AMERICAN HISTORY Final Exam Game. Woody Guthrie sang during which decade?

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2 Woody Guthrie sang during which decade?

3 Model T built during which decade?

4 JAZZ ERA & Harlem Renaissance

5 Bessie Smith was known as…

6 Bread Lines

7 The Jazz Singer was important because……

8 The Stock Market Crashed when?

9 Dictators rule in what war?

10 1 st Man on the Moon-When?

11 Cuban Missile Crises & Bay of Pigs when?

12 KOREAN WAR…when?

13 Rosa Parks & Montgomery Bus Boycott..when?

14 U.S. enters Vietnam in this decade

15 The RED Scare heats up when?

16 What did the 19 th Amendment do for women?

17 Shirley Temple…… child star of this decade

18 The Charleston was danced in this decade.

19 World War I- U.S. enters…

20 21 st Amendment…

21 SPEAKEASY..everyone goes to them in this entire decade

22 Charles Lindberg…flies across the Atlantic Ocean and lives in this decade.

23 Unemployment in the Great Depression Was at an all time high at what %?

24 Upton Sinclair wrote…..

25 Mickey Mouse Club & I Love Lucy popular in this decade…

26 G.I. Bill stands for what?

27 COLOR T.V. is all the rage in this decade

28 McDonalds emerges when?

29 Jackie Robinson…plays for the major leagues in this decade

30 SURFING & Skateboards

31 March on Washington & Building of the Berlin Wall happen in this decade.

32 Who were some major leaders assassinated in the 60’s? Name 3


34 RADAR was significant when and why?

35 ELVIS starts his career in this decade

36 Break Dancing & Yuppies are popular in which decade?

37 NAFTA stands for…..& was with what 3 countries?

38 1 st re-usable space shuttle was..

39 ERA is what? Did it pass?

40 RONALD REAGAN … president for most of this decade.

41 BILL CLINTON …president for most of this decade.

42 Richard Nixon resigned when?

43 South Vietnam falls to North Vietnam---What decade?

44 Cosby Show, Roseanne & Cheers

45 Desert Storm – when & with who as our leader?

46 The Olympics were boycotted by America in which decade?

47 Columbine Shootings… which decade?

48 Who was the first American Woman in space?

49 IRAN Hostage crisis- when?

50 The PC, AIDS & Exxon Valdez which decade?

51 Roe v. Wade & 3 Mile Island which decade?

52 Russia invades what country in the 1980’s?

53 DISCO, The Hustle & Mood Rings which decade?

54 _______ the Sheep was cloned

55 CNN, MTV & Pac Man……. which decade?

56 Prince & The Breakfast Club which decade?

57 Happy Days & Brady Bunch

58 First American to orbit the Earth?

59 Baby Boom began after which war?

60 Baby Boom

61 What did Rosie the Riveter represent?

62 Who is this man?

63 Which President sent ground troops into Vietnam?

64 What was the first movie ever viewed by a theatre audience?

65 Who were these 3 presidents & what decade were they in office?


67 In WWI, what does MINA stand for? MINAMINA

68 In WWII, what does MINT stand for? MINTMINT

69 Gone with the Wind & Wizard of OZ …which decade?

70 Who was this man? Why is he so well known?

71 Which group of American Citizens did we relocate during WWII?

72 Who created the NEW DEAL?

73 Who created the FAIR DEAL?

74 When was the KKK at it’s peak membership… which decade?

75 Which General was removed by President Truman during the Korean War?

76 Which war did America lose the most soldiers? WWI WWII Korean War Vietnam War

77 Which president promoted the Fair Deal?

78 What decade was the U.S. Bicentennial? July 4 th, 1776

79 What decade did Brown v. B.O.E. happen?

80 What is the title of this early 1900 American Woman? _________ Girl.

81 What is the name of this Russian satellite?

82 Which President pushed the building of American Highways?

83 What mountain erupted in 1980?

84 The only president never elected to the Presidency nor the Vice Presidency

85 Where was the 38 th Parallel?

86 What decade did Welfare Reform and NAFTA happen during?

87 Which decade did Jesse Owens shock Germany by winning gold?

88 Who was president in America for MOST of WWII?

89 Which president decided to drop the Atomic Bomb on Japan?

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