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Saving the American Dream The American Dream is the belief that any man or women can create their own destiny. The idea that Americans can achieve their.

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2 Saving the American Dream

3 The American Dream is the belief that any man or women can create their own destiny. The idea that Americans can achieve their dreams through their own hard work and ingenuity. The American Dream has propelled our nation from a vast wilderness to the most prosperous nation the world has ever known.

4 The American Dream is rooted in the Declaration of Independence which proclaims “all men are created equal’ and they are “endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights including “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

5 Unlike their European cousins Americans did not have to be borne to a privileged family to lead a comfortable life. Americans could create their own fortunes.

6 But today the American Dream is in jeopardy; 25 million Americans are under or unemployed and 46 million Americans are on food stamps.

7 The reason the American economy continues to struggle because our free market economy has been corrupted to benefit special interests.

8 America’s largest industry is the business of extracting money from the American people. It is larger than automotive, aerospace, and technology combined.

9 This spending is payback for special interests who keep self-serving politicians in power.

10 For a free market economy to work it requires consumers invest their money, not self-serving politicians. But today, almost half of our economy is consumed by government spending. In 2012 Americans spent a staggering $6.3 trillion on their government.

11 The “System” The “system” is our political system and how we control people, money and the economy. Those with political and legislative power have over time become influenced and corrupted by special interests who live off the taxpayer creating a “systemic extraction of money and freedom from the American public.”

12 The system is run by special interests who support politicians who give them your tax dollars in return.

13 So who are these “special interest” groups who live off the taxpayer? They are the ones on the receiving end of your tax dollars. These groups include; Military industrial complex Wall Street Financial Firms Trail lawyers/law firms Law enforcement (prison) industrial complex Government labor unions

14 Private Corporations Government contractors and engineers Chambers of Commerce/Business Groups Utility monopolies These groups are extremely active in our political system at a local, state and federal level. If you examine political campaign contributions you will find the vast majority, probably close to 90%, come from these groups.

15 Each group has a legitimate function but their self interests and desire to maximize their revenue at the expense of the American consumer has hurt our economy. Even worse, our two party political system has been corrupted so virtually all politicians end up serving these special interests and not the people.

16 How do these special interest groups convince politicians to give them our money? In Florida, it starts at the top.

17 The Florida Speaker of the House is where all legislation states. The Speaker is the most powerful person in Florida. Since Dan Webster was Speaker in 1992, every single Florida Speaker of the House went on to become lobbyists or work for a special interest group after their political career.

18 This year’s new lobbyists include Speaker Dean Cannon, Senate President Mike Haridopolus, and Speaker designate Chris Dorworth.

19 On a local level the special interests are organized through the Chambers of Commerce who pushed Sun Rail, high speed rail, and the arena as job creators. These groups care very little about our overall economy and very much about their own economy.

20 Successful politicians know that without the support of these special interests they cannot succeed in politics.

21 The corruption our political system is bi- partisan, well organized, well financed and complete.

22 If our economy is to recover in a sustainable way public policy must benefit the average citizen. It must allow each person to have as much disposable income as possible to allow our free market economy to work.

23 The way to achieve economic prosperity in Florida includes; Lower taxes. Lower energy costs. Lower health care costs.

24 If we can reduce these costs to consumer from 10% to 20% it will put billions of dollars back in their pockets and stimulate our economy in a sustainable way.

25 But special interests want your money and have more political power. And almost every politician in Florida has been trained to serve these same special interests.

26 “The average American doesn’t realize how much of the laws are written by lobbyists” Google CEO Eric Schmidt

27 Our political system is completely broken. We need systemic change. Another American revolution.

28 How can we can restore prosperity to America and integrity to our political system?

29 First Step Expose the corruption in our political system. THE FLORIDA DEBATE Non-partisan news site to allow citizens to educate voters. Site in development, looking for writers.

30 Step Two Stop believing one party is all good and the other is all bad. They both support a corrupt political system. The lesser of two evils is what got us here.

31 Step Three Challenge everything and everyone. Fight reckless spending and corruption at a local level. Challenge any politician who serves special interests and does not share your values.

32 Conclusion Get involved. Stay involved. Get others involved. Your country needs YOU…..

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