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CSE 332: Course Review Goals of this Course Review Survey what we’ve covered so far (breadth) Touch on key ideas in each major topic –Please make sure.

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1 CSE 332: Course Review Goals of this Course Review Survey what we’ve covered so far (breadth) Touch on key ideas in each major topic –Please make sure you’re comfortable with the details of each of these, too (depth) –More emphasis on material since midterm –But we’ll also revisit some key topics Give you a chance to ask questions, if any –Please stop me at any time –And I’ll ask a few questions to provoke discussion

2 CSE 332: Course Review Part I: Material from Before the Midterm Exam Material from before Midterm will make up between 1/3 and 1/2 of the Final Exam Make sure you understand and are comfortable with anything that you missed on the Midterm Please also look at the Midterm Review Slides –I’ll revisit some of the major themes, you should take a look at the others I won’t have time for here

3 CSE 332: Course Review Iteration, Progress, Termination Iteration is fundamental to loop control –Loop is a (hopefully ;-) bounded series of steps Iteration progresses through a range of steps –Loop is unbounded if no progress is made For example if someone left off the increment: ++i; –Loop is unbounded if range does terminate For example, if test is badly formed: while (c < 32767) Three main questions to answer –How does the loop’s range start –How does the loop’s range stop –How to move from one step to the next Many kinds of ranges –Examples include integer, exponent, logical

4 CSE 332: Course Review Pass By Value void foo () { int i = 7; baz (i); } void baz (int j) { j = 3; } 7 7 → 3 local variable i argument variable j (initialized with the value passed to baz, then assigned value 3) Think of this as declaration with initialization, along the lines of: int j = what baz was passed;

5 CSE 332: Course Review Pass By Reference void foo () { int i = 7; baz (i); } void baz (int & j) { j = 3; } 7 → 3 local variable i j is initialized to refer to the variable that was passed to baz: when j is assigned 3, the passed variable is assigned 3. 7 → 3 again declaration with initialization int & j = what baz was passed; argument variable j

6 CSE 332: Course Review Execution Control and Exceptions try { // can throw exceptions } catch (Derived &d) { // Do something } catch (Base &d) { // Do something else } catch (...) { // Catch everything else } Control jumps to first matching catch block Order matters if multiple possible matches –Especially with inheritance- related exception classes –Put more specific catch blocks before more general ones –Put catch blocks for more derived exception classes before catch blocks for their respective base classes catch(...) –catches any type throw; –does not throw a type –essentially a call to abort()

7 CSE 332: Course Review Arrays of (and Pointers to) Pointers int main(int argc, char * * argv) { for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { cout << argv[i] << endl; } return 0; } Can have pointers to pointers Can also have an array of pointers (like a const pointer to a pointer type) E.g., argv parameter in main –Array of pointers to character strings –Could also declare as a pointer to the first pointer –Array dimension is not specified –Instead a special argument ( argc ) holds array size By convention, character strings are zero terminated –Special char is ‘\0’ not ‘0’ 0xefffbab0 char * * argv int argc 2 0xefffa0d0 hellotest\0

8 CSE 332: Course Review Stack vs. Dynamic Allocation The program call stack records function calls –Keeps a stack of “frames” – one frame per function call –Keeps values of local variables/objects in each frame –Passes parameter values/references from caller –Passes return values/references back to caller –Stack frames “pop” (and contents are destroyed) on return The program heap provides additional memory –Allocated “as needed” (dynamically) to a running program –Operator new obtains memory from the heap And returns a typed pointer to the dynamically allocated memory May perform initialization before returning value, if value given –Can also just initialize a given previously allocated location –Must release allocated memory with operator delete

9 CSE 332: Course Review Memory Management, Part II Understand how to use new and delete operators –Match every new with a corresponding delete –Match every new [] with a corresponding delete [] – Don’t mix new with delete [] or new [] with delete –Use std::nothrow to prevent new from throwing exception But then you must check the return value of the call to new is != 0 Or, initialize pointer to 0, open try block, allocate, catch exception –Dynamically allocated memory contains whatever was sitting at that location due to earlier program operations Use explicit allocation if you know values to use when allocating Use “placement new” to initialize allocated memory locations We’ll use both stack and heap memory from now on –Especially when we talk about classes and objects

