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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTED TO THE TORRINGTON BOARD OF EDUCATION APRIL 2010 Torrington Public Schools TAG Program."— Presentation transcript:


2  Review the current program and aspects of the 3 year plan presented on January 2008 to the Board of Education  Present future recommendations for the TAG program, based upon students’ needs and budgetary constraints Purpose

3 What TAG is...the definition TAG provides services to a specific portion of the school population whose academic needs can not be totally met or provided for in the regular classroom. Thus TAG falls under the umbrella of Special Education. TAG is special programming for academically gifted children.

4 Teaching for Successful Intelligence In Teaching For Successful Intelligence, Drs. Robert Sternberg & Elena Grigorenko, Professors at Yale University, state that when teaching for successful intelligence, the higher order processes used in problem solving must be implemented. The processes include the ability to: 1.Identify the Problem 2.Allocate Resources 3.Represent and Organize Information 4.Formulate a Strategy 5.Monitor Problem Solving Strategies 6.Evaluate Solutions


6 Elements of the Program... Research and acquire background knowledge on specific and related topics Conduct field site investigations Work with and become the practicing professional Solve real-world problems

7 Mohegan Grant

8 Cultures, Science and Team Building Through Dance

9 Young Scientists at Work

10 The Selection Process... Specific criteria currently used to identify students: Renzulli Scale for the Rating of the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students CMT’s ~ Level 5 in all content areas Writing Prompt ~ 10 DRA 2 1.Independent Text Level (min 40/3 rd ; 50/4 th ) 2.Reading Fluency 3 rd & 4 th ~ 15/16

11 Other data for selection Performance Data o1 st and 2 nd marking period prompts omath assessments oindependent classroom projects Other supporting evidence owritten statements of endorsement from the nominating teacher oobservations ointerview with the teacher of the TAG program

12 TAG Serves a Diverse Population... Our population includes the following... The total 4 th & 5 th grade population for TPS is 765. 5% of that figure is 38.25. The total TAG identified elementary population is 46 or 6%. Minority population of total served – 26%. EthnicityStudents Hispanic11% African American9% Asian4% Indian2% Caucasian74%

13 General Enrichment Connected to the curriculum with meaning and purpose for students; enhance student engagement and learning. TAG teachers work weekly with classroom teachers and unidentified students from six schools in a variety of enrichment activities related to the curriculum. Does not develop higher level thinking and problem solving skills. Students need to be taught these skills explicitly and have the opportunity to practice and apply them on a daily basis in the regular classroom. Data does not corroborate the notion that enrichment, unto itself, raises standardized test scores. It does build vocabulary and background knowledge.

14 Moving Forward…Recommendations Develop an Arts Integration Panel to expand the integration of the Arts across all curriculum areas in the elementary and middle schools. Expand Honors classes in grades 7 and 8, intelligence and content specific, to encompass more students. (for 2010-2011) Seek grant funding to expand the Artists in Residence Program to include grades 1 and 2 district wide. Provide all elementary and middle school students with a theatre experience. In partnership with PTOs, develop Enrichment Committees within each elementary school to identify and select programs, presenters, and field site investigations that support and enhance curriculum topics and focus of instruction. Research the possibility of establishing a primary Arts integrated magnet school Offer professional development in differentiated instruction that would include skills in higher level thinking, higher order questioning, and problem solving..

15 Why is a gifted program important to the City of Torrington? In the Torrington Public Schools, the TAG Program is where the future leaders of our community are cultivated and begin their journey to a professional career. It is in the TAG Program that future doctors, scientists, business men and women and other potential community members have the opportunity to demonstrate their academically gifted attributes and develop an early interest and passion for a particular field. For example, Torrington’s Mayor Bingham participated in the Torrington TAG program while attending East School and Torrington Middle School. It is important to keep this in mind when servicing those identified as gifted and give them a reason to “pay back” this community with their service.

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