1 Highly confidential – do not distribute 360°SIMS – In Line System Main Components.

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1 1 Highly confidential – do not distribute 360°SIMS – In Line System Main Components

2 2 Highly confidential – do not distribute SPV DS EVENT BUS GATEWAY MC ISA Sqn MGR Rls MGR FIXED GAUGE Ntf MGR PLC DF API System Event BASIC MODULE CORE MODULE ANYBUS Connection Fx.Sns MGR System Modules Map (In Line 360°SIMS) Field BUS DEVICE-NET or TCP-IP OPTIONAL MODULE

3 3 Highly confidential – do not distribute System Modules Std. Location (In Line 360°SIMS) PC SPV SUPERVISOR GATEWAY EVENT BUS FIXED SENS. COMP ISA SQN MGR RULES MGR DS They could be elsewhere ROBOT 1 ROBOT 2 PC 1PC 2 MEASUREMENT COMPONENT 1 MEASUREMENT COMPONENT 2 PLC

4 4 Highly confidential – do not distribute GATEWAY (+Event Bus) The Gateway is a software layer that allows all the Modules to talk each other, even through a network. It runs over the Event Bus, which is the true distributor of all messages (Events), generated by each single software Module. Each Module generates Events related to its responsibility. Gateway distributes the Events to all the other Modules. Each Module receives all the Events coming from Gateway and, depending by the Event type, will use or not the information carried into it. For historical reasons the Supervisor is the only one Module that, at present, is linked directly to the Event Bus. Working principle is anyway the same. Gateway doesn’t have UI (User Interface), just a SPY utility. EVENT BUS GATEWAY

5 5 Highly confidential – do not distribute SUPERVISOR The SUPERVISOR (SPV) Module collects all the Events coming from MC, DS, Sqn MGR and talks to the PLC through a dedicated connection (ANYBUS). SPV send Events to MC, Sqn MGR and requests to the PLC. SPV shows the current MC status, the name of running program, Error messages and Warning messages. SPV has a UI. At present SPV can force the execution of Calibration cycles at Start up. SPV

6 6 Highly confidential – do not distribute MEASUREMENT COMPONENT The MEASUREMENT COMPONENT (MC) Module handles the Optical Heads (could be two or more), collects all the measured data (also coming from external sources), packs these data into a unique data set, sends the data to DS. Part programs creation is still done by CoreView Teach. The handling of Optical Head means: Load the requested Measurement Program Run measurement cycle and synchronize the Tile acquisition through the dedicated Robot connection Send parameters to OH and receive back data from OH Control all the process of all the OH’s Handle OH calibration cycles as needed Measured data management means: Unify (combine) data coming from ALL sensor (could be also some external) Send measured data MC

7 7 Highly confidential – do not distribute RULES MANAGER The RULES MANAGER (Rls MGR) Module is designed to create rules, working on the results of measurement, that can override the tolerances defined in the Set up created in MC component (through CoreView Teach). The general condition of a complete cycle (Exit Status) can be either defined as a single or a combination of different status, determined by every single measurement result. The Exit Status (Good, Critical, Not Good, Not Measured, Reject, Stop the Line, Stop the Plant, Do whatever you want but please stop making cars… ) is then sent to the SPV. Depending by Customer choice the action to take, related to the Exit Status, can be performed either at SPV or PLC level. Rls MGR has UI. Rls MGR

8 8 Highly confidential – do not distribute ISA ISA (In Line Station Application) The In Line Station Application (ISA) Module displays the measurement results in a graphic form. It’s the interactive link with the Line Operator, to show him what’s going on. ISA can show results of the last executed cycle as: Single drops (Features) Cross sections Colored map. ISA can also show trend charts that display the last “n” executed cycles. ISA displays also the System Status, a progress bar of current cycle execution, a self-updating mapping of Exit Status (in percentage), based on the last… cycles. ISA has a UI.

