Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office Tel Aviv Presentation at AgroMashov Richard Schottenstein January 13, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office Tel Aviv Presentation at AgroMashov Richard Schottenstein January 13, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office Tel Aviv Presentation at AgroMashov Richard Schottenstein January 13, 2010

2 Office Location

3 Ohio Office – Tel Aviv

4 What We Do AFind Distributors and Agents for Ohio Companies Help Israeli companies enter the US market (j.v., marketing, production, service or distribution)


6 The State of Ohio Ohio Stats: –11.5 million –7 th in the nation in population –GDP of $471 Billion (2008) –3 rd largest manufacturing State Three Large Industrial Cities: –Cincinnati (2.1 million) –Cleveland (2.2 million) –Columbus (1.75 million)

7 Ohio – Our Other Homes for Business Akron – World’s Plastic and Rubber Capital Dayton – Home of America’s largest Airbase & Air Force R&D, NCR, Mead Toledo – World’s Glass Capital: Owens- Corning, Libbey Glass, Owens-Illinois

8 Location,

9 7th in the nation in population size with 11,478,000 Ohioans. 5.8 million strong labor force exceeds the population of 35 other states. Ohio is located within 1,000 km 80 percent of U.S. corporate headquarters 70 percent of North American manufacturing 62 percent of all US and Canadian manufacturing locations 61 percent of the U.S. population 50 percent of the Canadian population Easy access to profitable markets lowers your cost of doing business

10 For the third year in a row Ohio ranked first in the United States in the number of private investments. Ohio has over 1,000 international-owned establishments from 26 different countries. Employing over 180,000 Ohioans. Ohio is a leading exporter – ranked 7 th nationally Ohio: A Global Business Leader

11 Strong supply chain across numerous key industries improves efficiency and increases profits Advanced Energy & Environmental Technologies –First Solar Motor Vehicles and Parts Manufacturing –Honda, GM, Ford, Chrysler Instruments, Controls and Electronics –AK Steel, Timken, ABB, Lincoln Electric Polymers and Advanced Materials –Goodyear, PolyOne Bioscience and Bioproducts –P&G, Amylin, Cleveland Clinic, Cardinal Health Distribution & Logistics –BAX Global, Cardinal Health Aerospace & Aviation –GE Aircraft Engines Corporate and Professional Services –Nationwide Insurance, National City Bank, Fifth Third Bank Agriculture & Food Processing –Kroger, JM Smucker,

12 Ohio Exports Ohio exports had a total dollar value of $45.5 billion in 2008 In 2008, Ohio was the 7 th largest exporting state Ohio is the only state whose exports have increased every year since 1998

13 Why Ohio Works for Food and Agribusiness 6th in U.S. food processing 935 food processing facilities $80 Billion Industry New ethanol production facilities

14 Why Ohio Works for Food and Agribusiness Profitable faster because Ohio’s strategic location brings all elements comprising food production and food processing. --farming, seed supply, agrichemicals, agro-bioscience, farm machinery, production, marketing and distribution. Ohio is home to food industry leaders such as: Kroger, J.M. Smucker, Honeybaked Foods, Inc., Chiquita Brands International, and Bob Evans Farms. Ohio’s food and beverage manufacturing industry exports equal $25 billion annually.

15 Attracting New Foreign Direct Investment Site Selection Assistance Supply Chain and Market Assistance Investment Incentives –grants –financing –tax credits and abatements

16 What’s New in Ohio TAX REFORM NO Corporate Income (Franchise) Tax NO Tangible Personal Property Tax Only other states with no corporate tax: Wyoming, Nevada and Washington State

17 Tax Reform

18 What you need to know: OHIO Cost of Living Approx. 30% Cheaper than either coast

19 What’s New in Ohio THIRD FRONTIER PROJECT $1.1 billion in state funds approved to strengthen Ohio’s technology-based economy – similar to Israel’s Chief Scientist program



22 Thank You! Richard Schottenstein, Managing Director Ohio Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office Tel-Aviv

23 dfdf

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