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Healthy Living Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Living Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Living Presentation
These materials have been produced by an Arbonne Independent Consultant and are not official materials prepared or provided by Arbonne International, LLC. Arbonne makes no promises or guarantees that any consultant will be financially successful, as each consultant’s results are dependant upon his or her own skills and effort. Actual financial results of all Arbonne’s Independent consultants for the preceding year are contained in Arbonne’s ICCS on Arbonne’s official website.NOTE: Please do not add to this script without first running it by your upline NVP.

2 Presentation Supply List
Healthy Living flipchart Arbonne Essentials Products RE9 Set Primer, foundation, A couple of make-up items (to mention our cosmetics/cosmetic parties) Client Profile Card (Hand out when guests arrive & tell about prize) Testimonials-laminated and displayed EOA Stories- yours, your upline VP’s, or your favorite stories Catalogs Pens, Calculator, business cards Prospect Packets to be given to those interested in business (or trial kits) Trifecta Close items: Application, order forms, open date sheet or calendar, Arbonne Brochures, Hostess Brochure, 3 Ways to Win/PC free product choice-front & back laminated Deal/No Deal boxes (A product photo inside each box.) Chocolate Kisses or pennies 2 small Product “giveaways” for games (i.e. detox tea/fizz drinks) Several pretend laminated $50’s Sampling items: chews, tea, fizz sticks, protein shakes, Dixie cups (SAMPLE AS THEY ARRIVE!) Protein bars (optional-Make in advance) If you’re doing foot spas: Tubs, towels, Unwind oil & Bath salts or Detox oil and Sea Soak Chargers and tablecloths for display

3 Display Table Example Arbonne Essentials, RE9 Set, Primer, (& a couple of make-up items)

4 Hello. Thank you so much for coming. My name is _______________
Hello! Thank you so much for coming! My name is _______________. I have been an Arbonne consultant for_________. I am so excited to be here. I love my job! Thanks ______ for hosting this great party! I’ll tell you more later about how our hostess can earn an 80% discount & one FREE product. Tonight, we are going to talk about healthy living…inside and out! I am going to share a little about Arbonne’s popular nutrition line, Arbonne Essentials. And I am going to touch on Arbonne’s best-seller, our “Flagship” anti-aging skincare line, RE9 Advanced…… We are also going to play some fun games & you are going to have the chance to win some free prizes… 1st, we will draw a name from the client profile cards. So, make sure that you fill yours out! 2nd, we are going to play a fun game called “Deal or no Deal.” This is my favorite game! We will play this game at the end of my quick presentation! (Pass around Deal or No Deal boxes on a platter and let them select their own box. Make it a big deal and ask them NOT to open it until you say!) 3rd, we are going to play a “kissing game!”…with chocolate kisses. Here’s how it works: Ask a Q about biz and get 2 kisses. Ask a Q about products and get 1 kiss. The person with most kisses wins a prize! So, don’t forget to ask questions!!! Now, I want to get to know you a little bit. We are going to go around the room and each person is going to: Say your name, one health/nutrition or skincare goal you have for this year & what you would be doing if time & money were no object. Thank you so much for sharing. A fun part about my job is getting to meet new people and learn just a little about them!

5 2. What your life looked like before Arbonne
I would like to start off first by introducing myself & share with QUICKLY you how I became a part of Arbonne (this should take only 1-2 minutes. You are going to share about the business at the end too!) 1. Name & about me 2. What your life looked like before Arbonne 3. How you were introduced to Arbonne, what inspired you join Arbonne & any personal hesitations. 4. Share a success story (borrow upline’s story) 5. Share your personal success (trip earner, paycheck, jewelry earned, promotion, bonus, etc…) 6. Share quickly your goal for your business I’ll share with you a little later some of the reasons I decided to start my own business with Arbonne

6 So, let’s get started! Arbonne has many different products in their catalog that are ALL designed to help us be as healthy as possible…both inside and out. My 1st goal today is: For everyone to be inspired to live a healthy lifestyle My 2nd goal is to help you make some small shifts that can immediately improve your health and your family’s health. If you hear something today, leave and make even 1 change, I’ll feel our time together was a success. My 3rd goal is that you get so much value out of our time together that you would want to share this with others, and in doing so, show you how you can receive Arbonne’s products at 20-80% off. I am going to list a few common problems that a lot of people experience. See if you can relate…… Low Energy Bad Eating Habits Excess weight Depression/Anxiety Disturbed Sleep Mood Swings Slow Digestion and Slow Elimination Slow Metabolism Hot Flashes/PMS Joint Pain and Aching Muscles Wrinkles or other skin issues If you can relate to any of these, you are going to love what the Arbonne products can do for you!

