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Welcome to Worship Our theme this term is: The fruit of the spirit…

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1 Welcome to Worship Our theme this term is: The fruit of the spirit…




5 Find ways to be kind

6 crustycrusty, uncharitable, gruff, inconsiderate, cruel, spiteful, vicious, acrimonious, inattentive, callous, unkind, hurtful, ill-natured, rough, unfeeling, malevolent, hateful, stinging, inhuman, heartless, sour, inhospitable, malicious, severe, unhelpful, unamiable, thoughtless, merciless, surly, ill-humored, dogged, ruthless, grim, unlovely, unmannerly, atrocious, ill-conditioned, mean, truculent, stonyhearted, rude, unthinking, ill-mannered, impolite, cold-blooded, barbaric, unsympathetic, wanton, virulent, unsentimental, bestial, insensate, malignant, crabbed, unheeding, malign, brutish, pitiless, disagreeable, harsh, heedless, unkindly, tough, unforgiving, antihumanitarian, fiendish, inhumane, uncaring, nasty, edged, heavy-handed, hard-boiled, hard- hearted, brute, sullen, cutting, uncompassionate, ironhearted, churlish, morose, sadistic, uncivil, brutal, stern, ill-bred, insensitive, savage, barbarous, ill-tempered.uncharitablegruffviciousinattentivehatefulheartlessthoughtless mercilesssurlyruthlessgrimmeantruculent rudeill-manneredimpolitebarbaricvirulentinsensatedisagreeable harshheedlesstoughunforgivingfiendishheavy-handedhard- heartedironheartedinsensitive barbarous




10 1 Thessalonians 5:15 “Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.” Find ways to be kind


12 Dear God, please show me if one of my family members (or friends) need me to be extra kind to them today. Thank you. Amen. Dear God, You tell us not to pay back wrong for wrong, but to always try to be kind to each other Even when I feel someone has done something wrong, please help me to be kind. Amen. Dear God, You are so kind to us. Thank you. Please put Your love in my heart so I can be kind to others. Amen. Dear God, please help me to treat others as I want to be treated. Amen.

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