10 CSE 332: Course Review Class Members and Memory Locations class Date { public: Date (); Date (const Date &); Date (int d, int m, int y); virtual ~Date (); operator= (const Date &); int d () const; int m () const; int y () const; void d (int); void m (int); void y (int); string yyyymmdd () const; private: int d_, m_, y_; }; Date d int d.d_ logical memory location int d.m_ int d.y_ Actual memory locations class members live in whichever memory segment an object (a class instance) was created

11 CSE 332: Course Review Constructors A constructor has the same name as its class Establishes invariants for the class instances (objects) –Properties that always hold –Like, no memory leaks Notice parameters given in base/member initialization list –Members constructed in order they were declared List should follow that order –Set up invariants before the constructor body is run –Help avoid/fix constructor failure class Date { public: Date (); Date (const Date &); Date (int d, int m, int y); //... private: int d_, m_, y_; }; Date::Date () : d_(0), m_(0), y_(0) {} Date::Date (const Date &d){ : d_(d.d_), m_(d.m_), y_(d.y_) {} Date::Date (int d, int m, int y) : d_(d), m_(m), y_(y) {}

12 CSE 332: Course Review Destructors Constructors initialize objects –At start of object’s lifetime –implicitly called when object is created (can call explicitly) Destructors clean up afterward –At end of object’s lifetime –implicitly called when object is destroyed (can call explicitly) –Compiler provides if you don’t Defined as member-wise destruction Common scenario with dynamic memory management –Constructor sets pointer to 0 –Constructor or another function allocates (calls new or new []) –If another function deallocates, sets pointer back to 0 when appropriate –Destructor deallocates if needed (calls delete or delete []) class Date { public: virtual ~Date (); //... private: int d_, m_, y_; }; Date::~Date () { // nothing to do here } class Calendar { public: virtual ~Calendar (); //... private: size_t size; Date * dates; }; Calendar::~Calendar () { delete [] dates; }

13 CSE 332: Course Review More on Initialization and Destruction Initialization follows a well defined order –Base class constructor is called That constructor recursively follows this order, too –Member constructors are called In order members were declared Good style to list in that order (compiler may warn if not) –Constructor body is run Destruction occurs in the reverse order –Destructor body is run –Member destructors are called –Base class destructor is called That destructor recursively follows this order, too Declare destructor as virtual (so it’s polymorphic)

14 CSE 332: Course Review Assignment Operator Compiler supplies if you don’t –Does member-wise assignment Similar to copy constructor –But must deal with existing value –And no initialization list Watch out for self-reference –Assignment to self s = s; // perfectly legal –Efficiency, correctness issues Watch out for aliasing/copying –Copying an int vs. an int * –Copying an int vs. an int & –Copying an int vs. an int [] –More on this throughout semester class Date { public: operator= (const Date &); //... private: int d_, m_, y_; }; Date::operator= (const Date &d){ d_ = d.d_; m_ = d.m_; y_ = d.y_; } int main (int, char *[]) { Date a; // default constructor Date b(a); // copy constructor Date c = b; // copy constructor a = c; // assignment operator }

15 CSE 332: Course Review Static vs. Dynamic Types Pointers have static types –References have them too… –Type with which it was declared –Most general type it can alias Base is more general than Derived –Static type of bptr is Base* –Static type of dptr is Derived* What’s pointed to / referenced has a dynamic type –Type of object currently aliased Dynamic type of *bptr can be either Base or Derived Dynamic type of *dptr is Derived –Expands if classes inherit from Derived –May change if pointer reassigned –May change if reference parameter is passed a different object class Base { public: Base (int i); Base (const Base & b); virtual ~Base (); void operator= (const Base & b); void i (int i); int i () const; private: int i_; }; class Derived : public Base { public: Derived (int i, int j, int k); Derived (const Derived & d); virtual ~Derived (); void operator= (const Derived & d); void j (int j); int j () const; void k (int k); int k () const; private: int j_; int k_; }; int main (int, char *[]) { Base b (1); Derived d(2, 3, 4); Base * bptr = d; Derived * dptr = d; }

16 CSE 332: Course Review Virtual Destructors and the Class Slicing Problem class A { public: A () {cout<<" A";} virtual ~A () {cout<<" ~A";} }; class B : public A { public: B () :A() {cout<<" B";} virtual ~B() {cout<<" ~B";} }; int main (int, char *[]) { // prints "A B" A *ap = new B; // prints "~B ~A" : would only // print "~A" if non-virtual delete ap; return 0; }; Derived class destructor called before base class destructor But, need to watch out for static versus dynamic type differences Making destructor virtual –ensures chain of destructor calls starts at dynamic type and moves up –Otherwise would start at static type (would “slice off” calls to destructors of more derived classes) “Class slicing problem” can also occur with pass/catch by value –Only static type gets copied –Another reason to always catch/pass by reference (using const if needed)