7 Arbonne’s philosophy is “Pure, Safe and Beneficial
Arbonne’s philosophy is “Pure, Safe and Beneficial.” We are promoting living a healthy LIFESTYLE. You won’t find gimmicky, quick-fix solutions here. You will find products and information that will help you make healthier choices day-in and day-out…for a lifetime of health and wellness. That’s what I love about Arbonne! There are several different things that we are going to touch on that will help us have more energy, lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, gain muscle, prevent disease, and have amazing skin! After all, when we are healthy and feel great, we have more energy to pour ourselves into the lives of other people. Our Healthy Living plan focuses on: Eating Clean. Which is basically eating whole foods free of pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, artificial flavors and toxins. Supporting our elimination organs (detoxing and cleansing our bodies) Increasing our nutrient intake which will help build muscle and give us more energy. Balancing our blood sugar so we don’t crave sugar any more Eliminating allergenic and addictive foods that are making us feel poorly and we don’t even realize the connection. Arbonne’s entire nutrition line is free of allergenic and addictive ingredients. And taking good care of our largest organ…our skin I am going to show you how Arbonne’s products can help you in each of these 6 areas and help you understand how important NUTRITION & skincare is to your overall health.

The FACT is: You are in control of 90% of your health Genetics is only 10% of body appearance & overall health. Training and Exercise is 10% Nutrition is 80% of your results! If you are not happy with where you are…the GREAT NEWS is…You can change it!!!

9 I want to share with you what sets Arbonne apart from other companies.
Arbonne was founded more than 30 years ago with a commitment to formulate products without harmful ingredients. And we are a “Green” company that is focused on being earth-friendly. We are botanically-based, inspired by nature. Our botanicals are grown organically whenever possible Vegan Certified Gluten-free- an estimated 50% of the population has gluten allergies (acidic and causes inflammation. bloating) Dairy-free-an estimated 70% of the population has dairy allergies. (Dairy is acidic and contributes to acne. The countries with the highest consumption of dairy have the highest rates of breast cancer and osteoporosis) Soy-Free- Soy can mimic estrogen in the body and can alter women’s hormonal balance. (acidic) Whey-Free- Whey is a major contributor to intestinal Toxemia which causes IBS We have no artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners. No cholesterol, no saturated or trans fats, No GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) What you DON’T find in Arbonne’s products will help you with our first goal, which was to eat clean. Arbonne products are recommended by physicians, nutritionists, dietitians, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, estheticians, modeling/talent agents and other professionals. Many of these people are Arbonne Consultants too because they believe in the products and the business model! I love the fact that Arbonne’s products are results-oriented and if you do not get the results that you hoped for, you can return your products for a refund for up to 45 days.

10 Arbonne Essentials Now let’s start by talking about why it’s important to support our elimination organs…our kidneys, liver and digestive track….Detoxing our bodies. Getting rid of toxins and keeping our digestion track clean and healthy allows our body to absorb nutrients better! You have heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Well, it actually should say, “You are what you absorb!” Our bodies have to be able to digest and absorb the nutrients we eat in order to use it. When our bodies are filled with toxins, our body can not absorb the nutrients like it should. Also, detoxing is important because fat cells are present in our bodies to protect us from toxins. We store toxins in fat and pull them away from our vital organs which creates excess weight around our mid-section. An overburdened liver is one of the reason people plateau during weight loss. If you get rid of toxins, your fat cells are not needed. (show chart and explain) Did you ever wonder why so many lose weight only to gain it back plus a few pounds? The answer is because they are dieting vs. nutritionally cleansing


