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Presentation Pointers for Trainers Educating Seniors.

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1 Presentation Pointers for Trainers Educating Seniors

2 Know your Audience and what you will be presenting Get Prepared: Know your product – Be sure you know the ins and outs of the library and resources it offers. Know who we are and what the library is about. Why is the Library important to the audience you are presenting to? Do your homework: Know your customer/patrons – Match your language to what your patrons want, whether it’s homework help or genealogy. Make you library’s resources easy to find – be prepared to show just how easy our resources are to find. Can they find the resources quickly? Speak your patrons language- You must speak your patrons language so they can navigate the resources with ease. Go get em! – Get the word out

3 Tools for Presenting Library website –  My Library/ My Account Parts of My Account – entire card number and pin (last 4 digits of phone) required View items checked / check profile information Borrowing Privileges Renewals Loan Periods Requests / How to place hold – entire card number and pin (last 4 digits of phone) required - specify pickup location Interlibrary Loans  Online Now Audio eBooks Book News On-Demand Videos Tumblebooks Learning Express Novelist eResearch

4 Tools for Presenting  Library Catalog: Books, DVDs, CDs Lists New at the Library New Movies New Music Bestsellers Book Reviews, Awards & More Movie Reviews, Awards and Ratings Music Awards & Reviews Book Clubs & More Audio ebooks  Browse WLD books and Audio books  Brows WLD Movies & Music  Searching – Basic & Advanced  Kids & Teens Links/brief  Ways to ask a question Phone us Email us Visit us FAQ Ask Colorado Link

5 Senior Database Resources card number required (Not an exhaustive list) Ancestry Library Edition Genealogy research database. Accessible from within the library. No remote access. Consumer Health Complete Full text articles on health & medicine topics from encyclopedias, directories, medical dictionaries, periodicals, newspapers and the Internet. Digital Sanborn Maps of Colorado Provides digital access to 631 historical large-scale maps of 150 Colorado towns and cities. Health Source Consumer Edition Consumer health information on topics including the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine, and general health. HeritageQuest Genealogy research database.

6 Senior Database Resources card number required (Not an exhaustive list) LegalForms Official, State specific, Federal, Personal, Real Estate, and General forms. Mergent Online Business resource. Company profiles. Novelist Fiction Readers Advisory and book discussion. Search more than 135,000 titles by author and series. Find read-a-likes by author or plot. Newspaper Archives Historical newspapers including the Greeley Tribune up to 1977. Reference USA Search 650,000 Physicians and Dentists; U.S. Company search; U.S. White pages. Includes information on International companies.

7 Helpful Resources Helpful videos Brochures: Database brochure Computer class brochure Check with the PIO office for current versions of supplemental brochures and handouts HPLD general brochure (purple) Equipment needed: projector, laptop, bulletin board, etc Any “freebie” gifts, such as HPLD pens or such – (folks LOVE gifts!) Better yet – take a laptop and show them our website. This would be determined by accessibility. (Include instructions for checking out the aforementioned laptop (and projector, if needed).

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