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Renaissance A New European Worldview. Renaissance Art The Renaissance saw a return to the ancient Greek pursuit of beauty – Balance, harmony and the.

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1 Renaissance A New European Worldview



4 Renaissance Art The Renaissance saw a return to the ancient Greek pursuit of beauty – Balance, harmony and the pursuit of the ideal were very important to the ancient Greeks Occurred first in Italy as a result of the Byzantine influence and the Roman influence all around them

5 Renaissance Art Though the subjects were frequently religious, they were not portrayed in the gruesome style of the Middle Ages; rather, the real goal was to show idealized beauty in the style of the Greeks. This reflects the notion that there was a changing worldview in Europe beginning at this time.

6 Renaissance Art Artists’ goal was to show the scene as it really was (Picture window style) Importance was placed on the accurate portrayal of perspective done through observation – Technique was the development of point perspective as well as the increasing development of math skills that allowed the artist to organize space & light


8 Renaissance Art Individuals (human beings) became the focus of things (portraits became more common) Encouraged an investigation of the human anatomy and movement


10 Effects of the Renaissance Humanism A form of education and culture based on the study of the classics of ancient Rome & Greece Program revolved around the “Liberal Arts” – grammar, rhetoric, poetry, ethics, & history This was often seen as something that should be shared with the broader community in the sense of a civic duty to serve the city-state (Italian) An underlying belief in the educatibility of all human beings (education was key to true freedom in that it allowed people to achieve their full potential)

11 Effects of the Renaissance Development of Vernacular Languages Impact of Printing – Developed during this time period – Johannes Gutenberg and moveable type (between 1445 and 1450) – Quickly became one of the largest industries in Europe – Encouraged scholarly learning and research, sharing of research, expanded literacy



14 Medieval Society European society was strictly hierarchical and divided into three groups (Estates). By the time period of the Renaissance, however, important changes had begun to occur.

15 Medieval Society The First Estate: Consisted of the clergy (those who prayed) and all Church officials Emphasizes the universality of the Catholic Church in European life

16 Medieval Society The Second Estate: Consisted of the nobility (those who fought), which also would have included royalty This social class made up only 2-3% of the population The source of their wealth was the large landholdings of the social class Nobles were born, not made, and possessed character, grace and talent The chief aim of the noble was warfare but, with changes occurring in warfare, they increasingly were expected to cultivate an education in the Liberal Arts

17 Medieval Society The Third Estate: Peasants made up the overwhelming portion of this class – as much as 85 –90 percent Mostly they paid rent to the owner of land, although in Eastern Europe, many remained serfs Townspeople made up the rest of this social class and represented a varied group. At the top of the class were the patricians whose wealth came from trade, industry and banking, which allowed them to dominate the urban environment and exert a greater influence in broader affairs. Below them were the shopkeepers, artisans & guild members who provided products. Underneath these was a broad underclass of semi-employed and unemployed poor.

18 A New Worldview Summary: How did the worldview of the medieval period in Europe differ from that of the Renaissance?

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