12 The first products I am going to share, help with Detoxing, Digestion issues and boosting your metabolism Digestion plus Contains prebiotics, probiotics and 11 digestive enzymes. The awesome Arbonne advantage is we don't just have probiotics we have Pre-biotics which is food for the probiotics so they are even more robust and still living once they reach our digestive track. AND we have 11 digestive enzymes that help break down foods like lactose, fats, proteins, fiber, carbohydrates. It supports healthy digestion, decreasing gas & bloating. Supports nutrient uptake from the foods that we eat. (MUFFIN TOP ERASER!!!) What is important to know is...IF YOU CAN DIGEST IT YOU CAN EITHER ELIMINATE OR USE IT!!! Basically, it helps keep our digestive track cleaned out and healthy! 80% off your immune system is in your GI track. Nearly all skin conditions start in our GI track and 80% of serotonin is in GI track. (Serotonin is responsible for mood, sexual desire, appetite, sleep and memory) Detox Tea This caffeine-free, milk-thistle tea which assists the liver, kidneys and blood to eliminate toxins. Your liver is the master fat-burning & detoxifier of the body. I love a hot cup of tea every morning in place of coffee and one in the evening to give me that flat tummy feeling, help me not to snack, and help me sleep better. 7 Day Cleanse Gently clings to and scrubs your intestinal track. Makes elimination more frequent but not urgent. A great way to clean out your digestive track so your body can absorb the good nutrients you are eating! Do this for 7 straight days, once each month if you like. (Some people lose as much as 5 pounds while using this cleanse) Thermobooster Helps support metabolism and thermogenesis** (burn calories) When taken twice a day with a meal, helps support weight management* goals

13 “Power Packs”- our Vitamins
The next group of products we are going to talk about are going to help us add Nutrients “Power Packs”- our Vitamins Where Healthy Meets Convenient - These vitamins will give you more energy and give you the benefits of eating 3servings of fruits and vegetables. Many vitamins on the market never dissolve in your system. In fact, numerous studies have shown un-dissolved vitamins in septic systems. Ours are highly absorbable; they break down in 30 minutes and they give you the antioxidant protection equivalent to16-20 antioxidant packed fruits and vegetables. These power packs also have a digestive enzyme that aids with digestive issues. On a side note, The American Medical Association recommends that all adults take a multi-vitamin to prevent chronic disease. Protein Powder 20 grams of VEGAN protein, amino acid score of 100 which rivals animal protein scores but much healthier, plus 20 essential vitamins and minerals per serving – chocolate or vanilla flavors. Yellow pea, cranberry & brown rice protein is most digestible & absorbable forms of protein available which gives you results without the medical complications of kidney failure and digestion complications that other sources of protein can cause, has CoQ10 for energy and heart health. Can make your own YUMMY PROTEIN BARS TOO! *Makes an excellent recovery drink after working out. (we have great protein shake recipes) No soy and no whey. Whey is very inflammatory and hard to digest so it can cause indigestion, gas and bloating. Fiber Fiber is a sponge for toxins, it helps you feel full longer and helps keep your blood sugar balanced. 12 gms of fiber supplements fiber intake (24-30gms/day recommended…average American takes in only 7 gms/day) Tasteless, colorless, odorless & TEXTURELESS! So, this is good for increasing nutrients and eliminating toxins.

14 Immunity Booster Omega 3 Fatty Acid Vitamin Spray D and B12
This is a powerful drink shot that provides antioxidants and supports your immune system. Vitamin c equivalent to 1.5 oranges, Vitamin D equivalent to 16 oz milk, Riboflavin equivalent to 1cup almonds, B12 equivalent to 10 eggs, Zinc equivalent to 2 cups lima beans, Antioxidants equivalent to 3 apricots, 5 zucchini, 1 kiwi, 1 cup watermelon, 1 cup cucumber. All in a 40 calorie great tasting shot! Omega 3 Fatty Acid Supports cardio vascular and joint health. plant based from flaxseed so no fishy aftertaste. Full 1000mg of essential fatty acids. Just FYI: your family physician is most likely recommending vitamins, probiotics and omega 3! Vitamin Spray D and B12 Two in one! Vitamin D is the “Sunshine Vitamin” support immunity and calcium absorption Vitamin B12 supports energy

