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Derivatives and Inverse Functions

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Presentation on theme: "Derivatives and Inverse Functions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Derivatives and Inverse Functions
1. Complete the table (without a calculator) for f(x) = sinx Convert both the x- and y- values from your table to the nearest tenth. Use the tables above to produce a table for f-1(x) = arcsinx Use the tables to sketch the graphs of f(x) = sin x and f-1(x) = arcsinx Find the values of (f-1)’(a) if given f(X)=sinx where a= Draw the tangent line to (f-1)(a) at a=

2 Inverse Trig Functions
and Derivatives Function: y = arcsinx The derivative formula: Graph: Domain: Range: Function: y = arctanx Graph: The derivative formula: Domain: Range: Function: y = arcsecx Graph: The derivative formula: Domain: Range:

3 Function: y = arccosx Graph: The derivative formula: Domain: Range: Function: y = arccotx Graph: The derivative formula: Domain: Range: Function: y = arccscx Graph: The derivative formula: Domain: Range:

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