  Political Power: the ability of one person to get another person to act in accordance with the first person's intentions  Use of power:  Overt power:

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Presentation on theme: "  Political Power: the ability of one person to get another person to act in accordance with the first person's intentions  Use of power:  Overt power:"— Presentation transcript:


2   Political Power: the ability of one person to get another person to act in accordance with the first person's intentions  Use of power:  Overt power: President tells the air force to build a bomber  Subtle power:  Economic advisors tell President to implement price controls  Corporations close a factory in a small town Aim: What is Political power?

3   Political authority: the right to use power  Legitimacy: political authority is the right to act in certain ways conferred by law or by a state or national constitution  Example:  Constitutional Convention 1787  Constitution  Civil War  New Deal Aim: What is Political power?

4   Democracy: a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows people to participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws.  Democratic Centralism: whereby the true interests of the masses were discovered through discussion within the Communist party and then decisions were made under central leadership to serve  Direct or participatory government: all/some citizens participate directly in holding office and making decisions  Representative democracy: achieves authority through voter consent Aim: What is Democracy?

5   Direct vs. Representative democracy:  Representative government works when there is genuine leadership competition  Individuals/parties run for political office  Free communication  Voters perceive a meaningful choice exists  Elected vs. appointed  Money for campaigns  Party choses Aim: What is Democracy?

6   Direct Democracy:  Smaller self-government  Increased citizen participation  Referendum issues: policy can be voted on a ballot  Will of the people prevails  Framers:  Common interest does not equal public good  Representative over Direct  Mediate not mirror popular views  Represent not register majority sentiment Aim: What is Democracy?

7   http://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=d_TKI9Qfm I8 http://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=d_TKI9Qfm I8 Occupy Wall Street

8   Representative democracy:  Power is given to those who are elected  Popular vote  What type of leader comes to power  Examples:  Nixon vs. Carter  FDR vs. Reagan  Preferences of the electorate  Majoritarian politics promotes active citizenship  Political elites: an identified group of persons who posses a disproportionate share of some valued resource Aim: How is power distributed in a democracy?

9   Four theories of political elites:  Karl Marx:  Government is a reflection of underlying economic forces  Pattern of ownership of the means of production  Society divided into classes based on relationship of the people to the economy  Capitalists vs. Workers  Control of economy = government control Aim: How is power distributed in a democracy?

10   Four theories of political elites:  Power elite theory:  Non-governmental elites make most major decisions  Corporate leaders do not hold exclusive decision making privileges Aim: How is power distributed in a democracy?

11   Four theories of political elites:  Power Elite theory: (cont.)  C. Wright Mills- The Power Elite  Loose coalition of corporate leaders, military officers, political leaders  Media/Special interest groups  Government dominated by the few “Establishment”  Bureaucrats: appointed officials who operate government agencies Aim: How is power distributed in a democracy?

12   Four theories of political elites:  Power Elite theory: (cont.)  Max Weber  Rational decision making  (State Department)  Disadvantages: over towering power Aim: How is power distributed in a democracy?

13   Four theories of political elites:  Pluralist view:  No single political elite has a monopoly of power  Pluralist democracy  Power is scattered  Levels of government  Federalism  Political policies are the outcome of negotiation  Political resources not distributed equally Aim: How is power distributed in a democracy?

14   Four theories of political elites:  Pluralist view:  Politics driven by personal gain ?  People act based on self- interest  AFL-Civil Rights  http://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=nGdo3hOGq Yo http://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=nGdo3hOGq Yo Aim: How is power distributed in a democracy?

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