15 (pass around before and after photos)
Now let’s talk about Balancing our Blood Sugar and eliminating allergenic & addictive foods It’s important to balance your blood sugar because… (read thru chart) Sugar eaten every day creates a continually acidic environment that allows bacteria and disease to thrive. This abundance of sugar can be noticed in the body’s most inactive parts: belly , buttocks, thighs and skin. Reducing sugar decreases inflammation in your body. Inflammation is the basis of virtually every disease such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and even wrinkled skin. Arbonne’s products can help us reduce the amount of sugar intake in our diets Energy Fizz Sticks alternative to your morning coffee or afternoon sodas ---high energy fizz boost and sustain energy to increase metabolism and helps control appetite. Great pick me up throughout the day when sluggish. Green Tea (powerful antioxidant), B Vitamins (boost energy), Chromium (balance blood sugar), Rhodiola (improve mood), Ginseg (endurance), Guarana (alertness) Pomegranate and Citrus flavors. Very Alkaline drink – disease cannot grow in an alkaline environment! Contains stevia, and only 13 calories, it is a HEALTHY LIQUID SNACK! 1.8 gms of sugar. Drink this instead of sodas to keep your blood sugar balance. Fit Chews ideal snack to control appetite & cravings while delivering energy boosts to keep energy level sustained. Good for sweet tooth. Chocolate, caramel & some seasonal flavors. 4 gms sugar. Eat a chew instead of dessert to keep your blood sugar balanced.. (pass around before and after photos) Full Control Helps support blood sugar and cholesterol levels already within the normal range Consumption of the key ingredient glucomannan in the context of a calorie-restricted diet may help support weight management*


17 We’ve talked about our inner health, now let's QUICKLY DISCUSS our outer beauty….our skin!
Our skin is the largest Organ of your body. It requires extra protection and nutrition About 60% of what you put on your skin absorbs into your system. What we absorb is in every organ in our body in a matter of seconds! This is an alarming statistic because: Studies have shown that with lotions and cosmetics, the average woman applies around 500 chemicals per day and they all get into our bodies. Everything I told you about Arbonne’s nutrition products apply to Arbonne’s skincare. Pure, Safe and Beneficial! In addition our skincare products have no chemical dyes, no artificial fragrances, no parabens and no mineral oil. PLUS…..Arbonne's all about preventing and reversing the signs of aging. RE9 Advanced is one of our most exciting product lines in Arbonne history. It’s our FLAGSHIP LINE and our best seller! Clinically proven to work in 24 hours Six products work together to visibly reduce and prevent the signs of aging through 9 powerful and effective anti-aging ingredients. Collagen production slows 65% between 20 and 80 years old! Arbonne’s RE9 line supports collagen production! RE9 Advanced in clinical trials out performed the #1 department store brand and the #1 Direct Sales Company Try the products on the back of their hands…..

18 RE9 Advanced Skincare Smoothing Facial Cleanser – Crème cleanser provides effective smoothing and renewing of skin surface for soft, supple skin. Key Ingredients: Algae Extract, Sea Buckthorn oil. Don’t pass around but tell them they will only use a pea size amount. Regenerating Toner – Antioxidant-rich, pH-balanced w/ vitamins A, C and E visibly tones, firms and smoothes skin. Key ingredients: Algae Extract, Sea Buckthorn oil and Witch Hazel- much more than just an astringent to clean the face. Spray directly on face. Toner will also help minimize pores. Intensive Renewal Serum- A powerful blend of clinically proven, collagen-supporting ingredients that visibly firm and lift skin, while diminishing the appearance of fine lines. (Most powerful product, packed full of the key botanicals and elements) Restorative Day Crème SPF20 –HIGH Concentrations of advanced moisture-enhancing ingredients support collagen, and protect and restore skin’s youthful appearance. (your choice…regular or extra moisturizing) Corrective Eye Crème – Enjoy immediate visibly firming and moisturizing benefits. The eye crème moisturizes the delicate skin around the eye and is great for reducing dark circles and puffiness! Exclusive blend supports collagen! Night Crème –Ultra-hydrating blend of botanicals and concentrated vitamin C supports collagen and helps repair skin. Strengthens, firms and encourages cell recovery while you sleep. Targeted protection against moisture loss. Demonstrate to guests how quick and easy it will be to use all products Arbonne has what they call “The Fab Five!” The 5 best selling products in the company! The first four are in the skincare line that we just tried & the 5th is our Makeup primer! Sample Primer on back of guests’ hand or face: Vitamin-rich makeup primer visually diminishes fine lines and pores, creating a canvas for flawless makeup application. (It also helps your make-up stay on longer and it feels like silk!) Apply the primer after your moisturizer, before your foundation.) Genius Products: Nightly resurfacing pads and Booster Serum for Body