17 CSE 332: Course Review Part II: Material Since the Midterm Exam Material from after Midterm will make up between 1/2 and 2/3 of the Final Exam (Make sure you understand and are comfortable with anything that you missed on the Midterm)

18 CSE 332: Course Review Overriding vs. Overloading Signature is what distinguishes overriding from overloading –Signature is operator/function name + ordered list of argument types –Same name, same signature means overriding E.g., D::add(int, long) and B::add(int, long) (same sig) –Same name, different signature means overloading E.g., D::add(int, long) and B::add(long, int) (different sig) Overriding (we covered this for virtual functions) –Same signature, but different scopes –Derived class can give its own separate definition for function/operator –If virtual, can be resolved polymorphically, using dynamic type –If non-virtual, is resolved using static type (derived class “hides” base) –Only member functions and member operators can be overridden Overloading –Different signatures in a common scope, declarative scopes may differ –Each overloaded operator or function must have its own definition –Can overload non-member functions and operators too!

19 CSE 332: Course Review Restrictions on Overloading Operators For overloaded operators, precedence rules apply –So, it’d be a bad idea to overload ^ to mean exponentiation –But, it’s fine to overload > for input Can’t overload some of them for user-defined types sizeof (instance/type memory size) :: (scope resolution). (member selection via variable/reference).* (member selection via pointer) ?: (conditional operator) typeid (Run Time Type Identification information) static_cast (all the cast operators) dynamic_cast const_cast reinterpret_cast

20 CSE 332: Course Review Introduction to Function Templates template void swap(T &lhs, T &rhs) { T temp = lhs; lhs = rhs; rhs = temp; } int main () { int i = 3; int j = 7; swap (i,j); return 0; } Basic idea –same code is re-used for different types Function template swap –takes one type parameter, T Definition interchanges values of two passed arguments –of the parameterized type Compiler infers type is really int when swap is called Compiler instantiates the function template definition using type int

21 CSE 332: Course Review Introduction to Class Templates template class Array { public: Array(const int size); ~Array(); private: T * values_; const int size_; }; int main() { Array a(10); Array b(5); return 0; } Parameterized type T must be specified in class template declaration –Both as a parameter, and where it’s used in the class When an instance is declared, must also explicitly specify the concrete type parameter –E.g., int vs. string in function main() –In previous function template example, didn’t have to say swap

22 CSE 332: Course Review Inheritance vs. Concept Refinement Explicit inheritance relation between classes –Class2 advertises its parent, Class1 Implicit refinement relation between concepts –Concept2 adds to the requirements of Concept1 Concept1 Concept2 T1T2 T3T4 refines models Class1 Class2 T1T2 T3T4 inherits from is an instance of

23 CSE 332: Course Review Template Specialization Allows us to override behaviors –Of function templates or class templates Can override default (base) behavior: template print (T t) {cout << t << endl;} template <> print (char * str) {cout << (void *) str << endl;} Partial specialization possible (some compilers) –Leave some types unspecified –While specializing on explicit types for others –E.g., on a null_guard type to remove acquire and release overhead if no dynamic allocation is done

24 CSE 332: Course Review Specializations Give Polymorphism template <> void print (ostream & os, const char * message, const bool & b) { os << message << std::boolalpha << b << endl; } template <> void print (ostream & os, const char * message, const charptr & s) { os << message (s); if (s != 0) { os << " (points to \"" << s << "\")"; } os << endl; } template <> void print (ostream & os, const char * message, const intptr & ip) { os << message << ip; if (ip != 0) { os << " (points to " << *ip << ")"; } os << endl; } Specialize on individual types bool char * int * –Notice the use of typedef With specialization, we get i is 7 b is false ip is 0xfeebf064 (points to 7) cp is 0x8048c30 (points to "hello, world!") vp is 0x8048c30 And, we can reuse the solution! template void print (ostream & os, const char * message, const T & t) { os << message << t << endl; }