9 9 Highly confidential – do not distribute DATA SERVER The DATA SERVER (DS) is the link to the Data Base. This Module collects all measured data from MC. DS shares the measured data with Rls MGR and ISA. Form Rls MGR receives the Exit Status and send it to the SPV. Due to the huge amount of data exchanged among these Modules it has been decided to use a different channel (API) instead Gateway + Event Bus. This will prevent the jam the Gateway, which is used to synchronize all the actions to be taken in the whole System. DS doesn’t have UI. DS

10 10 Highly confidential – do not distribute Sqn MGR SEQUENCE MANAGER The Sequence Manager (Sqn MGR) Module handles the execution order of different programs. This module can create several lists that contain the sequence of the program to be executed. Each list can be linked to a different part type. The use of the lists covers different application scenarios: In case of In Line installation for BIW inspection, is quite sure that one single program can’t measure the whole part within the cycle time. The solution is to create more programs that measure only a section of the part (Splits) and populate the list with the desired execution sequence. In case of In Line installation for Closures or subassemblies, Sqn MGR can be used to handle different part types coming into the cell. In this case each list may handle just one program but the System will be able to switch automatically the program execution, depending by the incoming part type. Sqn MGR as a UI

11 11 Highly confidential – do not distribute Ntf MGR NOTIFICATION MANAGER The Notification Manager (Ntf MGR) Module has only one task: send notifications (like sms, email, what’s up, twitter…) to a predefined list of persons. The rule to send a notification is established in Rls MGR Module. Ntf MGR doesn’t have UI.

12 12 Highly confidential – do not distribute FIXED SENSOR MANAGER The Fixed Sensors Manager (Fx.Sns MGR) is still under construction. A Fixed Sensor has to be intended as “any external measurement data source that is not a WLS400 Optical Head”. At present there are two types of Fixed Sensor available: Optical (Camera + multiple laser stripe) Contact (Digital scales embedded into RPS_Device) In both cases the sensor must be driven by a software module, given by sensor supplier or by H.M. The Fx.Sns MGR should be linked to the above mentioned software module to perform the following functions: Synchronize the measurement event Gathering data from sensors Send measurer data to MC Fx.Sns MGR shouldn’t have UI (may have a Set up Interface) Fx.Sns MGR

13 13 Highly confidential – do not distribute Cycle flow – Part Measurement (Standard execution) 1.  PLC reads Part Type and Part Sn. PLC sends the information to SPV 2.  SPV sends Part Type Info to Sqn MGR. Sqn MGR sends back to SPV the Program name (Bundle) to be executed, according to the counter value of the active list. 3.  SPV sends to MC the request to “Prepare” (load into the memory) the Bundle to be executed. MC answers “Ready” when the specified Bundle is loaded. SPV forwards the info to the PLC. 4.  When “Part loading/clamping” cycle is completed (and all required conditions are ok) PLC sends to SPV a signal “Start Measure”. SPV forwards to MC the signal “Start Measure”. Depending by customer standards the Run command of the Robot Cycle can be given actually either from MC or PLC. 5.  In parallel with the Robot Cycle, each time the Tiles related to a feature have been grabbed, that feature is computed and the data are sent from MC to DS. 6.  At the end of Robot Cycle, SPV receives “Robot Complete” form MC and in theory may run a calibration cycle split, if needed (see related section – Calibration). 7.  After the computation of the last measured feature, MC sends the data to DS and then sends “Feature Calculation Complete” to SPV. 8.  DS asks to Rls MGR the “Exit Status” of measurement cycle (in other words if the part is Good, Critical, Rejected, etc.). DS sends “Cycle Complete” (with Exit Status) to SPV. 9.  As mentioned before (Rls MGR description) the Exit Status may have different “Action Lists” that must be created case by case, depending by customer needs. 10.  Unless the Action linked to the actual Exit Status is “Stop”, SPV sends a “Move to Next Count” request to Sqn MGR. Then the cycle starts again form Point #1

14 14 Highly confidential – do not distribute Cycle flow – Calibration Mandatory (User / MC request) 1.  At any time a “Mandatory Calibration” request can come either from User or MC component. In this case SPV will not execute any measuring cycle (except the one is running) before the complete calibration cycle is finished. 2.  The request can be related to OH calibration, TCO calibration or both. 3.  In the normal flow, Calibration request (coming from MC only) are not “Mandatory” type but “Optional”. This means that only the split specified in the request will be executed. 4.NOTICE: for In Line installation the Calibration Cycles (OHC and TCO) are fractioned in some split, in order to be executed within the Part Unloading/Loading time.

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