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What can you do to help protect your child?. The environment created by communication technologies such as the Internet, mobile phones and other devices.

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Presentation on theme: "What can you do to help protect your child?. The environment created by communication technologies such as the Internet, mobile phones and other devices."— Presentation transcript:

1 What can you do to help protect your child?

2 The environment created by communication technologies such as the Internet, mobile phones and other devices.

3  An incredible place for learning and entertainment  A powerful link to distant friends and family  A place to meet new people  A source of information on just about anything

4  A place to meet people who want to frighten, bully or harm others  A place where extreme content such as violence or pornography is displayed  A place where children can arrange to meet face to face with a “new friend”  A place where dangerous misinformation is posted, including anti-social groups or hate groups

5  Excessive late-night computer use  Secretive behavior about computer activities  Hidden or password- protected files  Telephone calls from stranger  Unexplained gifts

6  Web Address Line  History Files  Favorites  Cookies  Picture and Movie Files

7  No computers attached to the Internet in the bedroom  Screens facing the door  No passwords on accounts  No passwords on profiles  Restrict times using the router  Set filter levels higher  View online accounts and profiles  You are the parent

8  Make it clear that if your child engages in irresponsible online behavior, you will restrict Internet access, activate monitoring software, and review all online activity.  Talk about the implications of Cyberbullying that could lead to criminal arrest or civil litigation.  Discuss the point that if your child misuses email or a cell phone that the entire account may be terminated.

9 Netlingo  Lol- laughing out loud  Rofl- roll on floor laughing  roflmao / lmao  Wtf- what the ****  1337-leet/ elite  Omg- oh my god  Gtk- good to know  Jk- just kidding  Oic- oh I see  Ruok- are you ok?  Btw- by the way  N00b- a beginner  Im- instant message  Bc- because  Brb- be right back  Kewl- cool  Imho- in my honest opinion  Otp- on the phone  Nsfw- not safe for work  Tla- Texas Library association  LAN party  Mmorpg- massive multiplayer online role playing game  WoW- World of Worldcraft  Fps- first person shooter  HAND- have a nice day  IITYIWHTKY- if I tell you I will have to kill you  IANAL- I am not a lawyer

10 Harassing Humiliating Intimidating Threatening Racial, religious, culture slurs Sexual Cruel jokes Malicious gossip, embarrassing information or photographs Web sites

11  Save the evidence (emails, text messages, records of chats)  Identify the Cyberbully (ask Internet Provider to help identify the source)  Tell the Cyberbully to stop!  Ignore the Cyberbully (block or filter messages)  File a complaint (find owner of site and file complaint)  Contact your school  Contact the Cyberbully’s parents  Contact an attorney  Contact the police

12 ParentTtech  NetSafe  ult.aspx ult.aspx Family Internet  oftware/a/aafiltering.htm oftware/a/aafiltering.htm

13  Kids’ Pledge  Parents' Pledge

14  I will not give out personal information such as my address, telephone number, parents’ work address/telephone number, or the name and location of my school without my parents’ permission.  I will tell my parents right away if I come across any information that makes me feel uncomfortable.  I will never agree to get together with someone I "meet" online without first checking with my parents. If my parents agree to the meeting, I will be sure that it is in a public place and bring my mother or father along.

15  I will never send a person my picture or anything else without first checking with my parents.  I will not respond to any messages that are mean or in any way make me feel uncomfortable. It is not my fault if I get a message like that. If I do I will tell my parents right away so that they can contact the service provider.  I will talk with my parents so that we can set up rules for going online. We will decide upon the time of day that I can be online, the length of time I can be online, and appropriate areas for me to visit. I will not access other areas or break these rules without their permission.

16  I will not give out my Internet password to anyone (even my best friends) other than my parents.  I will check with my parents before downloading or installing software or doing anything that could possibly hurt our computer or jeopardize my family’s privacy.  I will be a good online citizen and not do anything that hurts other people or is against the law.  I will help my parents understand how to have fun and learn things online and teach them things about the Internet, computers and other technology.

17  I will get to know the services and web sites my child uses. If I don't know how to use them, I'll get my child to show me how.  I will set reasonable rules and guidelines for computer use by my children and will discuss these rules and post them near the computer as a reminder. I'll remember to monitor their compliance with these rules, especially when it comes to the amount of time they spend on the computer.  I will not overreact if my child tells me about a problem he or she is having on the Internet. Instead, we'll work together to try to solve the problem and prevent it from happening again.

18  I promise not to use a computer or the Internet as an electronic babysitter.  I will help make the Internet a family activity and ask my child to help plan family events using the Internet.  I will try to get to know my child's "online friends" just as I try get to know his or her other friends.

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