25 CSE 332: Course Review Container Forward Container Reversible Container Random Access Container Sequence Front Insertion Sequence Back Insertion Sequence General Container Concepts refined by models vector deque list Notice containers can have multiple classifications –Useful to look at differences between data structures! –Back vs. front insertion –Forward vs. reversible vs. random access More general concepts higher in the hierarchy More specific concepts appear farther down slist

26 CSE 332: Course Review Container Simple Associative Container Pair Associative container Unique Associative Container Sorted Associative Container Multiple Associative Container Hashed Associative Container Associative Container Concepts Associative Container Forward Container set multiset map multimap hash_set hash_multiset hash_map hash_multimap refined by models

27 CSE 332: Course Review Overview of STL Iterators STL iterators generalize different uses of pointers Interface between algorithms and data structures –Algorithm manipulates iterators, not containers Iterator “value” can be in one of 3 kinds of states: –Dereferenceable (points to a valid location, like in an array) –Past the end (points just past last valid location) –Singular (points to nothing, like a zero pointer) Iterators may be compared for equality Iterators may be copied and assigned The iterator family consists of five concepts: –Input Iterator, Output Iterator, Forward Iterator, Bidirectional Iterator, and Random Access Iterator –We’ll look at each of these categories in detail

28 CSE 332: Course Review Some Definitions Related to Ranges A valid range can be traversed safely with an iterator An empty range [p,p) is valid If [first, last) is valid and non-empty, then [first+1, last) is also valid –Proof: iterative induction on the range If [first, last) is valid –and position mid is reachable from first –and last is reachable from mid –then [first, mid) and [mid, last) are also valid If [first, mid) and [mid, last) are valid, then [first, last) is valid –Proof: divide and conquer induction on range

29 CSE 332: Course Review Iterator Concept Hierarchy Input IteratorOutput Iterator Forward Iterator Bidirectional Iterator Random Access Iterator value persists after read/write values have locations can express distance between two iterators read or write a value (one-shot) Linked-list style access ( slist ) Bi-linked-list style access ( list ) Array/buffer style access ( vector, deque ) “destructive” read at head of stream ( istream ) “transient” write to stream (ostream)

30 CSE 332: Course Review Advice for Designing Your Own Iterators Use the iterator concept requirements as a checklist Make you support both constant and mutable objects Define associated types appropriately –More on this in the lecture on generic programming Provide as wide an iterator interface as possible without loss of efficiency Obey the aliasing rule we talked about with pointers –Two iterators equal if and only if they point to same variable i == j &(*i) == &(*j) *i == *j

31 CSE 332: Course Review Advice for Using Iterators Write a concept expression checklist for iterator developers to use in designing their iterators Watch out for empty ranges Require as narrow an iterator interface as possible without loss of efficiency –Avoid over-constraining unnecessarily –E.g., requiring just == and and != Use selective dispatching techniques to provide both efficiency and generality

32 CSE 332: Course Review Associated Types: Key Ideas to Consider Difference Type –Type for “distance” between two iterators i1 and i2 –E.g., ptrdiff_t Reference, Value Types –For T *p, value type is T, *p normally returns T & –For const T *p, value type is const T, *p gives const T & Iterator Category –What concept(s) it models how far? units?

33 CSE 332: Course Review Algorithm Concepts and Models Remember a concept gives a set of type requirements –Classify/categorize types (e.g., random access iterators) –Tells whether or not a type can or cannot be used with a particular STL algorithm (get a compiler error if it cannot) E.g., we couldn’t use a linked list iterator in find1 or even find2 Any specific type that meets the requirements is a model of that concept –E.g., list ::iterator vs. char * in find Different abstractions (bi-linked list vs. array iterators) No inheritance-based relationship between them But both model iterator concept necessary for find

34 CSE 332: Course Review Concepts and Modeling, Continued What very basic concept does the last statement in STL find, (the line return first; ) assume? –Asked another way, what must be able to happen to first when it’s returned from function find ? –Same requirement imposed by by-value iterator parameters What other capabilities are required of the Iterator and T type parameters by the STL find algorithm ? template Iterator find (Iterator first, Iterator last, const T & value) { while (first != last && *first != value) ++first; return first; }

35 CSE 332: Course Review Matching an Algorithm to the Iterators it Needs CategoryOutputInputForwardBidirectional Random Access Read =*p Access -> [] Write *p= Iteration ++ ++ -- ++ -- + - += -= Comparison == != == != = What STL iterator category does find require?

