Brent Toderian Presentaion : Kasra Talebian Director of City Planning City of Vancouver, Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "Brent Toderian Presentaion : Kasra Talebian Director of City Planning City of Vancouver, Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brent Toderian Presentaion : Kasra Talebian Director of City Planning City of Vancouver, Canada

2 Brent Toderian Director of City Planning City of Vancouver, Canada VANCOUVER WATER-FRONT ECO-DENSITY ECO CITY 2008 PORTFOLIO

3 Brent Toderian Director of City Planning City of Vancouver, Canada VANCOUVER WATER FRONT ECO-DENSITY ECO-CITY 2008 PORTFOLIO Director of City Planning of Vancouver city since 2006, His broad mandate involves current planning, including the many projects related to the 2010 Winter Olympics, and visioning/CityPlans, including the new “EcoDensity” citywide initiative currently being discussed with the Vancouver community. Brent Toderian has been described as an “urban firecracker” and a “sophisticated urbanist.” Add to that list one more: Speaker at Ecocity World Summit 2008.

4 Brent Toderian Director of City Planning City of Vancouver, Canada PORTFOLIO Projects he is involved with: VANCOUVER WATER-FRONT ECO-DENSITY VANCOUVER WATER FRONT ECO-DENSITY ECO-CITY 2008

5 1.Water edge should always be continuesly public, not just a public spots 2.The way buildings relate with water edge; making it activate, powerful, interesting, Friendly and safe By putting shops, cafes or even residential doors constantly 3. Putting destinations, entertainments, galleries and cultural functions beside the water front 4. Putting livable, complete, high density housing projects Brent Toderian Director of City Planning City of Vancouver, Canada PORTFOLIO Main Ideas by Toderian for Vancouver water front: VANCOUVER WATER FRONT ECO-DENSITY ECO-CITY 2008

6 Brent Toderian Director of City Planning City of Vancouver, Canada In brief, EcoDensity is an acknowledgement that high quality and strategically located density can make Vancouver more sustainable, livable and affordable. It has been illustrated as a tricycle, where the driving wheel is environmental sustainability, while the side wheels that keep it up and allow movement, are livability and affordability. The right kind of quality density in the right places can help lower our ecological footprint. What is ECO-DENSITY? PORTFOLIO VANCOUVER WATER FRONT ECO-DENSITY ECO-CITY 2008

7 Brent Toderian Director of City Planning City of Vancouver, Canada Two key contributors to climate change are transportation and building energy use. EcoDensity can help reduce both. Well-located density puts people close to shops, jobs, amenities and services, meaning more trips are made by walking, biking and transit, instead of by car. This also creates a larger customer base for local shopping areas, supporting a wider array of shops and services, which in turn, means that even more needs can be fulfilled close to home. Similarly, putting people close to transit means more trips are made using transit, and makes better transit service more feasible. How does density help the environment? PORTFOLIO VANCOUVER WATER FRONT ECO-DENSITY ECO-CITY 2008

8 Brent Toderian Director of City Planning City of Vancouver, Canada Density also reduces building energy use. Housing with shared walls uses less energy. Density also makes renewable energy sources more feasible and affordable. Systems like neighborhood energy utilities generate energy with little or no greenhouse gasses. And, density combined with green building features, will go even further to reduce greenhouse gases, as well as to conserve water, reduce waste, and provide other environmental benefits. How does density help the environment? PORTFOLIO VANCOUVER WATER FRONT ECO-DENSITY ECO-CITY 2008

9 Brent Toderian Director of City Planning City of Vancouver, Canada PORTFOLIO VANCOUVER WATER FRONT ECO-DENSITY ECO-CITY 2008

10 Brent Toderian Director of City Planning City of Vancouver, Canada PORTFOLIO VANCOUVER WATER FRONT ECO-DENSITY ECO-CITY 2008

11 Brent Toderian Director of City Planning City of Vancouver, Canada PORTFOLIO VANCOUVER WATER FRONT ECO-DENSITY ECO-CITY 2008 THE END

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