~30 mm optic canal mm intracrania mm

9 histology of the optic nerve
comprised by ganglion cell axons covered by meninges (3 layers) lack of Schwann's cells hard to rebuild


11 to valuate optic nerve morphology:ophthalmoscope ultrasonic
X-ray CT MRI function:vision acuity visual field pupil test VEP+ERG dark adaption colour perception

12 visual field testing steady fixation
measure the comdined function of the retina “peripheral vision” <30°central visual field >30°peripheral visual field

13 kinetic perimetry

14 static perimetry

15 electrophysiologic testing
electrooculogram EOG electroretinogram ERG visual evoked potential VEP


17 pupil

18 light reflex normal abnormal

19 optic neuropathy inflammatory: optic neuritis vascular:
anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AION) neoplastic infiltration: glioma, leukaemia, lymphoma, meningeal carcinomatosis others: optic atrophy、papilledema

20 Optic neuritis duo to a variety of causes
the most common is demyelination else: immune-mediated direct infections granulomatous optic nueropathy contiguous inflammatory disease

21 demyelinative optic neuritis
clinical features: chiefly in women(3:1) chiefly in white associated with multiple sclerosis subacute(2~7days) color vision and contrast sensitivity impaired pain(in eye 90%)(by eye movement 50%) abmormal in pupil testing change in VEP a central scotoma in most cases brain MRI (necesssary) including: papillitis retrobulbar neuritis

22 Papillitis in 35% cases hyperemia of the optic disk and large veins(early signs) edema (nearly more than 3D) (common) blurring of the disk margins (common) filling of the physiologic cup (common) retinal exudates and edema (uncommon) hemorrhage (uncommon) vitreous cells (uncommon)

23 Papillitis Fundus

24 Papillitis FFA

25 Papillitis CT Visual field

26 Retrobulbar neuritis vision loss
no obvious changes in the optic disk (at earlier stage) secondary optic atrophy

27 demyelinative optic neuritis
differential diagnosis: compressive optic neuropathy anterior ischemic optic neuropathy autoimmune optic neuropathy toxic amblyopia Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy vitamin B12 deficiency papilledema

28 demyelinative optic neuritis
treatment: steroid therapy can accelerate recovery of vision can not influence the ultimate visual outcome may increase the risk of recurrency intravenous steroid therapy useful for multiple sclerosis

29 anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AION)
due to infarction of the retrolaminar optic nerve from occlusion or decreased perfusion of the short posterior ciliary arteries

30 vessels of the optic nerve

31 AION causes: arteriosclerosis diabetes hypertension hyperlipidemia
intracranial stroke vasculitis,migraine,inherited prothrombotic states(in younger patients) reduced cup,optic nerve head drusen,increased intraocular pressure

32 AION clinical features: in the sixth or seventh decade
vision loss without pain generally abrupt,progressive altitudinal vision field defects() FFA:decreased perfusion segmented the nonarteritic form diffuse the arteritic form disk leakage the late phase



35 AION treatment: No treatment has been shown to provide long-term benefit. Low-dose aspirin may reduce the risk of involvement of the fellow eye. identify the arteritic AION (high-dose systemic steroids)

36 Papilloedema noninflammatory congestion due to raised intracranial pressure causes intracranial mass abscesses subdural hematoma arteriovenous malformation subarachnoid hemorrhage meningitis or encephalitis acquired hydrocephalitis else

37 Papilledema increased intracranial pressure axonal transpot is blocked

38 Papilledema clinical features:
normal vision in most cases for early papilledema 1~2days to occur and 1 week to develop fully severe vision loss for late papilledema

39 Papilledema the early stage

40 papilledema the middle stage

41 papilledema the late stage

42 papilledema FFA

43 papilledema differential diagnosis: burid drusen of the optic nerve
small hyperopic disks AION myelinated nerve fibers

44 papilledema treatment: deal with the underlying cause

45 Optic atrophy primary optic atrophy secondary optic atrophy

46 primary secondary + - papilledema axonal fiber atrophy
proliferation of glia - pale disk papilledema blurring of margin retinal vessels normal abnormal

47 Optic atrophy

48 Optic atrophy treatment: to the underlying cause

49 optic nerve tumor glioma of optic nerve meningioma of optic nerve

50 Glioma of optic nerve

51 Glioma of optic nerve

52 Meningioma of optic nerve

53 Meningioma of optic nerve

54 optic nerve tumor treatment: operation

55 the optic chiasm

56 视交叉病变


58 the optic chiasm diseases
pituitary adenoma craniopharyngioma tuberculum sellae meningioma chiasmatic and optic nerve gliomas

59 pituitary adenoma

60 the retrochiasmatic visual pathways
cortical blindness macular sparing macular splitting


62 cases









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