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Area of a rectangle Area of composite shapes Area of a right-angled triangle Simple Areas.

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2 Area of a rectangle Area of composite shapes Area of a right-angled triangle Simple Areas

3 Starter Questions Starter Questions 34 o

4 Area of a Rectangle Learning Intention Success Criteria 1.To be able to state area formula for a rectangle. 1. To come up with a formula for the area of a rectangle. 2.Use the formula to solve problems. 2.Apply formula correctly. (showing working) (showing working) 3.Answer containing appropriate units appropriate units

5 Problem… General Jack’s Carpets Only £5 a square metre! How much for this one? ?

6 3 rows of 6 squares Problem… 6 square metres = 3 x 6= 18 square metres = 1 square metre 3 m 6 m 1m How much for 18 square metres? 18 x £5 = £90

7 Area of a rectangle 6 = 18 m² 3 m 6 m 3 6 Area =lengthx breadth length breadth x 3

8 Example 1 11 cm 6 cm Area = length x breadth A = l x b A = 11 x 6 A = 66 cm² Find the area of the rectangle

9 Example 2 12 cm Area = length x breadth A = l x b A = 12 x 12 A = 144 cm² Find the area of the square

10 Starter Questions Starter Questions 123 o

11 Learning Intention Success Criteria 1.Know area of a right-angled triangle formula Use the area of a rectangle formula to help us to come up with a formula to calculate the area of any right-angled triangle. 1. Use the area of a rectangle formula to help us to come up with a formula to calculate the area of any right-angled triangle. 2.Use formula to work out area of triangle. 3.Show all working and units. Area of A Right-Angled Triangle

12 Area of a right-angled triangle Area of rectangle = l x b= 28 cm² 4 cm 7 cm = 7 x 4 Area of triangle = 14 cm² = ½ x 28 = ½ x Area of rectangle

13 Area of triangle Short cut 4 cm 7 cm Area of triangle = 14 cm²= ½ x 28 = ½ x 7 x 4 Area Δ =x basex height ½ base height

14 Example 1 10 cm 15 cm Area Δ=½ x base x height AΔ =½ x b x h AΔ = ½ x 15 x 10 AΔ = 75 cm² Find the area of the triangle

15 Example 2 12 cm 8 cm Area Δ=½ x base x height AΔ =½ x b x h AΔ = ½ x 8 x 12 AΔ = 48 cm² Find the area of the triangle

16 Now try worksheet Exercise 1 Area of a right-angled triangle

17 Starter Questions Starter Questions 34 o

18 Area of a Composite Learning Intention Success Criteria 1.To be able to use knowledge gained so far to find the area of more complicated shapes.. 1. To use knowledge to find area of more complicate shapes. 2.Show appropriate working. Made up of Simple shapes

19 ? Composite shapes 6 cm 10 cm 13 cm ? 3 cm

20 6 cm ? 10 cm (1) (2) Area (1) = l x b= 60 cm²= 10 x 6 Area (2) = 9 cm² = ½ x 3 x 6 = ½ x b x h Area of shape = (1) + (2)= 69 cm²= 60 + 9 3 cm Composite shapes

21 Example 1 Area (1)= =15 x 8 Area (2) = l x b l x b = 120 cm² =9 x 3 = 27 cm² Area of shape = (1) + (2) = 120 + 27 = 147 cm² 15cm 11cm 6cm 3cm (1) (2) ? 9cm 8cm ? Find the area of the shape

22 Example 2 Area (1)= =20 x 12 Area (2) = l x b 12cm 20cm10cm 6cm (1) (2) l x b = 240 cm² =10 x 6 = 60 cm² Area of shape = (1) – (2) = 240 -60 = 180 cm² Find the area of the shape

23 Now try worksheet Exercise 2 Composite shapes

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