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RELATIONSHIPS. CHOOSING ABSTINENCE What is intimacy? –Closeness between 2 people that develops over time.

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Presentation on theme: "RELATIONSHIPS. CHOOSING ABSTINENCE What is intimacy? –Closeness between 2 people that develops over time."— Presentation transcript:


2 CHOOSING ABSTINENCE What is intimacy? –Closeness between 2 people that develops over time

3 CHOOSING ABSTINENCE What is infatuation? –Exaggerated feelings of passion

4 CHOOSING ABSTINENCE What is abstinence? –A deliberate decision to avoid high- risk behaviors, including sexual activity and the use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs

5 Heart of the Matter Activity There are many reasons why people choose to abstain from sexual activity. 1.On index card write down 1 reason why someone would abstain from sexual activity. 2.Tape the card over your heart! 3.Walk around and read/discuss the different reasons for abstinence with your class. 4.Complete the Heart of the Matter worksheet by listing 6 reasons they discovered while looking at the various index cards.

6 CHOOSING ABSTINENCE Self–Control –The ability to use responsibility to override emotions

7 CHOOSING ABSTINENCE Tips to help maintain self–control: –Set limits for expressing affection –Communicate with your partner –Talk with a trusted adult –Seek low-pressure dating situations –Date someone who respects and shares your values –Avoid risk situations: where alcohol is being served or places where you are alone

8 CHOOSING ABSTINENCE How do you stay committed to abstinence? –Remind yourself of the reasons you chose abstinence –Communicate your values and decisions to your dating partner –Practice refusal skills –Realize you can recommit to abstinence

9 Sexual Activity and Its Effects On Your Triangle Mental/Emotional Consequences * Hurt * Guilt * Loss of Self Respect * Regret and Anxiety M/E

10 Sexual Activity and Its Effects On Your Triangle Social Consequences * Negative effect on relationships with family and friends S

11 Sexual Activity and Its Effects On Your Triangle Physical Consequences * Unplanned pregnancy * STI’s or STD’s P

12 STD’s / STI’s - Why Should I Know About These? Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) or sexually transmitted infections (STI) are infections spread from person to person through sexual contact

13 Examples of STD’s / STI’s Genital HPV Infections Chlamydia Genital Herpes Gonorrhea Trichomoniasis Syphilis HIV/AIDS

14 Prevention of STD’s / STI’s Practice abstinence Avoid: Using alcohol or other drugs Being sexually active with more than one partner Engaging in unprotected sex Engaging in sexual activity with high risk partners Multiple partners IV drug users


16 HIV / AIDS HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) – a virus that attacks the immune system AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)- a disease in which the immune system is weakened

17 HIV / AIDS HIV is transmitted: 1.During sexual intercourse – HIV enters the bloodstream through microscopic openings in the tissues of the vagina, anus, mouth and penis 2.By sharing needles used for body piercings with unclean instruments, tattoos with unclean needles and sharing IV drugs

18 HIV /AIDS 3. From mother to baby through the umbilical cord, during childbirth and through breastfeeding

19 How Does HIV Affect the Immune System? HIV attacks the body’s immune system by destroying lymphocytes (specialized white blood cells) 2 Types of lymphocytes: - T cells - B cells

20 What are The Stages of HIV? 1.Asymptomatic Stage – Shows no outward signs of infection (virus in lymph nodes) 2.Middle Stage – Can include fever, headache, sore throat, rash, diarrhea, and enlarged lymph nodes (does not occur in all patients) 3.Symptomatic Stage – Helper T cells fall to 200 – 400 per ml of blood (600 -1200 normal) 4.AIDS Stage – Helper T cells fall below 200; 1 or more opportunistic infections

21 How Can I Prevent Contracting HIV? Practice abstinence Do not share needles Avoid situations where drugs and alcohol use might compromise your decision making Use refusal skills when you feel pressured to engage in risky behaviors

22 Refusal Skills Remember: –Say “No” in a firm voice –Explain why by stating your feelings –Offer alternatives –Stand your ground –Leave if necessary

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