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Using light to make food

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1 Using light to make food
PHOTOSYNTHESIS Using light to make food

2 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Autotrophs are the producers of the biosphere
Autotrophs are the producers of the biosphere Plants are autotrophs Producing their own food and sustaining themselves without eating other organisms What are we? We are heterotrophs

3 Plants, algae, and some bacteria are photoautotrophs
Plants, algae, and some bacteria are photoautotrophs Producers of food consumed by virtually all organisms Figure 7.1A–D

4 Plants are AUTOTROPHS :make their own food
PLANTS USE ENERGY FROM THE SUN TO TRANSFORM CO2 AND WATER INTO ENERGY RICH CARBOHYDRATES(glucose). Plants are AUTOTROPHS :make their own food Plants supply all the energy (food) for life on earth and the oxygen that most organisms need

5 How old is photosynthesis? How important is it?
Evidence of photosynthesis exists in rocks 3.5 billion years old. Photosynthesis is the largest biochemical process on earth. Importance? Photosynthesis supplies OXYGEN to earth atmosphere and FOOD to all organisms

6 Photosynthesis is the process by which certain organisms use light energy to make sugar and oxygen gas from carbon dioxide and water. Light energy PHOTOSYNTHESIS 6 CO2 + H2O Carbon dioxide Water C6H12O6 O2 Glucose Oxygen gas

7 Where in the plant does photosynthesis occur?
In the CHLOROPLAST. The leaf is a food factory. The light trapping pigments are inside the chloroplasts embedded in the thylakoid membranes. STOMATA or STOMA are openings on the leaf surface through which CO2 and O2 as well as water vapor go in and out of leaves.

8 Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts
Where does it occur? Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts Occurs primarily in the leaves, in the chloroplasts, which contain stroma, and stacks of thylakoids called grana Leaf Cross Section Leaf Mesophyll Cell Mesophyll Vein Stoma CO2 O2 Chloroplast Grana Stroma TEM 9,750  Granum Thylakoid space Outer membrane Inner Intermembrane LM 2,600  Figure 7.2

Chloroplasts conver t solar energy to chemical energy (in sugars). . Found in plants and some protists. This is where PHOTOSYNTHESIS takes place TEM 9,750 Chloroplast Stroma Intermembrane space Inner and outer membranes Granum

10 Sites to check:

Chloroplasts conver t solar energy to chemical energy (in sugars). . Found in plants and some protists. This is where PHOTOSYNTHESIS takes place TEM 9,750 Chloroplast Stroma Intermembrane space Inner and outer membranes Granum

12 Thylakoids Thylakoids are membranes that look like green flattened sacs stacked upon each other. Granum is a stack of these sacs The STROMA is the fluid between the membranes.

13 Plants produce O2 gas by splitting water
The O2 liberated by photosynthesis Is made from the oxygen in water Reactants: Products: 6 CO2 12 H2O C6H12O6 6 H2O 6 O2 Labeled Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Not labeled + Figure 7.3A–C

14 Photosynthesis is a redox process, as is cellular respiration
Photosynthesis is a redox process, as is cellular respiration In photosynthesis H2O is oxidized and CO2 is reduced Reduction Oxidation 6 O2 6 H2O 6 CO2 C6H12O6 Figure 7.4A, B

15 PHOTONS AND PIGMENTS PHOTONS are packets of light energy Light: electromagnetic energy waves that travel in waves of different lengths PIGMENTS are molecules that absorb light energy (photons) CHLOROPHYLL is the main pigment in plants. Absorbs the blue and red portions of the visible light spectrum and scatters or reflects back the green wave length. This is why plants look green. CAROTENOIDS reflect the reds and yellows

wavelengths of visible light (red,blue), absorbed by pigments drive the light reactions of photosynthesis Increasing energy 10–5 nm 10–3 nm 1 nm 103 nm 106 nm 1 m 103 m Gamma rays X-rays UV Infrared Micro- waves Radio Visible light 400 500 600 700 750 650 nm Wavelength (nm) Transmitted light Absorbed Reflected Light Chloroplast 380 Figure 7.6A, B

17 Overview: Photosynthesis occurs in two stages linked by ATP and NADPH
Overview: Photosynthesis occurs in two stages linked by ATP and NADPH The complete process of photosynthesis consists of two linked sets of reactions The Light Dependent Reactions and The Calvin Cycle (discovered by Calvin and Benson)

18 Photosynthesis: H2O + CO2   O2 + C6H12O6 + H2O
water carbon light oxygen glucose water vapor dioxide energy

capture sun light use light energy to make ATP use ATP to make carbohydrate molecules from CO2(carbon dioxide) and H2O (water)

is the first stage of photosynthesis. It takes place in the thylakoid membranes. Oxygen is released, Water molecules are split. Oxygen gas diffuses out ATP and electrons are carried to the next stage. Electrons are used to make ATP.

21 Light Dependent Reactions (In thylakoids of chloroplasts)
This is where light energy is converted to a form that can be used by plants to build Carbon compounds (sugars) 1.The energy of sunlight hits the photosystems (cluster of pigment molecules) and excites chlorophyll (pigment) electrons to a higher energy state. Light energy is absorbed by the photosystems 2. Water molecules split, oxygen is released. Light energy is converted to chemical energy (ATP formation) NADPH electron carrier take electrons from chlorophyll to the Calvin Cycle.

