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11/5/14 BIOLOGY MRS.TURGEON “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” –Dalai Lama OBJECTIVES SWBAT: 1.Demonstrate knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "11/5/14 BIOLOGY MRS.TURGEON “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” –Dalai Lama OBJECTIVES SWBAT: 1.Demonstrate knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/5/14 BIOLOGY MRS.TURGEON “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” –Dalai Lama OBJECTIVES SWBAT: 1.Demonstrate knowledge of quarter 1 during review DO NOW: 1. Pluto being reclassified as a dwarf planet is an example of science being _________________.

2 11/5/14 BIOLOGY MRS.TURGEON Reminders: 1. Midterm tomorrow! (Study guide is on line!)

3 Biology 1 st Quarter Review Game 1. You will work in your POGIL groups 2. Group #1 will go first. 3. Only #1 answers the question (everyone else shhh) 4. Group #2 goes next and so on….. 5. The winning team wins a secret surprise!

4 Question 1 Pine Tree  Pine Beetle  Woodpecker  Black Rat Snake Which of the organisms in the above food chain is a tertiary consumer? A. Woodpecker B. Black Rat Snake C. Pine Tree D. Pine Beetle

5 Question 1 The answer is “B” the Black Rat Snake

6 Question 2 The stage of a compound light microscope carries out which function? A. Provides light for viewing the image. B. The part of the microscope a person looks through. C. Magnifies the image of the specimen. D. A platform that supports a slide holding the specimen.

7 Question 2 The correct answer is “D” a platform that supports a slide holding the specimen.

8 Question 3 Squirrels are animals that often eat acorns which keep the acorn population from growing out of control. This is a description of the __________ of squirrels in an ecosystem. A. habitat B. niche C. community D. None of these

9 Question 3 The correct answer is “B” Niche.

10 Question 4 An army ant colony travels on the forest floor, they stir up various flying insect species. As the insects flee from the army ants, birds following the ants catch the fleeing insects. The relationship between the ants and birds is an example of: A. Parasitism B. Mutualism C. Commensalism D. Competition

11 Question 4 The correct answer is “C” commensalism. The Bicoloured Antbird is almost completely dependent on its commensalistic relationship with army ants for food.

12 Question 5 In this graph, the average speed in this experiment is the A. Control Group B. Independent variable C. Dependent variable D. Qualitative variable

13 Question 5 The correct answer is “C” the dependent variable.

14 Question 6 The process by which you are able to maintain a constant 98.6 degree body temperature in 0 degree weather is called: A. Homeostasis B. Evolution C. Symbiosis D. Metabolism

15 Question 6 The correct answer is “A” homeostasis.

16 Question 7 The smallest unit that has all the characteristics of life is A. Tissue B. Atom C. Organism D. Cell

17 Question 7 The correct answer is “D” the cell.

18 Question 8 Give the correct order for the levels of ecological organization from largest to smallest: A. Population, Biosphere, Ecosystem, Community, Organism B. Biosphere, Community, Ecosystem, Organism, Population C. Ecosystem, Biosphere, Population, Community, Organism D. Biosphere, Ecosystem, Community, Population, Organism

19 Question 8 A. The correct answer is “D” Biosphere, Ecosystem, Community, Population, Organism.

20 Question 9 Which of the following is a characteristic of all living things? a) A) The ability to move. b) B) Having an orderly structure. c) C) The ability to breathe. d) D) Having blood.

21 Question 9 The correct answer is “B” having and orderly structure.

22 Question 10 The best scientists once believed that the Earth was flat, now it is believed that the Earth is round; this is an example of science being: A) empirically based B) subjective C) tentative D) socially and culturally embedded

23 Question 10 The correct answer is ‘C’ Tentative means that it is subject to change.

24 Question 11 Which of the following are considered abiotic factors in the environment? A) water B) temperature C) sunlight D) ladybug

25 Question 11 The correct answer is A, B, C Abiotic factors are non-living.

26 Question 12 Bacteria breaks down a dead lion, this make the bacteria which of the following? A) heterotroph B) decomposer C) autotroph D) tertiary consumer

27 Question 12 The correct answer is ‘B’. A decomposer breaks down dead material.

28 Question 13 The fact that science REQUIRES observation and data shows that science is… A. tentative B. empirically based C. laws and theories D. socially and culturally embedded

29 Question 13 B. empirically based means that it is based upon data from observations

30 Question 14 Which of the following are examples of quantitative data? A) the room has 16 desks B) the room is warm C) there are 29 students in the room D) the students in the room are smart

31 Question 14 The answer is ‘A’ and ‘C’. Quantitative data deals with measurements and numbers.

32 Question 15 Which part of an experiment is the part that you change or manipulate? A) dependant variable B) control group C) hypothesis D) independent variable

33 Question 15 The answer is ‘D’.

34 Question 16 All of the squirrels living in Chicagoland is an example of… A) a community B) an ecosystem C) an organism D) a population

35 Question 16 The answer is ‘D’. A population is all the members of one species living in a given area.

36 Question 17 Why is a pyramid a good representation of the energy structure in an ecosystem?

37 Question 17 There is more energy at the bottom (producers) than the top since only 10% of the energy get transferred from one level to the next.

38 Question 18 An experiment is set up to determine which color light makes an aquatic plant undergo photosynthesis the fastest. 4 different plants are placed under white, red, blue, and green light while a 5 th is placed in the dark. All oxygen produced by the plant is captured and measured. A) What is the independent variable? B) What is the dependant variable? C) What is the control group?

39 Question 18 A) The independent variable is the thing that you manipulate- color of light. B) the dependant variable is the thing that you measure- amount of oxygen produced C) The control group is the group that does not have the variable- the plant in the dark.

40 Question 19 What cycle is the picture depicting?

41 Question 19 The answer is the water cycle.

42 Kilo (k) Hecto (h) Deca (da) Base Unit gram/liter/meter Deci (d) Centi (c) Milli (m) Micro (µ) Nano (n) Question 20 37 ml = _____?____ hl Question 21 5.34 dam = ____?_____ cm

43 Questions 20, 21 Question 20 37 ml = 0.00037 hl Question 21 5.34 dam = 5340 cm

44 Question 22 What percentage of energy is passed from one trophic level to the next?

45 Question 22 10%

46 Question 23 What is the difference between an autotroph and a heterotroph?

47 Question 23 An autrotroph makes its own energy from sunlight A heterotroph must eat another organism to get energy

48 Question 24 What is a hypothesis?

49 Question 24 A proposed explanation that answers a question

50 Question 25 Ideally, how many variables should be in an experiment?

51 Question 25 1

52 Question 26 Name an organism that removes CO 2 from the atmosphere?

53 Question 26 Plants

54 Question 27 If a microscope has an ocular lens of 10X and an objective lens of 40X, what is the total magnification?

55 Question 27 10 x 40 = 400X

56 Question 28 What is the ultimate source of all energy on Earth?

57 Question 28 The sun

58 Question 29 What is the difference between a food chain and a food web?

59 Question 29 A food chain shows the energy path to one apex consumer. A food web shows all the possible food chains in a given ecosystem.

60 Question 30 What are you going to do to study for your Quarter 1 Exam?

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