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SOCI3055A STUDIES IN ADDICTIONS January 30, 2007 Part II – Alcohol, drugs and other forms of addiction.

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1 SOCI3055A STUDIES IN ADDICTIONS January 30, 2007 Part II – Alcohol, drugs and other forms of addiction

2 Overview Readings:  Griffen, P., S. Endicott, S. Lambert (1991). “The Social Origins of Canadian Narcotic Drug Prohibition” in Panic and Indifference. The Politics of Canada’s Drug Laws. A Study in the Sociology of Law. Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. pp. 45-101.  P. Jenkins (2003). “The Next Panic” in Drugs, Crime, & Justice. Contemporary Perspectives. Eds. L. Gaines and P. Kraska. Illinois: Waveland Press, Inc. pp. 87-98.  E. Goode (2003). “Alcohol and Tobacco. The Real Dangerous Drugs?” in Drugs, Crime, & Justice. Eds. L. Gaines and P. Kraska. Illinois: Waveland Press, Inc. pp. 383-397.

3 Class outline 1. January 23 class review – 2 minute paper 2. Carolyn Franklin, CCSA, Senior Advisor, National Framework Secretariat 3. Project groups 4. Continue from January 23 class: The epidemiology of alcohol and drugs 5. 2006 Healing Our Spirit Worldwide Conference keynote speaker, Carol Hopkins

4 1. January 23 class review “Whether it is fair or just to criminalize the possession and sale of heroin and cocaine while keeping alcohol and tobacco legal is essentially unanswerable; it is a moralistic and ideological, not a sociological issue” (Goode, 390).

5 2. Carolyn Franklin, CCSA, Senior Advisor, National Framework Secretariat

6 3. Group work = Team work 1.Smoking (illicit drugs, tobacco) 2.Alcohol 3.Cocaine 4.Sex addiction 5.Caffeine 6.Safe injection facilities 7.Gambling 8.Mental health & substance abuse 9.Sex workers & drug use 10.Drug use among youth 11.Crystal meth

7  “Past experience suggests that such an account would be accepted quite uncritically by the media, which views its role in such matters as essentially stenographic – recording the fact that a new drug epidemic is in progress and seeking to enhance the charges without critically examining whether they have the slightest validity. But if they ever did choose to apply a sceptical approach, critical observers would find grave flaws at every stage of the presentation” (Jenkins, 88).

8 4.Epidemilology of alcohol and drugs continuation  Women, girls and substance use  “There is no single point in a woman’s life when a discussion of substance use or abuse is not relevant. Each stage of life offers unique challenges that can lead to addiction” ( The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (2006).  Women, Girls and Substance Use 303D1B799C8F/0/ccsa0111422005.pdf 303D1B799C8F/0/ccsa0111422005.pdf

9 What the data tells us… ALCOHOL  Women and girls consume less alcohol and drink less frequently than men.  Patterns show a greater increase in past year use among women than men. PAST- YEAR USE 1994-95 NPHS 1998-99 NPHS 2004 CAS Female71.5%74.0%76.8% Male79.8%82.2%82.0%

10 8.9% of current female drinkers reported hazardous drinking in the past year. 7.1% of women reported at least one harm in the past year from their own drinking. 32.6% of women reported at least one harm in the past year from others’ drinking. Drinking during pregnancy  14.2% of children under 2 whose mothers were under 25 were exposed to some prenatal alcohol compared to 21.6% of children whose mothers were aged 35 and older (1998-99 NLSCY).

11 DRUG USE  39% of females reported using cannabis at some point in their lifetime.  10% of females reported using cannabis in the past year.  Women’s use of other drugs in their lifetime: Hallucinogens (7%), cocaine (7%), speed (4%), ecstasy (3%), inhalants (0.7%), IDU (0.6%), heroin (0.5%), steroids (--)  19.8% of women reported one or more harms from their drug use in their lifetime (not including cannabis) and 16.0% reported one or more harms due to their past-year use.

12 We need to consider….  Social attitudes about women and girls affect their substance use  Pathways to substance use are unique for girls and women  Health consequences of substance use differ for girls and women in comparison to males  Specific challenges faced by pregnant women and mothers who use substances  Trauma, violence and abuse are linked to substance use for girls and women

13 The 2004 United Nations report on Substance Abuse Treatment and Care for Women concluded that: “[e]ngaging and retaining pregnant and parenting women in treatment requires collaboration between the substance abuse treatment sectors or prenatal care and child welfare…Ideally, services should be accessed through a single site” (p. 56).

14 5. 2006 Healing Our Spirit Worldwide Conference keynote speaker, Carol Hopkins

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