22 The Calvin cycle assembles sugar molecules from CO2
The light reactions Convert light energy to chemical energy and produce O2 The Calvin cycle assembles sugar molecules from CO2 Using ATP and NADPH from the light reactions Figure 7.5 Light CO2 H2O Chloroplast LIGHT REACTIONS (in thylakoids) CALVIN CYCLE (in stroma) NADP+ ADP + P ATP NADPH O Sugar Electrons

ATP and NADPH power sugar synthesis in the Calvin cycle The Calvin cycle occurs in the chloroplast’s stroma Consists of carbon fixation, reduction, release of G3P, (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate)and regeneration of RuBP Figure 7.10A Input CO2 ATP NADPH CALVIN CYCLE G3P Output:

(In stroma of chloroplasts ) This is a cyclic pathway where the final products are also the first reactants on the cycle The Calvin Cycle uses the energy in ATP and NADPH to synthesize carbohydrates. Carbon enters the cycle as a molecule of CO2

Takes place in the stroma of the chloroplasts. This is the “synthesis” part of photosynthesis. Making food (glucose) and trapping CO2 to incorporate carbon into living things.

26 CALVIN CYCLE- making glucose
The energy from ATP and NADPH+ go into the bonds of a glucose molecule. Electrons ( hydrogens) from the carrier molecule are put together with CO2 to make glucose. An enzyme called RUBISCO fixes the CO2 ( from the air) by bringing together the CO2 and the sugar.

Fixes Carbon (from CO2) using the enzyme rubisco. This enzyme catalizes the binding of carbon from CO2 to RuBP ( ribulose bisphosphate). This is how all carbon enters the world of life. Put together sugars using ATP and NADPH as energy sources. The final product is a three carbon sugar called G3P (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate) G3P is a sugar phosphate that can be modified to form glucose

Review: Photosynthesis uses light energy to make food molecules Light H2O CO2 NADP+ Photosystem II Photosystem I Electron transport chains ADP P + RUBP CALVIN CYCLE (in stroma) 3-PGA Stroma G3P NADPH ATP O2 LIGHT REACTIONS CALVIN CYCLE Sugars Cellular respiration Cellulose Starch Other organic compounds Thylakoid membranes Chloroplast Figure 7.11

29 C3 PLANTS Plants that use CO2 directly from the air are called C3 plants. Soybeans, oats wheat and rice are C3 plants. In hot dry weather these plants close their stomata ( pores in underside of leaves) to reduce water loss. Since no CO2 can enter, the rate of photosynthesis is reduced and your crop productivity is poor.

30 C4 and CAM plants have special adaptations that save water
In C3 plants a drop in CO2 and rise in O2 when stomata close on hot dry day divert the Calvin cycle to photorespiration ( Rubisco can bind oxygen in place of CO2 as CO2 becomes scarce. When Oxygen enters the Calvin cycle instead of CO2 so it cannot produce sugars ) C4 and CAM plants have special adaptations that save water

31 CAM PLANTS CAM PLANTS In hot and very dry climates. (deserts)
Examples: pineapple, cactus, orchids all the “succulent plants such as Aloe and Jade plants When stoma opens to get CO2 the water can get out. Survival depends on water retention. Adaptation: Stoma is closed during the day and open at night. Co2 is taken in at night and banked until the next day when it is given to the Calvin cycle to make carbohydrates. The CO2 taken in at night stays “banked” until the sun’s energy comes in the next day.

32 CAM plants open their stomata at night
Making a four-carbon compound used as a CO2 source during the day CO2 Figure 7.12 (right half) CAM plant Day CALVIN CYCLE 3-C sugar CO2 4-C compound Night Pineapple

33 C4 PLANTS Have special adaptations to save water without shutting down photosynthesis In hot climates. Examples: grasses , corn, sugarcane In hot climates the stoma closes to keep water in. It also keeps CO2 out and oxygen builds up inside the leaves. Since there is not enough CO2 the enzyme rubisco (that normally binds CO2) binds oxygen and the plants would not grow well. Adaptation : It continues to make sugars with closed stomata. How? These plants use a different enzyme to bind CO2.This enzyme fix carbon twice to produce a 4 carbon compound which can then donate the C to the Calvin cycle

34 C4 plants first fix CO2 into a four-carbon compound
That provides CO2 to the Calvin cycle Figure 7.12 (left half) Sugarcane C4 plant CALVIN CYCLE 3-C sugar CO2 4-C compound Mesophyll cell Bundle-sheath cell

Food. Photosynthesis is the source of all the food that gives us energy ( from the sun) Oxygen production CO2 is the gas plants use to make sugars. CO2 in the atmosphere retains heat from the sun that would otherwise radiate back into space

Photosynthesis moderates global warming Greenhouses used to grow plants trap solar radiation, raising the temperature inside Figure 7.13A

37 Global warming and the Greenhouse effect
Global warming is the slow and steady rise in Earth surface temperatures. Warming is caused by CO2 and other greenhouse gases. It is called the green house effect because CO2 traps heat and keeps it warm near the earth surface. When this occurs in moderation it is a good thing, otherwise the planet would be about 10 degrees colder all the time. The trouble is that we get overheating.

38 What are greenhouse gases?
All the cars and industries that burn fossil fuel produce so much CO2 that we now have 30% more than ever before. This causes global warming. Some greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide CO2, methane CH4, water vapor and others

39 Web sites to check:

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