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2 Choose a category. You will be given a Regents question to answer. Click to begin.

3 Click here for Final Jeopardy

4 The Renaissance Age of Exploration Geography And Extras 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points The Reformation Japanese Feudalism

5 Korea greatly influenced the development of early Japan by 1.acting as a bridge for ideas from China 2.providing Japan with the technology for industrialization 3.serving as a barrier against Chinese aggression 4.protecting Japan from early European exploration

6 The code of bushido of the Japanese samurai is most similar to 1.belief in reincarnation and karma of Hindus 2.practice of chivalry by European knights 3.teachings of Judaism 4.theory of natural rights of the Enlightenment writers

7 Feudal societies are generally characterized by emphasis on social order 2.a representative government 3.many economic opportunities 4.the protection of political rights

8 In Japan between 1603 and 1868, the most notable action taken by the Tokugawa Shogunate was the 1.military conquest of China 2.development of extensive trade with the Americas 3.formation of cultural links with Europe 4.virtual isolation of the country from the outside world

9 Draw the five class Social Hierarchy Pyramid for Japanese Feudalism.

10 “Europe is waking out of a long, deep sleep…time was when learning was only found in the religious orders…learning has passed to secular princes and peers.” This quotation best describes the 1.Renaissance 2.decline of the Roman Empire 3.Crusades 4.rise of Christianity

11 In Europe, a major characteristic of humanism was 1.a belief in the supremacy of the state in relation to individual rights 2.a rejection of ancient civilizations and their cultures emphasis on social control and obedience to national rulers appreciation for the basic worth of individual achievement

12 Which statement describes a direct effect of the Renaissance on Western Europe? 1.the philosophy of humanism brought about a decrease in the power of the Roman Catholic Church began to reflect an increased emphasis on religious themes 3.nationalistic movements among the minority ethnic groups in the region declines 4.the feudal system was developed to provide stability in a decentralized political structure

13 Which characteristic was common to the Golden Age of Greece and the Italian Renaissance? 1.a strong military led to national unity 2.written constitutions led to the establishment of democratic governments 3.prosperity led to the creation of many works of art 4.political instability led directly to the formation of unified nation-states

14 Who Wrote The Prince?

15 “Christians should be taught that he who gives to a poor man or lends to a needy man does better than if he used the money to buy an indulgence.” Which major movement in European history started with the idea expressed in this statement? 1.Commercial Revolution 2.Industrial Revolution 3.Renaissance 4.Protestant Reformation

16 In Spain, an effect of the Inquisition during the 16th century was to 1.prevent the introduction of Protestant religions 2.reintroduce Moorish culture to the Iberian Peninsula 3.encourage the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.implement the ideas of the Renaissance in major cities

17 Which was a major result of the Reformation? Christian denominations emerged 2.religious teachings were no longer allowed in the universities 3.the Crusades were organized 4.the power of the Pope was strengthened

18 Which factor helped most to bring about the Protestant Reformation? 1.the Catholic clergy had lost faith in their religion 2.Islam was attracting many converts in Western Europe 3.kings and princes in Northern Europe resented the power of the Catholic Church 4.the exploration of the Americas led to the introduction of new religious ideas

19 What did Martin Luther write in 1517 that called for reforms within the Roman Catholic Church?

20 The Crusades indirectly contributed to the discovery of the New World by 1.forcing the religious conversion of the Muslim population 2.forcing the Turks to flee from Constantinople 3.stimulating European demand for goods from the East 4.increasing the power of the feudal lords

21 The printing press, the astrolabe, and the Mercator projection were technological advances that contributed to the 1.exploration and overseas expansion of the colonial empires 2.unification of Germany and Italy in the late 1800’s 3.growth of industry in Latin America during the late 1900’s 4.spread of Islam in the 700’s and 800’s

22 . Which statement best describes the effects of the works of Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Sir Isaac Newton, and René Descartes? 1.The acceptance of traditional authority was strengthened. 2.The scientific method was used to solve problems. 3.Funding to education was increased by the English government. 4.Interest in Greek and Roman drama was renewed.

23 Which of these events during the Age of Exploration was a cause of the other three? 1.Europeans brought food, animals, and ideas from one continent to another 2.European diseases had an adverse effect on the native populations of new territories 3.warfare increased as European nations competed for land and power 4.advances in learning and technology made long ocean voyages possible

24 Magellan, in 1521, became the first person to successfully sail around the world. What is the term we use to describe “sailing around the globe?”

25 In Japan, a major economic problem has been the lack of 1.natural resources 2.investment capital 3.skilled labor 4.experienced management

26 Which historical events are in the correct chronological order? 1.Crusades -> Renaissance -> Neolithic Revolution -> Roman Empire 2.Roman Empire -> Neolithic Revolution -> Crusades -> Renaissance 3.Renaissance ->Neolithic Revolution -> Crusades -> Roman Empire 4.Neolithic Revolution -> Roman Empire -> Crusades -> Renaissance

27 One reason the cultures of North Africa developed differently from the cultures of the rest of Africa was that these areas of Africa were separated by the 1.Congo River Basin 2.Great Rift Valley 3.Sahara Desert 4.Arabian Sea

28 A topographical map would most likely be used to 1.identify the major agricultural products of Egypt 2.determine the population of Beijing, China 3.estimate the elevation of Bangkok, Thailand 4.count the number of provinces in India

29 On a map of the world, Asia is to Japan as Europe is to what European country?

30 Category: The Renaissance Make your wager

31 What are the four characteristics used to determine whether or not a painting is from the Renaissance?

32 Acting as a bridge for ideas from China

33 practice of chivalry by European knights

34 an emphasis on social order

35 virtual isolation of the country from the outside world

36 _______ Samurai _______

37 Renaissance

38 an appreciation for the basic worth of individual achievement

39 the philosophy of humanism brought about a decrease in the power of the Roman Catholic Church

40 prosperity led to the creation of many works of art

41 Niccolo Machiavelli

42 Protestant Reformation

43 prevent the introduction of Protestant religions

44 new Christian denominations emerged

45 kings and princes in Northern Europe resented the power of the Catholic Church

46 Ninety-Five Theses

47 stimulating European demand for goods from the East

48 exploration and overseas expansion of the colonial empires

49 The scientific method was used to solve problems.

50 advances in learning and technology made long ocean voyages possible

51 Circumnavigate

52 natural resources

53 Neolithic Revolution -> Roman Empire -> Crusades -> Renaissance

54 Sahara Desert

55 estimate the elevation of Bangkok, Thailand

56 Great Britain or The United Kingdom

57 Features of Renaissance Art R eality (Correct anatomy) and R eligion E motion and Individualism D epth (Perspective –three dimensional)

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