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Art Cognitive and Psychodynamic Psychological Perspectives.

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Presentation on theme: "Art Cognitive and Psychodynamic Psychological Perspectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art Cognitive and Psychodynamic Psychological Perspectives

2 Housekeeping Bring money for Dunkies Tour the MFA in groups for the time we’re there Schedule (1-617-827-1069) ▫Maroon Café at start of 2 nd period. ▫Dunks ▫10:15-1:15 MFA ▫1:15 BACK AT THE BUS! ▫1:15 eat on bus

3 Guidelines for proper behavior for school group during gallery activities policies Considerate behavior is expected of all visitors. Use inside voices. Always walk, don't run. You must comply with the directions of the gallery guard In case of emergency, notify the gallery guard. Gallery capacity is at the discretion of the gallery guard. Any group or individual whose behavior is disruptive will be asked to leave. An aisle for public passage in the galleries must be maintained at a minimum width of 36 inches (wheelchair width). Food and drinks, including water bottles, are prohibited in galleries. Do not touch the artwork; oil and dirt from your hands damage the art. Pencils not pens.

4 Why are we going to the MFA? Cognitive Psychology ▫Creativity ▫Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Psychodynamic Psychology ▫Jungian Archetypes ▫Art Therapy

5 Creativity Preparation Research: Collect information or data. Incubation Percolation: Milling over collected information. Illumination Light Bulb Idea: Aha moment. Implementation Actual Making, creating: Verification.




9 Dance at BougivalPie rre-Auguste Renoir

10 The Letting Go Sarah Sze

11 Multiple Intelligences Spatial Linguistic Logical-mathematical Bodily-kinesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic Existential



14 Still Life with Bread, Ham, Cheese, and Vegetables Luis Meléndez Slave Ship (Slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying, Typhoon Coming On)Joseph Mallord William Turner

15 Jungian Archetypes Family archetypes ▫The father: Stern, powerful, controlling ▫The mother: Feeding, nurturing, soothing ▫The child: Birth, beginnings, salvation Story archetypes ▫The hero: Rescuer, champion ▫The maiden: Purity, desire ▫The wise old man: Knowledge, guidance ▫The magician: Mysterious, powerful ▫The earth mother: Nature ▫The witch or sorceress: Dangerous ▫The trickster: Deceiving, hidden Animal archetypes ▫The faithful dog: Unquestioning loyalty ▫The enduring horse: Never giving up ▫The devious cat: Self-serving The Persona The Anima The Animus The Shadow

16 Mother and child (ntadi)Artist Unidentified, African Virgin and Child Domenico Corvi Royal Oak, Michigan 1984 Nick Nixson

17 Art Therapy Art therapy is a mental health profession that uses the creative process of art making to improve and enhance the physical, mental and emotional well-being of individuals of all ages. It is based on the belief that the creative process involved in artistic self-expression helps people to resolve conflicts and problems, develop interpersonal skills, manage behavior, reduce stress, increase self-esteem and self-awareness, and achieve insight.

18 Linda Nolchin and Daisy Alice Neel Based in New York, Alice Need specialized in blunt and revealing portraits of friends and acquaintances. Here she captures the influential art historian Linda Nochlin and her daughter. Neel's deliberately crude brushstrokes and vibrant palette preclude the flattery typical of much portraiture. Nochlin's looming head and large, discerning eyes challenge the viewer. Her confrontational stare contrasts with Daisy's open and eager encounter with both painter and viewer.

19 Room in Brooklyn 1932 Edward Hoppe

20 Unlimited Psych Immersions! Tweet @whsappsychology #whsmfa ▫Jungian archetypes ▫Pics ▫Psych jokes Only use your phone in the lobbies.

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