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Problem Solving Strategies: Story Problems

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1 Problem Solving Strategies: Story Problems

2 STEP ONE Read the story problem through.
Read again to identify the important information (numbers & key words) you will need to solve the problem. Make sure you know the question you are answering.

3 STEP TWO Identifying what type of arithmetic you will need to do (based on key words) Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division

4 Addition Addition story problems often use words like: Sum More than
Increased by Combined Together Total of EXAMPLE: Jane has 10 Barbie's and for her birthday she gets 3 more. How many Barbie’s does Jane have now? (10+3=?)

5 Subtraction Subtraction story problems often use words like:
Difference Less than Fewer than Decreased by Reduced by (how many) More (how many) Left Minus Take away EXAMPLE: If there are 10 cars in one parking and 6 fewer cars in the second parking lot. How many more cars are there in the second parking lot? (10-6=?)

6 Multiplication Multiplication story problems often use words like: Of
Times Multiplied by Product of EXAMPLE: If Mary has 3 pets and Annie has 2 times as many pets as Mary. How many pets does Annie have? (3x2=?) {or “twice” as many} 12 is 25% of what number? (12 = 0.25x)

7 Division Division word problems often use words like: Quotient Per
Each Out of Ratio of EXAMPLES: If Bobbi had 15 cookies and ate the same amount each day for 5 days how many did she eat per day? (15 / 5=? ) If Madison spent 3 hours doing homework the last 4 days, how much did she do each day? (3/4) 4 out of 5 dentists recommend flossing daily. (4/5)

8 STEP THREE Put the information into a useful form:
Write a Verbal Model Write an Algebraic Model Create a Table Draw a Diagram

9 STEP FOUR Solve the Problem Does it fit a known type of Problem?
Interest : I =Prt Distance: D=rt Geometric: A = bh, C=2Π, V=1/3Bh What type of solution is it? Numeric? Algebraic? Are there answers you can eliminate? Using one of the following strategies

10 Choose a Strategy to Solve the Problem:
Write an Equation or Inequality Make a Table Drawings and illustrations Working Backwards (try given answers) Guess and Check

11 WRITE AN EQUATION 3 drinks (John + 2 friends = 3) = 3d 1 pizza = 14.00
John and 2 friends are going out for a pizza for lunch. They split one pizza and 3 large drinks. The pizza costs $ After using a $7.00 gift certificate, the spend a total of $ What is the cost of one large drink. 3 drinks (John + 2 friends = 3) = 3d 1 pizza = 14.00 Discount = -7.00 Total = 12.10 3d – 7.00 = 12.10

12 MAKE A TABLE Andy and his parents decided that for his allowance would go up one dollar and 50 cents every week for 3 consecutive weeks. If he starts out at getting 6 dollars how much would he make week 5? Week $ allowance 1 $6.00 2 $7.50 3 $9.00 4 $10.50 5 $12.00 $12.00

Drawing a picture is a great way to solve word problems. Makes it is easy to see WHY you get the answer. EXAMPLE: The length of a rectangle is 3 more than twice the width. If the Perimeter is 36 feet, how wide id the rectangle? 2w + 3 2w+3+w+2w+3+w = 36 6w +6 =36 w w 2w + 3

14 WORKING BACKWARDS This works well for Multiple Choice Questions A Camera manufacturer spends $2,100 a day plus $9 per camera. The cameras sell for $14 each. How many cameras must they sell to break even? a) b) c) d) 150 ( number of cameras) = 14(number of cameras) (420) = 14(420) ? (hint start with the middle value) (480) = 14(480) ? (380) = 14(380) ? (150) = 14(150) ?

15 GUESS AND CHECK If two sisters ages add up to 22 years and one is 4 years older than the other what are there two ages? Plan: Select random numbers that add up to 22 until you find two that are 4 apart. 10 and 12: 10+12=22 but 12-10=2 not 4; 8 and 14: 8+14= 22 but 14-8=6; 9 and 13: 9+13=22 and 13-9=4 so their ages are 9 and 13!

16 STEP FIVE Writing your answer to the story problem is the final step
When writing the answer there are a few things you have to remember What are you trying to find Your answer probably should be in units (mph, cups, or inches) Answer should be in a complete sentence.

17 Examples of Answers If Keri has 3 apples and 5 oranges how many more oranges does she have than apples? Answer: Keri has 2 more oranges than apples.

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