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Tracking Pedestrians Using Local Spatio- Temporal Motion Patterns in Extremely Crowded Scenes Louis Kratz and Ko Nishino IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS.

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Presentation on theme: "Tracking Pedestrians Using Local Spatio- Temporal Motion Patterns in Extremely Crowded Scenes Louis Kratz and Ko Nishino IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tracking Pedestrians Using Local Spatio- Temporal Motion Patterns in Extremely Crowded Scenes Louis Kratz and Ko Nishino IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE,2012

2 Outline  Motivation  Introduction  Proposed method  Experimental results  Conclusion

3 Motivation Goal: tracking single or multiple pedestrians in crowd scenes Solve conventional tracking problems -Occlusion problem -Pedestrians move in of different directions -Appearance change

4 Introduction(1) Observe a phenomenon

5 Observation Small area of instantaneous motions tend to repeat -Temporal -Spatial

6 Introduction(2) Spatio-temporal motion pattern -Describe crowd motion -Build a Spatial and temporal statistical model -Use to predict movement of individuals

7 Spatio-temporal motion pattern t y x

8 3D gradient vector: Calculate the mean motion vector or build a statistical model at each cuboid

9 Introduction(3) Hidden Markov Model: -States are not directly visible -Compromise of three components observation probabilities ‚transition probabilities ƒinitial probabilities

10 Introduction(4) Posterior distribution: given confidence X find probability of parameters

11 Introduction(5) Particle filter: is a filter which can be used to predict next state -different from kalman filter:  Robust to non linear system and can handle non Gaussian noise -Measurement:

12 Proposed method

13 Flow chart

14 (a) Divide the training video into spatio-temporal cuboids and calculate motion vectors, and then build statistical model for each motion patterns (b) Train a collection of hidden Markov models (c) Use observed local motion patterns to predict the motion patterns at each location (d) Use this predicted motion patterns to trace individuals

15 Step (a)-statistical model for motion patterns 1.First we calculate the motion vector at each pixel by 3D gradient vector 2.Next we build a statistical model by 3D Gaussian distribution

16 3. Define the local spatio-temporal pattern at location n and frame t

17 Step (b)-train hidden Markov models 1. By clustering algorithm, divide motion patterns into S clusters 2. Define states{s=1,…,S},and S is the number of clusters 3. For a specific hidden state s, the probability of an observed motion pattern is: Calculate variance between two distributions

18 Step(c)- predict motion patterns Taking expected value of the predictive distribution: Solve by forwards-backwards algorithm Reference: [23] L. Rabiner, “A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Applications in Speech Recognition,”Proc. IEEE,vol. 77, no. 2,pp. 257-286, Feb. 1989.

19 Step(d)-trace individuals Use particle filter maximize posterior distribution : Compare to: posterior likelihood priors P(x f )

20 x f-1 =[x,y,w,h] T in frame f-1 Figure present state vector x f-1 define a target window at frame f-1

21 Past and current measurement: z f is the frame at time f

22 priors We use the motion pattern at the center of tracked target to estimate priors on the distribution of next state x f

23 Transition distribution P(x f |x f-1 ) is the transition distribution We model by normal distribution: is the 2D optical flow vector from predicted motion pattern [27] is the covariance matrix from predicted motion pattern distribution Reference: [27]J. Wright and R. Pless, “Analysis of Persistent Motion Patterns Using the 3D Structure Tensor,”Proc. IEEE Workshop Motion and Video Computing,pp. 14-19, 2005

24 Likelihood distribution T: template of human object R: region of bounding box at frame f Z: constant : variance respect to appearance change

25 Define distance measure: t i : template gradient vector r i : region gradient vector M: number of pixels in template If distance large, likelihood small If distance small, likelihood large

26 Add weight information to adjust appearance change Error account to appearance change -pixels from occlusion region have large angle between t and r thus error E i large -When Ei large weight becomes small

27 Experimental results Implementation : -Intel Xeon X5355 2.66GHz processor - 10 frames per seconds - cuboid size 10*10*10

28 Datasets

29 From UCF Crowd data set 300,350,300,120 frames respectively (a) train station’s concourse (b) ticket gate (c) sidewalk (d) intersection

30 Experiment 1 white indicate high error error indicate little texture or noisy area intersection scene due to small amount amount of training data

31 Experiment 2

32 When occlusion enormous, variance of likelihood increase at frame 56,112,201

33 Experiment 3


35 Experiment 4 Errors cause by Innitial states not contain this direction

36 Experiment 5

37 Experiment 6

38 Conclusion We proposed a efficient method for tracking individuals in crowded scenes We solve the error caused by occlusion problem, appearance change, and different direction movement

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