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1 Preferred citation style for this presentation Axhausen, K.W. (2006) Next steps ?, MATSIM-T Developer Workshop, Castasegna, October 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Preferred citation style for this presentation Axhausen, K.W. (2006) Next steps ?, MATSIM-T Developer Workshop, Castasegna, October 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Preferred citation style for this presentation Axhausen, K.W. (2006) Next steps ?, MATSIM-T Developer Workshop, Castasegna, October 2006.

2 Next steps ? KW Axhausen with comments by K Nagel IVT ETH Zürich October 2006

3 3 Conceptual starting point Competition for slots on networks and in facilities Activity scheduling k(t,r,j) i,n q i ≡ (t,r,j) i,n Mental map

4 4 Upcoming projects and possibilities at ETH KTI – Speeding it up (7 PY) SNF – Influenca dissemination (1/2 PY) NFP 54 – Parking supply agent (decision by October) ETH – Retail supply agent (decision by March) VW – Social networks & travel (second stage in preparation) BAK – Road pricing application (first talks) Kanton – Uetlibergtunnel impact (first talks)

5 5 Upcoming projects and opportunities at TU Berlin VOLVO (2PM left) -- dynamic road pricing COOPERS (10 PM) -- telematics scenarios Tsunami evacuation (3PJ) -- application pending VW – Social networks & travel (second stage in preparation) (see above)

6 6 Other initiatives PTV project for an XML-kernel for data exchange between models (BMBV) PUMA, TU/E, CEMDAP, PB and CS in search of a DTA ?

7 7 What do we have to do in the next 12 months ? Interface to TeleAtlas and to commerical databases Overnight run for 8 mio agents to steady state (with small parallel machine ?) Mode choice (planomat or brain ?) Routers for public transport, cyclists, pedestrians Better chains, durations and timings Destination choice at parcel level Parameter estimation for planomat Validation phase

8 8 What do we have to do in the next 12 months ? Stabilize matsim on sourceforge Regression testing Moving towards better code robustness User interface? (Output database) Analysis tools

9 9 First ideas for the to do list Mode choice (in the steady state context): Travel time surface for any x,y – pair and any time t for all modes (intermodal routes ?) (taste differences ?) Cost model parking; tolls Cost model public transport Speed: Better initialisation of speeds (speed surfaces) Reuse of travel time surfaces between scenarios More intelligent replanning rates Scheduling module (GA, CMA, Ant optimisation, etc. ?)

10 10 First ideas for the the to do list Better chains as inputs: Larger range of chains (realistic trip rates) Coding of chains also by duration class Improved (variation of) time windows Validation: Quality of population synthesis Traffic counts (and their comparability) Use of the speed estimates from the FCD data

11 11 Other goals Plug & play Quasi – commercialisation Behavioural richness Steady state and evolution

12 12 Plug & play ? Do we want to invest into XML – standards (e.g. RailML ?) Integration into OPUS Interface to PUMA Interface to VISUM/VISSIM Interfaces to Tasha, Albatross, FAMOS, CEMDAP

13 13 Quasi-commercialisation Target: Consultancy or research group with sound GIS/data management capabilities Some programming skills Requirements: Data conversion and imputation tools Integration with BIOGEME and parameter estimation tools Run management and data extraction/comparison Visualisation and animation (Link to OpenEV or Saga) Better documentation, starter kit,

14 14 Behavioural richness Agenda generation (Habib & Miller) Household interaction Shared trips Timetable coordination Social network interactions Location choice Timetable coordination Capacity constraints at destinations

15 15 Behavioural richness Intermodal routes Richer traffic flow model Traffic control systems Parking and parking search Supply side agents Parking DRT Shopping

16 16 Evolution over multiple days (periods) Dynamic agenda generation Seasonality Communication between agents Generating the initial mental map Storing the mental map Updating the mental map

17 17 Priorities Share of effort for development and for interfaces ? What do we want to do when ? Who does what when ? How do we choose ? How do we monitor progress ?

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