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9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

10 Because of technological advances in navigational tools, Europeans were able to 1 - 100

11 Improve their map making of the world 1 - 100

12 During the Age of Exploration, Portugal set up colonies in these continents

13 1-200A Africa and South America 1 - 100

14 1-300 The Americas (North America and South America) were named after which explorer?

15 1-300A Amerigo Vespucchi 1 - 100

16 1-400 Adam Smith wrote the famous book about economics called

17 1-400A The Wealth of Nations 1 - 100

18 1-500 How does mercantilism benefit a country?

19 1-500A more colonies = more $$ = more power 1 - 100

20 2-100 A document outlining the basic laws or principles by which a country is governed 1 - 100

21 2-100A Constitution 1 - 100

22 2-200 A government whose powers are limited by a constitution so that the rights of the common people are protected is called.

23 2-200A Limited Government 1 - 100

24 2-300 What “right” allowed King Louis XVI to rule Britain any way he pleased?

25 2-300A “Divine Right of Kings” 1 - 100

26 2-400 What was the system of “checks and balances” designed to do?

27 2-400A To make sure no one branch becomes too powerful 1 - 100

28 2-500 This person was known for ideas on dividing government into three branches (Executive, Legislative and Judicial).

29 2-500A Baron de Montesquieu 1 - 100

30 3-100 These replaced hand labor during the Industrial Revolution 1 - 100

31 3-100A Machines 1 - 100

32 3-200 One cause of the French Revolution was the worsening financial condition of the government resulted in a desperate need for more of this

33 3-200A Money 1 - 100

34 3-300 The National Assembly pledged this in which they vowed never to disband until they had written a new constitution for France.

35 3-300A Tennis Court Oath 1 - 100

36 3-400 In Pre-Industrial society farmers were forced to change their methods of farming because of a (List 2 of 3 reasons)

37 3-400A French blockade on corn huge population growth huge demand for more food 1 - 100

38 3-500 Otto von Bismarck built a great army during German unification in the 1860s and 70s for what reason

39 3-500A To be the most powerful in Europe 1 - 100

40 4-100 During the time of the Spanish-American War, embellished stories and sensational paintings found in newspapers were called 1 - 100

41 4-100A Yellow journalism 1 - 100

42 4-200 The pig and cow fat used in the new weapon of the British offended the sepoys because the sepoys were of what religions?

43 4-200A Hinduism and Islam 1 - 100

44 4-300 Teddy Roosevelt led a volunteer regiment called the ____ ____ and captured Cuba’s San Juan Hill.

45 4-300A Rough Riders 1 - 100

46 4-400 William Randolph Hearst is famous for using yellow journalism is noted for saying,

47 4-400A "You furnish the pictures and I will furnish the war." 1 - 100

48 4-500 The Roosevelt Corollary was important because it stated that the United States had a right to

49 4-500A use military force to keep European countries out of the Western Hemisphere 1 - 100

50 5-100 Approximately how many Jews were murdered during the Holocaust? 1 - 100

51 5-100A 6 million 1 - 100

52 5-200 December 7th, 1941, the day that Pearl Harbor was attacked will always be a

53 5-200A “day which will live in infamy” 1 - 100

54 5-300 The MAIN causes on World War I were?

55 Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism 1 - 100

56 5-400 Why wouldn’t totalitarian leaders allow freedom of speech and other freedoms?

57 5-400A Leaders were afraid that too many freedoms would lead to rebellions 1 - 100

58 5-500 The United States practiced the policy of _____ before 1941 because it did not want to go to war

59 5-500A isolationism 1 - 100

60 6-100 Which South African leader was imprisoned for his protests against apartheid? 1 - 100

61 6-100A Nelson Mandela 1 - 100

62 6-200 Two greatest fears of the United States were

63 6-200A communism and nuclear weapons 1 - 100

64 6-300 What was the result of the Vietnam War?

65 6-300A nobody won and is still divided today 1 - 100

66 6-400 The Berlin Wall was built in order to what?

67 6-400A prevent East Germans from moving to West Berlin 1 - 100

68 6-500 What was the purpose of Mikhail Gorbachev’s reforms of perestroika and glasnost?

69 6-500A To allow more freedoms economically, politically, and socially in the former Soviet Union. 1 - 100



72 What effect did the Treaty of Versailles have on Germany?

73 Germany had accept blame for WWI Army limited to 100,000 men; no tanks, submarines or planes War reparations of $33 billion Give territories back to France


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