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Canadian and American Electives Trinity College Dublin October 2010.

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1 Canadian and American Electives Trinity College Dublin October 2010

2 Introduction Who can apply?  Open to all students (you don’t have to be from Canada or the US to apply!) Where can I apply?  Most Canadian universities take IMGs for electives  Many opportunities open to IMGs in the US Why should I do an elective in Canada or the US?  Great clinical hands-on experience  Important if you plan to complete a residency in Canada or the US  Opportunity to make contacts and obtain North American references (you may also want to try and meet Program Directors)

3 Applying for a North American Elective When should I apply?  Apply early!!!! (up to a year in advance for some)  Extremely competitive as the number of students studying abroad and requesting electives has substantially increased  Research university websites well in advance to familiarize yourself with application dates, required documentation and program availability What universities and programs should I apply to?  Apply to do electives in programs and at schools at which you wish to obtain a residency position  Apply to multiple universities for electives because there is NO guarantee you will be granted an elective  If you will be applying to both Canada and the US for residency then it is best to complete electives in both Canada and the US

4 Applying for a Canadian Elective Which universities take IMGs for electives?  Ontario (McMaster, Western, Ottawa, Northern Ontario, University of Toronto)  Universities of British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba  Memorial University (Newfoundland) and Dalhousie (Nova Scotia)

5 Applying for a Canadian Elective Special considerations at Canadian universities:  Must be going into final med (summer after 4 th year) to apply to elective programs EXCEPT at Western, Northern Ontario and Memorial which take students after 3 rd med  University of Toronto only takes students in final med from January to June (this excludes us from doing electives here)  McMaster only takes two students per school per year

6 Applying for a Canadian Elective What will it cost me to do an elective?  IMGs have to pay for electives (avg. $200-$600)  Additional medical insurance required at McMaster ($1000-$1500)  Keep in mind transportation and living expenses What kind of documentation is required?  Elective request form  Medical school confirmation  Immunization record  CV/personal statement may be requested

7 Applying for an American Elective  Trinity offers an “exchange elective” with a few American schools (Georgetown, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, Pennsylvania) - Apply early through the med office  Huge amount of programs in the States so research them early  Highly variable in what each school requires to carry out an elective (USMLE scores, IMG status, etc)

8 Applying for an American Elective  Most American electives are free of charge (excluding cost of travel, transportation, and accommodation)  Most programs in the US that you rotate with will guarantee you an interview, so rotate where you would want to go!

9 The North American Elective Experience What will I gain clinically from this experience?  Very hands-on!!!  History-taking and physical examinations – you will see patients on your own and report back to preceptor (both inpatients and outpatients)  Propose, discuss and execute management plans  Chart patient progress notes and dictate consults  Present at team rounds  Minor procedures (ex. immunizations/injections, suturing, incision and drainage, cryotherapy)  Attend resident teaching sessions

10 The North American Elective Experience What will I gain overall from this experience?  Excellent teaching and you’re very much a part of the team  Insight into specific specialties and whether or not they’re a good fit for you  Insight into residency programs and location  Opportunity to make good contacts and ask for references!!!

11 Ask questions!  Your best resource is other students who have completed electives at places and programs you’re interested in  Final meds have compiled a list of electives, their experience and their contact information (Claire Doran will distribute and please don’t hesitate to ask us any questions at all)  Contact us anytime: Kelsey Fawcett at Kelsey Fawcett at Erin Hanley at Erin Hanley at

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