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English Literature Poetry Revision

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1 English Literature Poetry Revision
Aims: To revise Heaney and Clarke poems To study and dissect an A grade essay

2 Key Skills AO1 – Respond to texts critically, using textual evidence as appropriate AO2 – explore how language, structure and forms contribute to the meaning of a text, considering different interpretations AO3 – explore relationships and comparisons between texts, selecting and evaluating relevant material

3 Dissecting an A grade essay
Read and highlight the following: Explanation of quotes Comparison Evaluation

4 Plan 1. First two poems 2. Second two poems
What do they say about death? Main techniques – 2 each Similarities and differences 2. Second two poems

5 Plan Compare first two poems Compare second two poems
– Views of death – similarities/differences – main techniques they use to convey their views of death e.g. imagery, language etc. Compare second two poems Views of death – similarities/differences Main techniques they use to convey their views of death Evaluate the two pairs of poems Evaluate how successful the poets have been in exploring the theme of death. Which is the most powerful? Justify conclusions with reference to the text.

6 Revision of Key Skills Compare poems – look at
similarities and differences Pick key quotes write formally Explore how the poems link together – either by theme or technique explain the theme of the poem explain how key techniques help the poet to explore a theme

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