36 CSE 332: Course Review Examples of Function Object Usage struct GT_magnitude : public binary_function<double, double, bool> { bool operator() (double x, double y) { return fabs(y) < fabs(x); } }; struct LT_magnitude : public binary_function<double, double, bool> { bool operator() (double x, double y) { return fabs(x) < fabs(y); } }; int main (int, char **) { vector u,v; for (double d = 0.0; d < 10.1; d += 1.0){ u.push_back (d); v.push_back (d); } sort (u.begin(), u.end(), GT_magnitude()); sort (v.begin(), v.end(), LT_magnitude()); ostream_iterator o (cout, “ ”)); copy (u.begin(), u.end(), o); copy (v.begin(), v.end(), o); return 0; }

37 CSE 332: Course Review Function Object Concepts Basic Function Object Concepts –Generator –Unary Function –Binary Function Adaptable Function Objects (turn functions into functors) –Adaptable Generator –Adaptable Unary Function –Adaptable Binary Function Predicates (return a boolean result) –Predicate –Binary Predicate –Adaptable Predicate –Adaptable Binary Predicate –Strict Weak Ordering Specialized Concepts –Random Number Generator –Hash Function

38 CSE 332: Course Review Function Object Concept Hierarchy Adaptable Function Object Basic Function Object Specialized Predicate is-refined-by Generator Unary Function Binary Function Assignable Adaptable Generator Adaptable Unary Function Adaptable Binary Function Hash Function Random Number Generator Predicate Adaptable Predicate Binary Predicate Adaptable Binary Predicate Strict Weak Ordering

39 CSE 332: Course Review Type Programming Techniques in C++ Associated types –Let you associate a type with another type –Given one type, let you obtain another type –Let you control encapsulation of type information Typedefs –Let you give a known type another name –Let you name associated types consistently Across various user-defined/built-in/const/non-const types Traits –Let you associate user-defined and built-in types –Let you provide consistent access across types

40 CSE 332: Course Review Partial Specialization of Iterator Traits Fourth approach: a complete solution –Use partial specialization of a general traits struct template Still have to parameterize struct iterator_traits with typename I Can’t do full specialization since we’re using type parameter T –Gives us different versions of the iterator_traits struct For user-defined, built-in types For const, non-const types –C++ compiler will select the most specific match // Based on Austern, pp. 35 template struct iterator_traits { typedef typename I::value_type value_type; }; template struct iterator_traits { typedef T value_type; }; template struct iterator_traits { typedef T value_type; };

41 CSE 332: Course Review Declaring Your Own Traits Could have used pointer traits already provided by the STL –But, it’s good to see the technique itself again So you can associate other types as needed –Notice use of partial specialization and use of typename, again –Notice separate partial specializations for const and non-const, again Now we have our associated types –Can use in an even more generic print function template template struct print_traits { typedef typename T::value_type value_type; }; // partial specialization for pointers template struct print_traits { typedef T value_type; }; // partial specialization for const pointers template struct print_traits { typedef T value_type; };

42 CSE 332: Course Review Using Traits in a Generic Function Template Generic print function template –Takes iterator type parameter –Takes iterators as function parameters (define a range) Used typedef for convenience –Here, as a kind of local type name declaration –Avoid excessive use, but can aid coding style in some cases Applies generically to iterators –Including const and non-const pointers to memory locations #include "print_T.h" #include using namespace std; template void print (I i, I j) { typedef typename print_traits ::value_type VTYPE; ostream_iterator osi (cout, " "); copy (i, j, osi); cout << endl; }

43 CSE 332: Course Review New Idea: Associated Type for Iterator Category Output iterator typename iterator_traits ::iterator_category Input, forward, bidirectional, and random access iterators typename iterator_traits ::iterator_category typename iterator_traits ::value_type typename iterator_traits ::difference_type typename iterator_traits ::pointer typename iterator_traits ::reference Iterator category types: empty structs for type tags (note use of inheritance) struct output_iterator_tag {}; struct input_iterator_tag {}; struct forward_iterator_tag : public input_iterator_tag {}; struct bidirectional_iterator_tag : public forward_iterator_tag {}; struct random_iterator_tag : public bidirectional_iterator_tag {};

