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 We are given the following regular definition: if -> if then -> then else -> else relop -> |>|>= id -> letter(letter|digit)* num -> digit + (.digit.

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Presentation on theme: " We are given the following regular definition: if -> if then -> then else -> else relop -> |>|>= id -> letter(letter|digit)* num -> digit + (.digit."— Presentation transcript:


2  We are given the following regular definition: if -> if then -> then else -> else relop -> |>|>= id -> letter(letter|digit)* num -> digit + (.digit + )? (E(+|-)?digit + )? letter -> [a-z]|[A-Z] digit ->[0-9]

3  Recognize the keyword: if, then, else and lexemes: relop, id, num  delim -> blank|tab|newline ws -> delim + if a match for ws is found lexical analyzer does not return a token to parser. It proceeds to find a token following the white space and return that to parser.


5  Transition diagram depicts the actions that takes place when a lexical analyzer is called by parser to get the next token  TD keeps track of information about characters that are seen as fwd pointer scans the input  Position in TD are drawn as circles called states  States are connected by arrows called edges  Edges leaving state s have labels indicating i/p characters that can next appear after transition diagram have reached state s.

6  Start state: state where control resides when we begin to recognize a token.  No valid transitions indicate failure  Accepting state: state in which token can be found.  * indicates state in which retraction must takes place 0 1 2 start letter letter/digit delimiter *

7  There may be several transition diagrams  If failure occurs while following one transition diagram, then retract the fwd pointer to where it was in start state of this diagram and activate next transition diagram  If failure occurs in all transition diagrams, lexical error will be detected and error recovery routines will be invoked  e.g. DO 5 I=1.25 DO 5 I=1,25


9  Initialize appropriately the symbol table in which information about identifiers is stored  Enter the reserved words into symbol table before any characters in the i/p are seen.  Make a note in the symbol table of the token to be returned when the keyword is identified.  Return statement next to accepting state uses gettoken() and install_id() to obtain token and attribute value  When a lexeme is identified, symbol table is checked  if found as keyword install_id() will return 0  If an identifier, pointer to symbol table entry will be returned  gettoken() will return the corresponding token

10  When accepting state is reached,  call a procedure install_num() that enters the lexeme into table of numbers and returns a pointer to created entry  Returns the token NUM


12  Token nexttoken( )  {  While (1)  {  switch(state) {  case 0: c=nextchar();  If (c==blank|| c==tab|| c==newline) {  State =0;  lexeme_beginning++;  }  else if (c==’<’) state=1;  else if (c ==’=’)state=5;  else if (c==’>’) state=6;  else state=fail();  break;  case 1: c= nextchar();  if (c==’=’) state=2;  else if (c==’>’) state=3;  else state=4;  break;  case 2: token.attribute=LE; ;  return token;

13  case 8: retract (1);  token.attribute=GT; ;  return token;  case 9: c= nextchar();  if (isletter(c)) state=10;  else state= fail();  break;  case 10: c= nextchar();  if (isletter(c)) state=10;  else if (isdigit(c)) state=10;  else state=11;  break;  case11: retract (1);  entry=install_id( );  name=gettoken();  name;  token. attribute=entry;  return token;  break;  /* cases 12-24 here for numbers*/

14  case 25: c= nextchar();  if (isidgit(c)) state=26;  else state=fail();  break;  case 26: c= nextchar();  if (isidgit(c)) state=26;  else state=27;  break;  case 27:retract (1); install_num( );  return (NUM);  }

15  int state=0, start=0;  int lexical_value;  int fail()  {  forward=token_beginning;  switch( start){  case 0:start=9; break;  case 9: start=12; break;  case 12: start=20; break;  case 20: start=25; break;  case 25: recover( ); break;  default: /* compiler error*/  }  return start;  }

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