19 Work from home, part-time! Incredible income potential
So, before I share with you how to get these products at a discount, I want to share with you the BEST thing about Arbonne…the business opportunity! Every time I do an Arbonne event, someone always comes to me afterwards and asks about becoming a consultant! So, that’s why I am going to share the benefits quickly. You do not have to know a ton of people, be a salesperson or have a lot of free time! You can start your Arbonne business alongside your full-time job and weave it in by just helping your friends and family live a healthier lifestyle! Work from home, part-time! Incredible income potential You can earn $500 extra a month or earn a 6-figure income DM earns $200-$1200 a month, AM earns $1000-$3500, RVP earns $3500-$10,000 and the average NVP earns about $180k A YEAR. Great tax deductions Look at the products on our table. I use these in my home, show and sample them to others and get to write them off as a tax deduction Great training and teamwork approach No geographical territories (US, Canada, Australia, UK) Mercedes Benz Reward Earn trips, Great products & discounts Share your upline’s success story! Any questions? If you’re interested, I have a packet here that I would love to send home with you so you can learn more!


21 I am excited for you to see our amazing catalogue filled with great products! But 1st, Let’s see who won our games… 1.) Let’s draw from our client profile cards to see who won a free product! Congrats! 2.) Who has the most kisses? Wow! Lots of Q’s! Thanks! 3.) Now it’s time for Deal or No Deal! Take out your boxes I gave you earlier. The rewards for hosting an Arbonne party are amazing! An average Arbonne party is about $500 in sales, so if that happens that means the hostess will earn $250 in products for only $50 (That’s the 80% discount I mentioned) and 1 Free product of her choice (up to $50) in addition to Free Shipping!!” If your party does less than $500, you still earn great rewards!!!! If you think it would be fun to have a few friends over and earn our great hostess rewards, then you will want to play Deal or No Deal! You can either open the box you have to win the product inside or you can exchange your product for a $50 voucher and choose your own product. Here’s the catch. At least one of the boxes has a product valued at more than $50. Who wants to play? (if guests hesitate, say, “OK, the first 2 people to open their box and say, “DEAL!” I will bring the snacks to your party! Thanks for playing! That was fun! Let’s check our calendars before you leave to pick a date that works for both of us! Now for the fun part. Let’s shop! Here are your catalogues. When you are finished shopping our check out Area is in the kitchen. I can help you come up with a package that is right for you. Thank you so much for coming! This has been a blast!

22 Trifecta Close Make three Stacks on your closing table:
FIRST STACK: Sales clipboard with order forms, applications, pen, calculator, catalog, closing sheet Help each guest place an order right for them. Consider having foundations to try and ask her if she would like you to help find her shade (3 most common shades: Rosy Beige, Honey Beige, Neutral Beige) SECOND STACK: Scheduling clipboard with my open dates sheet or calendar Schedule the party if she played Deal or No Deal, if she didn’t say, “just in case you decided it would be fun to host after we finished our game, here are my open dates.” THIRD STACK: Prospecting Clipboard with ARBONNE NOW Opportunity brochure tied in a PRETTY bow Hand her the brochure and say, “Here is a brochure about Arbonne. Would you consider letting me treat you to coffee to hear a little more about becoming an Arbonne consultant?” The Trifecta Closing station will help you and your consultants to remember to offer every single person the opportunity to become a pc, host or become a consultant! (Don’t forget to call everyone who couldn’t make it to the party to ask them to try a sample and schedule a one-on-one appointment to talk a little more about the company and the products!!!)

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