44 CSE 332: Course Review Dispatching Algorithms using Iterator Tags A better approach: static dispatch –Different signatures of implementations (allows overloading) –Compile-time iterator type test based on iterator category tags –Can use traits to give tags to pointers –Links to the best implementation // Based on Austern, pp. 38, 39 template void move (Iter i, Distance d, forward_iterator_tag) { while (d>0) {--d; ++i} // O(d) } template void move (Iter i, Distance d, random_iterator_tag) { i+=d; // O(1) } template void move (Iter i, Distance d) { move (i, d, iterator_traits :: iterator_category()); } tag (empty class) type explicit constructor call

45 CSE 332: Course Review copy Algorithm (Input vs. Random Access) First version of copy compares iterators Second version of copy compares distance No performance improvement in number of assignments made but each comparison may be faster template inline _OutputIter __copy (_InputIter __first, _InputIter __last, _OutputIter __result, input_iterator_tag) { for ( ; __first != __last; ++__result, ++__first) *__result = *__first; return __result; } template inline _OutputIter __copy (_RandomAccessIter __first, _RandomAccessIter __last, _OutputIter __result, random_access_iterator_tag) { typedef typename iterator_traits ::difference_type _Distance; for (_Distance __n = __last - __first; __n > 0; --__n) { *__result = *__first; ++__first; ++__result; } return __result; }

46 CSE 332: Course Review “Gang of Four” Design Pattern Structure Gang of Four (GoF): Gamma, Johnson, Helm, Vlissides –Authors of the popular “Design Patterns” book A pattern has a name –e.g., the Command pattern A pattern documents a recurring problem –e.g., Issuing requests to objects without knowing in advance what’s to be requested or of what object A pattern describes the core of a solution –e.g., class roles, relationships, and interactions –Important: this is different than describing a design A pattern considers consequences of its use –Trade-offs, unresolved forces, other patterns to use

47 CSE 332: Course Review A More Complete Pattern Form: “Command” Problem –Want to issue requests to objects –Don’t know in advance which request(s) will be made –Don’t know in advance to what object(s) they will go Solution core –Encapsulate function call parameters and target object reference inside an “execute” method Consequences –Decouples invocation/execution –Commands are first-class objects (elevates functions) –Easy to compose, add new ones Example we’ve seen already –STL function objects

48 CSE 332: Course Review Structure Diagram Example: “Command” Shows fixed class/interface roles in the pattern Shows fixed relationships between roles > action(args) execute ( ) state_ * client rolecommand role inheritance

49 CSE 332: Course Review Collaboration Diagram Example: “Command” Shows dynamic interactions between pattern roles –Labels show what interaction does (here, labels show methods called) Often used to diagram each of several key scenarios –“Happy path” when everything works, plus different error cases aCommandanInvokeraClientaReceiver / construct store executeaction time

50 CSE 332: Course Review Idiom Example: Guard Problem –Want to tie key scoped behaviors to actual program scopes e.g., program trace, resource acquisition/release, locking –However, tying functions to functions is error-prone e.g., forgetting the release call, exceptional return paths Solution –Design a special adapter class whose constructor and destructor call the key scope entry and exit behaviors –Create a guard object on the program call stack (in a scope) Context limitations –Mainly limited to languages with constructor/destructor

51 CSE 332: Course Review Design Patterns Summary We’ve looked at quite a few patterns –Singleton: share a class instance across multiple uses –Command: package up a function as an object –Iterator: access elements sequentially no matter how stored –Adapter: converts interface you get into one you want –Factory method: creates a related type polymorphically –Bridge: allow interface, implementation to vary separately –Chain of responsibility: give request to chain of handlers –Composite: common interface to composite/simple objects –Interpreter: build a representation for a simple language –Observer: tell registered observers when state changes –Strategy/template method: vary steps/all of an algorithm –Proxy: forward requests from placeholder to another object –Memento: package up object state without violating encapsulation –Visitor: allow various operations on fixed set of objects (2-way dispatch) Think of these as a “design vocabulary” that you can use CSE 432 will use these throughout next semester –In iterative refinement of project designs and implementations

52 CSE 332: Course Review Final Exam 8-10am Wednesday, December 21 st –In the lecture hall, Whitaker 218 –120 minutes, starting promptly at 8am –Two 8.5” x 11” pages allowed (both sides ok) –Please bring a few pens and/or pencils –Exam is otherwise closed no books, other notes, PDAs, cell phones, etc. Alternate final exam time and location –Monday December 19 th, 10am-noon, Bryan 509C –You must ask in advance if you want to take the final then

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