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Service Oriented VoIP (SOVoIP): True Convergence of Data and Voice Networks Presented By Mohammed Jubaer Arif Supervisors Dr Shanika Karunasekera and Dr.

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Presentation on theme: "Service Oriented VoIP (SOVoIP): True Convergence of Data and Voice Networks Presented By Mohammed Jubaer Arif Supervisors Dr Shanika Karunasekera and Dr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Service Oriented VoIP (SOVoIP): True Convergence of Data and Voice Networks Presented By Mohammed Jubaer Arif Supervisors Dr Shanika Karunasekera and Dr Santosh Kulkarni Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering The University of Melbourne, Australia.

2 Objective Mohammed Jubaer Arif ( Service Oriented VoIP (SOVoIP): True Convergence of Data and Voice Networks Setup future directions in emerging innovative applications for mobile users in the developing world Fish Revenue Fish Businessmen FishermenMiddlemen Fishermen Businessmen A Real Life Case Study

3 Case Study Cont. Mohammed Jubaer Arif ( Service Oriented VoIP (SOVoIP): True Convergence of Data and Voice Networks

4 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Mohammed Jubaer Arif ( What is VoIP? VoIP, stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol, is a technology allows voice conversations to be carried over the Internet. VoIP exchanges voice information in digital form, in discrete packets rather than by using the traditional circuit-committed protocols of the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). Why VoIP? -Price -Flexibility Shortcomings of VoIP -The quality of voice is not as good as traditional telephony. It is mainly because it is susceptible to all the hurdles of Internet connection such as latency, jitter, packet loss etc. -Failure of precise user tracking in case of emergency calling -VoIP is dependent on wall power Service Oriented VoIP (SOVoIP): True Convergence of Data and Voice Networks

5 Current VoIP Solutions Mohammed Jubaer Arif ( Constraints in Current VoIP Solutions -Not interoperable, isolated. -Platform and language dependency, network complexity. -Heavyweight client. -Scalability and extendibility problem. -NAT and firewall traversal. -Emergency support. Service Oriented VoIP (SOVoIP): True Convergence of Data and Voice Networks

6 SOVoIP Architecture Mohammed Jubaer Arif ( A Universal Connectivity For VoIP. Figure: Web Service Based SOVoIP Architecture. WS Public Node: E17 3AA 94102 DBWS Public Node : T2N 0E6 DB WS Public Node : 94102 DB WS Public Node : 3053 DB CN HTTP SOAP- RPC HTTP SOAP-RPC HTTP SOAP-RPC HTTP SOAP- RPC CN HTTP RTP CN-Client Node PN-Public Node WS- Web Service DB-Database HTTP RTP SOVoIP Features Simplicity Extendibility Mobility Protocol interoperability Quality of service (QoS) Security Conferencing NAT and firewall traversal E911 (Enhanced 911) HTTP SOAP-RPC HTTP RTP CN1 CN2 Service Oriented VoIP (SOVoIP): True Convergence of Data and Voice Networks

7 Call Setup in SOVoIP Architecture Mohammed Jubaer Arif ( CN1 PN1 PN2 PN3 CN2 1. Call Query for CN2 2. DNS Search For PN3 3. Req. CN2’s Information 4. Return CN2’s Info. 5. Return CN2’s Info. 6. Request To Start Media Session 9. Acknowledgement 10. Media Session 11. End Call 12. Acknowledgement 13.Notification 14.Notification 7. Ringing / Busy 8. Off-Hook Registration Authentication Figure: Call Establishment In SOVoIP Architecture. PN1 and PN2 are the nearest public and home node for CN1 respectively PN3 is the home node of CN2 CN1 completes its registration and authentication with its home node PN2 but for call setup it communicates directly to the nearest public node PN1. Steps 1-5 are user search. Steps 6-9 are call setup. Step 10 is real media data flow. Steps 11-14 ends the call. Service Oriented VoIP (SOVoIP): True Convergence of Data and Voice Networks

8 Protocol Interoperability and SOVoIP Mohammed Jubaer Arif ( Reduces network complexity No maintenance required Less bandwidth consumption Secure Do not required to parse the protocol specific messages every time. Users themselves can switch back and forth between SOVoIP and current protocol. Service Oriented VoIP (SOVoIP): True Convergence of Data and Voice Networks

9 SOVoIP Business Model Mohammed Jubaer Arif ( Figure: SOVoIP Business Model In the model, a mobile customer from SOVoIP makes a query to the organization. The customer query is checked with the backend office system and is redirected to appropriate customer support. The support that is external, and is behind a firewall, can still assist the customer from a soft-phone. During the support customer data is available in the soft-phone via the web service interface of the organization. Service Oriented VoIP (SOVoIP): True Convergence of Data and Voice Networks

10 SOVoIP Benefits and Measurements Mohammed Jubaer Arif ( Memory Consumption When the client listens for incoming calls in a JAVA platform: 410KB. Number of Messages in Authentication 2 messages Call Setup Time1.08 seconds, including user search Call Setup Messages 9 messages, including user search Benefits Text based encoding and TCP based signaling transport Authentication follows HTTP basic mechanism and can be on over HTTPS. Firewall friendly Public nodes help the client nodes to traverse NAT Highly scalable, modular and extendible Backward compatible Ensured mobility Addresses emergency issue such as 911 dialing in U.S.A Lightweight client Platform independent Converges voice and data networks Measurements Service Oriented VoIP (SOVoIP): True Convergence of Data and Voice Networks Text based encoding and TCP based signaling transport Authentication follows HTTP basic mechanism and can be on over HTTPS. Firewall friendly Public nodes help the client nodes to traverse NAT Highly scalable, modular and extendible Backward compatible Ensured mobility Addresses emergency issue such as 911 dialing in U.S.A Lightweight client Platform independent Converges voice and data networks

11 Conclusion and Future Work Mohammed Jubaer Arif ( Interoperability with PSTN Conferencing NAT and Firewall Traversal Localization services over IP network such as enhanced 911 SOVoIP is the architecture which will make sure internetworking between office, home and any other external information system and accessibility to these systems via the available hand held device. Service Oriented VoIP (SOVoIP): True Convergence of Data and Voice Networks

12 Thank You! Mohammed Jubaer Arif ( Any Question? Service Oriented VoIP (SOVoIP): True Convergence of Data and Voice Networks For more visit:

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