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BYOD- Using your electronic device 1.Define Filibuster 2.Google Strom Thurmond’s record filibuster…What was he trying to do? Bell Ringer.

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Presentation on theme: "BYOD- Using your electronic device 1.Define Filibuster 2.Google Strom Thurmond’s record filibuster…What was he trying to do? Bell Ringer."— Presentation transcript:

1 BYOD- Using your electronic device 1.Define Filibuster 2.Google Strom Thurmond’s record filibuster…What was he trying to do? Bell Ringer

2 Cold War Strategies 1.Brinkmanship 2.Foreign Aid 3.Alliances 4.Propaganda 5.Proxy Wars 6.Containment 7.Domino Theory Foreign Policies: 1.Marshall Plan 2.Truman Doctrine 3.Korean War 4.Arms Race 5.Space Race 6.Eisenhower Doctrine 7.Crisis Control 5.

3 Dwight D. Eisenhower President Jan 1953 GI Bill- provided vets with business, home and college loans 1944 Strong Military & Economics –Show capitalism was better than communism. NEW LOOK –Not keep a large expensive army. More Bang for the Buck –Nuclear weapons ready


5 superiority Competition between nations for superiority in the development and accumulation of weapons. Not limited Not limited to USA & USSR

6 Nuclear Deterrence –Theory that an enemy will not use nuclear weapons as long as they can be destroyed as a consequence.

7 Cold War Nuclear Arms Race 1949 –USSR develops A-Bomb –U.S. no longer lone Superpower Mid 1950s –Both sides have H- Bombs US first H Bomb USSR first ICBM 1960s –enough warheads to destroy one another Massive Fallout, “Nuclear Winter” Defense Spending escalates 40% from 1949 to 1959 Federal Budget 1945 12% allocated to defense spending 1960 55% allocated to defense spending

8 Weaponry USA –Preferred Bombers USSR –ICBM’s Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles Long range Gave USSR the lead in the Space Race

9 Yuri Gagarin Valentina Tereshkova NASA launched 1 st US satelite 1 st USSR satelite 1 st animal in space Laika Neil Armstrong 1957 1969

10 Sputnik Crisis Space Race started as a means to launch Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) Oct 1957-Soviets launch Sputnik- 1 st satellite to orbit earth Americans afraid U.S had fallen behind Soviets.

11 NASA –Fear from Sputnik –Created by congress –Research rocket science & space exploration. National Defense Education –Provided school funding for Math Science Foreign Language

12 Brinkmanship Brinkmanship- –the willingness to go to the brink of war to make the other side back down Asia –China threatened to seize Taiwan… –US threatened w/ Nuclear weapons. –China backed down

13 Nikita Khrushchev 1953 Stalin Dies Power Struggle ensues 1956 Khrushchev emerges as leader of USSR Secretly Defied Stalin’s Policy Defiance caused E. European countries to rebel. Used military force. Your grandchildren will live under COMMUNISM!

14 Crisis Middle East Iran 1953 –Great Britain stealing Iran oil. –Iran kicks Brits out and “nationalize oil” –USA claims Iran going “Commie” –US and GB overthrow Iran govt. –Puppet regime in Mid East. –Containment but really Oil Suez Crisis 1956 –Prevent communism in the middle east. –GB, France & Israel want control of Suez Canal –USSR sides with Egypt –In fear of losing Egypt to communism, USA stops GB, France & Israel

15 Eisenhower Doctrine 1957 Countries could request US economic or military aid if threatened by another nation… "to secure and protect the territorial integrity and political independence of such nations, requesting such aid against overt armed aggression from any nation controlled by international communism."

16 1950s Culture, Technology and Society

17 Facing the Bomb Mass hysteria of Soviet attack Duck and Cover – “protection from Nuclear blast” Fallout – radiation that would kill those the blast didn’t. Fallout shelter – Underground buildings stocked with food and water.


19 dream of a successful life growth of big business businesses franchising: chain stores Dept Stores McDonald's Conformity: influenced by others Clothes Speech Music purchases Individuality disappears Church Damnation gone Love & Peace American Dream

20 Consumerism -buying of material goods -new products polyester, Teflon, electronics Keeping up with the Joneses! New TV New Car! New Freezer -planned obsolescence: things will go out of date – have to buy new ones! -credit cards -Influenced by advertising

21 Advertising! “Soap Opera” – Selling detergent during daytime television Marketing to specific viewers. Pays for programming Supports Consumerism

22 Car Culture Interstate Highway System -growth of suburbia: commuting a necessity Connects states with system of high travel roads -trucking industry: interstate makes long haul possible -social effects cruising teens, drive ins and drive- thru, car advertisements, travel hotels Transport – Nuclear Missiles

23 Suburbia -most new homes were in the suburbs, 85% -baby boom generation by 1957 there was 1 baby born per 7 seconds Baby boom leads to: -Medical breakthroughs Jonas Salk: vaccine for polio -Childrearing; do it by guidelines Dr. Spock’s influence: raise kids a certain way, widely published, encouraged communication

24 Television Early shows Live variety acts Many flaws & mistakes Simplistic TV- Mass Media Promotes Conformity People think alike Shows Ideal suburban life No real female role models No Minorities or Poverty Male superiority No violence BUY Conform Don’t think No questions

25 Poverty -25 %of Americans were below poverty line (what is needed to survive) White Flight million of middle class whites moved to suburbs loss of tax dollars hurt city services lots of rural poor move to cities breakdown of inner cities Urban Renewal: HUD, improve inner city, help poor Not seen on TV

26 Beatniks -beat movement social and literary non- conformists -non-material lifestyle shunned regular work -set precedent for the hippy generation with very little structure -clashed with regular America described as exact opposite

27 Rock-n-Roll -Alan Freed: coined term rock-n-roll music black and white -Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Bill Haley, Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley: King of Rock and Roll -Ed Sullivan Show variety show, ET of all sorts -Dick Clark American Band Stand -reaction to rock music: Teens love it, Adults hate it

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