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Presentation on theme: "Fallacies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fallacies

2 You Suck! Ad Hominem

3 Dogs love me because you can’t prove that they don’t love me
Negative proof fallacy

4 Argument from Consequences
If we accept that humans evolved, then many religious people will lose their faith. Argument from Consequences

5 You cannot clearly define what a doodlebug is, therefore we cannot discuss whether or not they exist. Loki’s Wager

6 Everyone knows Cheetos are the best snack food.
Appeal to Omnipotence

7 I’m right because I am the teacher.
Appeal to Authority

8 You used as hominem, therefore you are wrong.
Argument from fallacy

9 If you want to levy a tax to support health care, then the government can levy a tax for any reason, even to steal puppies. Reductio Ad Absurdum

10 You are wrong because you used and appeal to authority.
Argument from Fallacy

11 We know that dogs like cheese. Look at the monkey!
Red herring

12 We should do it this way, because that is the way it has always been done.
Appeal to Tradition

13 Everyone knows that Mr Sephton is the best teacher.
Appeal to Omnipotence

14 “How often do you steal from your parents?”
Begging the Question

15 If you are in favour of the death penalty, you must also be in favour of less strict gun laws.
Package deal fallacy

16 YOU REALLY SUCK!!!! Proof by verbosity

17 Definition Fallacy (No True Scotsman)
All teachers are smart. I know that Sephton is kinda dumb, but he’s not a real teacher. Definition Fallacy (No True Scotsman)

18 I know that global warming is a myth because an oil executive told me it was.
False attribution

19 You’re either for us or against us
False dilemma

20 Cavemen were not happy because they couldn’t play Nintendo wii.
Historian’s Fallacy

21 When you compared the consistency of the bells to the sun rising, your point is wrong because the sun doesn’t really rise, the earth rotates. False Analogy

22 Every cell in the human body is microscopic therefore the human body is microscopic.

23 Everyone likes tea because my uncle likes tea.
Cherry Picking or Proof by Example

24 Mr. Sephton is kind because he told me that he is and he wouldn’t lie because he is too kind to lie.
Begging the Question

25 Inconsistency Fallacy
You need evidence to back up your point, but I don’t because I just know it to be true. Inconsistency Fallacy

26 You claim to be against arguing, but you are arguing your point.
Tu Quoque

27 You cannot clearly define what a doodlebug is, therefore we cannot discuss whether or not they exist. Loki’s Wager

28 Crime must be increasing because the news reports more murders now than they did before.
False Attribution

29 I know that dogs do not think because Chewbacca was the least intelligent character in Star Wars.
Red herring

30 If you believe that students can be trusted, then you must also believe that students do not need a dress code. Package deal fallacy

31 Organic food is better because it is more natural
Naturalistic Fallacy

32 If dogs are cool, then we like to pet them.

33 You only want to believe in fate just believe it because you don’t want to be responsible for your actions. Ad Hominem

34 If we allow homosexuals to get married, then soon anyone can marry any thing.
Slippery Slope

35 If we allow people freedom of speech, they will want the freedom to do anything they choose, even murder, then everyone will be dead. Slippery Slope

36 I don’t want to argue with you because you are dumber than me.
Ad Hominem

37 You want to decriminalize a drug
You want to decriminalize a drug. I can’t believe you want to make all drugs perfectly legal. Straw Man Fallacy

38 If you think that dogs make good pets, then you must be against eating meat.
Package Deal Fallacy

39 I know that this book is accurate, because the book tells me that it is accurate.
Circular Reasoning.

40 Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time. Ad Hominem

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