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Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT& SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT RAJ.

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2 Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT& SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT RAJ KALLEE & ASLAM YADALLEE


4 Project Goal & Objective Project Goal & Objective To pilot nationally-driven integrated processes and approaches to reporting to the Rio Conventions ( CBD, UNCCD and UNFCCC). (a)develop integrated approaches to data collection/analysis and information management of relevance to the Rio Conventions; (b) increase synergies in the process of reporting to the Conventions without compromising COP decisions in this regard; and (c) contribute to improved overall planning and decision- making processes at the country level related to the implementation of these Conventions. To pilot nationally-driven integrated processes and approaches to reporting to the Rio Conventions ( CBD, UNCCD and UNFCCC). (a)develop integrated approaches to data collection/analysis and information management of relevance to the Rio Conventions; (b) increase synergies in the process of reporting to the Conventions without compromising COP decisions in this regard; and (c) contribute to improved overall planning and decision- making processes at the country level related to the implementation of these Conventions.

5 FUNDS ALLOCATION GEF: US$ 924,000 In Kind: US$ 775,880 ( Mauritius Contribution in kind: US$ 200 880 )

6 Project Components / Expected Results 1)Situational analysis and reporting process design: -find out common reporting elements in terms of process, content and format among the three Conventions -exploring benefits to other closely related Conventions building on the “clustering” approach 2) Implementation of integrated reporting processes and experimenting options for report design -design a nationally-driven integrated and coordinated process for integrated reporting -enhance existing national convention-related data and information management systems 3) Sharing of experience and upscaling - sharing of lessons learned and good practices.

7 ORGANIGRAM National Project Coordinator Director Of Environment UNCCD UNCBD UNFCCC National Project Assistant Team Administrative Back up Technical inputs

8 Status and Implementation The Small Scale Funding Agreement was signed on 31 st March 2010 NPC attended the Project Inception Workshop and first Steering Committee in Cambridge, UK from 09 – 11 February 2010 1 st Project Progress Report was submitted on the 30 th April 2010 National Consultant recruited in May 2010 Inception workshop organized in July 2010. 7

9 Submission to UNEP Output 1.2: National level analyses and recommendations for data management Final Draft Report (30 June 2010)  Output 1.3:  Draft Report (01 October 2010)  Output 2.1: Strengthened institutional frameworks for reporting Draft Report (01 October 2010)  Output 2.2: Strengthened national systems for monitoring, reporting Draft Report (01 October 2010)  Output 2.3: Enhanced capacity for data collection and analysis Final Draft report (01 October 2010)  Already Submitted in draft form 8



12 Key recommendations for an integrated system of national reporting A centralized web-based electronic database is proposed, which will deal with all environmental issues. This will operate as a metadata ‘warehouse’ or common entry point for entering as well as accessing environment-related data. It is proposed that the MUELEX database be expanded to include all data and information related to environmental matters, and serve as this proposed central database. This will avoid duplication and additional resources, since it is already under the responsibility of the MoESD, which is the NFP for Rio Conventions.

13 Information Flow Between Stakeholders and the Centralised Electronic Environmental Information System Environment Information System (Expanded MUELEX) Drafting Team for National Reporting to the Rio Conventions Universities and research institutions Registered NGOs and CBOs Village Councils District Councils Municipalities UNEP UNDP GEF Relevant private sector entities Central Statistics Office Ministries and other public bodies

14 Strengthening institutional and national reporting systems NFP must act as a facilitator and encourage more inter- institutional communication and collaboration, particularly with respect to data and information of relevance to the Rio Conventions. Institutional changes must be brought about at various levels in order to achieve the integration of environmental data and information with developmental information. A permanent committee must be set up within the NFP to coordinate the activities related to IR, as well as those of other environment-related national obligations, and enhance collaboration of the various stakeholders involved in national reporting and implementation. There must be harmonisation of all aspects of report writing, e.g. harmonization of technical terms, shared glossaries and abbreviations, etc. MoU’s between NFP and data generating organisations (e.g. Universities and research institutions) must be expanded to include collection of relevant data and information generated/ gathered by researchers and academicians. The issue of IPR and copyrights must a priori be settled to mutual satisfaction.

15 Strengthening institutional and national reporting systems  Communication, education, training and public awareness regarding the Rio Conventions must be an on-going process to keep alive stakeholder and public interest, and ensure participation and contribution to reporting and implementation. Incentives must also be provided to encourage data and information contribution to the national reporting process.  Institutional capacity in the institutions responsible for NR and execution of activities under the Rio Conventions must be strengthened, in the form of increased staffing, resource building, and financial and technical assistance in specialist areas.  Capacity must be built for long-term impact through training of trainers, best use of trained staff, production of training materials, and establishment of institutional links.

16 Capacity Building for Integrated Rio Reporting –Develop expertise in specific areas –Formulation and running of short term training courses –Specialist training on specific topics –‘Training for Trainers’ approach adopted initially –Joint exchange programmes for professionals at national, regional and international levels –A National Research Action Plan (NRAP) and a National Resource Management Plan (NRMP) must be developed simultaneously. –Facilities for targeted research must be provided. –Available resources and expertise must be pooled –Public awareness campaign must be run –Scientific and technological means must be provided, e.g. high-end computers, softwares, satellite images, etc.

17 Achievements Reporting – CBD: all the 4 National Reports have been submitted – UNCCD: the last report is already prepared but will be submitted soon. The online reporting through PRAIS have already been submitted – UNFCCC: the 1 st National Communications(NC)has been submitted. The second NC has been prepared and is being submitted to Cabinet

18 Achievement (cont) Staffing – The Ministry of Environment & Sustainable Development, is the only National Focal Point for the Three Rio Conventions. – There are dedicated divisions working for the 3 Rio Conventions and they work closely together. – Director is responsible for all of them.

19 Institutional Set up Close interaction with key stakeholders involved in Rio reporting Key stakeholders include: – Ministry of Agro-Industry & Food Security NPCS – CBD Forestry Services –UNCCD – Ministry of Energy & Public Utilities – Central Statistical Office – Research Institutes (MSIRI) – Universities (UoM & UTM) – NGOs e.g MWF – Meteorological Services (UNFCCC)

20  Technical expertise in some fields inadequate  Duplication of data generation in different institutions  Data sharing is limited and lack of base line data  Limited resources in some institutions involved in Rio Reporting  There is a huge amount of grey literature. ( However there is no mechanism to bring it in the forefront )  No centralised information Unit – (MUELEX database exists but restricted to environmental Laws and policies )  No formal body responsible for analysing data information gathered Barriers & Challenges

21 Cross cutting issues There is a lot of similar information required by the 3 Rio Conventions (overlapping) Similar information is also needed by some of the non-Rio Conventions 38 MEA’s and more forthcoming.

22 Addressing the Milestones  Consolidation of existing work  Identification of missing links & gaps

23 Way Forward Completion of the FNR Rio Project and testing of the integrated Reporting Format Submission of the second National Communication to the UNFCCC Development of a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) manual to facilitate and harmonise the integrated approach to NR activities



26 Expectations from Project Steering Committee/ Global Project Coordinator Capacity Building of relevant stakeholders Regular Meetings/Consultations/Exchanges Sustainability / Legacy



29 Thank – Mob : 252 8054 THANK – YOU FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION

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