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science for a changing world Digital Data Collection for Environmental GIS Updating (handheld vs. paper & pen) Beth M. Wrege

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2 science for a changing world Digital Data Collection for Environmental GIS Updating (handheld vs. paper & pen) Beth M. Wrege Charlynne T. Smith

3 science for a changing world Mobile Computing: Why bother? Do you need it?Can you even use it? What does it do for you? Savings (cheap / fast / accurate) Pilot Projects Did it help? (limitations / benefits)

4 science for a changing world Need Data Layers : Update TOPOGRAPHY LAND USE HYDROLOGY IMGEN IMREC TRAIR TRVEH UTSTO BGGEN Groundwater Stormwater Watershed

5 science for a changing world Issue: Management of Data forms Cost of Data Entry labor, time Poor penmanship, missed data, wrong location of data collected Cost of Data QA/QCQuality assurance, data validation - difficult Re-key labor, time Error correction introduce error Data lossLost data due to time lag Time to PublishLess time, collect more data, accuracy, faster release

6 science for a changing world What does it take? Hardware : Software : Wetware

7 science for a changing world Pilot Project Cherry Point MCASFt. Bragg Fort Bragg Cantonment Watersheds

8 science for a changing world Existing Situation What is it going to take? Existing Database ArcView, ArcInfo, DLGs, DRGs, CAD, Pathfinder ArcPAD is a software program, it is a mapping application designed for field data collection and mapping. It works on handheld PocketPC with Windows CE as well as Windows 95, 98, NT and 2000. Handheld CE, memory, ram, rom, interface, expand

9 science for a changing world Planning Forms Development Clearer definition of expected results More training

10 science for a changing world Preparation Fort Bragg Cantonment Area Cape Fear River Basin North Carolina

11 science for a changing world Formats Clips Shapefiles : feature data format JPEG : satellite imagery Bitmaps : photos CADrg : Background Excel/Access Trimble : GPS Dialog Designer for attribute data MrSID : visual background Wireless technology, to download image or map layers ArcIMS : data server uplink

12 science for a changing world Linking imagery Outfall 53 Other field applications…

13 science for a changing world ArcPad for Urban Forest Inventory Management North Carolina State University Urban Forest Management System Spatial Database exists ~ 5,000 trees in the database Periodic updates required as result of field inspections

14 science for a changing world

15 NC State University Landscape Services Division is responsible for Campus plantings: trees, shrubs, flower beds Campus Walkways Routine maintenance and emergency management situations Watering Routes Hurricane Cleanup

16 science for a changing world Urban Forest Health Die-back indicating Leaf Scorch disease Poor maintenance by contractor

17 science for a changing world Agriculture Application County Agricultural Agent works with a variety of farmers Recognizes the need for accurate map of the agricultural fields and plants –Inventory of species, cultivars –Infrastructure: irrigation, wind machines –Records Pesticide Application Disease Testing Integrated Pest Management

18 science for a changing world Mapping the Peach Orchard Base maps are minimal –Digital orthophotography –County roads GPS connection to create accurate data layers –handheld computer becomes the data logger –GPS software not required

19 science for a changing world Data entry form Drop down list Entry field Date Check box Labels Required fields Scroll

20 science for a changing world Create form Based on Attribute Table Select fields you would like to use Create Form Transfer to handheld with project file

21 science for a changing world Transferring from Desktop...

22 science for a changing world... to the handheld Data collection using handheld and ruggedized case

23 science for a changing world... back to the desktop... and update the database Display / features with attribute Query / Immediate Use Edit / create / attribute, delete, modify Data capture / form completion GPS / collected in shapefile format Hyperlink photos

24 science for a changing world Data Transfer Methods Storage cards Infrared transfer Paper

25 science for a changing world End User Applications NCSU – Improved Efficiency Updates are in the hands of the field supervisor –Without a fulltime GIS technician the database receives more updates Effectiveness allows time for new applications –Integrated pest management program Communication Between DepartmentsCommunication Between Departments Agriculture Extension Simplified, economical access to data Improve documentation process and assist farmers Less training and computer power required...

26 science for a changing world Results: Digital Data Collection We will meet our publication deadlines –Elimination of data input process Reduction in data entry time – redirect effort –Elimination of data input validation Data are now checked daily by field person and map checked on plot –Elimination of data loss (data safe-keeping) Transmitting the data in for validation, creates a backup copy –Increase in Quality Errors are identified and remedied in the field Validation of location –Provide near real-time access to data The data are digital when collected

27 science for a changing world Additional Benefits Using mobile computing to leverage existing GIS Field Portable GIS Correction of GIS data GPS polygon capture Creation of attributed files Transportable Memory – Multiple Users

28 science for a changing world Mobile digital data acquisition Limiting Factors Only Shapefiles Need to have existing GIS Memory : storage : filesize (32mb, 133, color) CE device Advantages Mr.Sid Field data Real-time data capture Image in the field Wireless data aquisition

29 science for a changing world Today Pilot at Cherry Point No Pilot at Ft. Bragg Management of over 5000 trees Implementation of Integrated Pest Management Program

30 science for a changing world Future Applications

31 science for a changing world Water Quality Sampling Sites Route map updates Locations Validation NPDES Illicit Discharge Inspections Field Data Acquisition

32 science for a changing world Surface Water Sites

33 science for a changing world Surface Water Sampling Volunteers Validation Location accuracy Repeatability

34 science for a changing world Urban Forestry & Agriculture Inventory Pest Management Pesticide Applications –Water Quality –Worker Safety

35 science for a changing world Action Mobile computing for my situation will improve accuracy, reduce labor, provide a quality product in a timely manner. It requires both up front costs and planning Fast / accurate / cheap

36 science for a changing world Mobile Computing Working smarter... not harder

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